Sure enough, Wei Zhenzhen blushed. She was very shy after all. She was obviously worried about Li Zhenwu, but she didn't want to say it. She stammered, "I...I..."

"Hahaha, I know you're worried about Big Brother Li, but I just like to see your blushing cheeks." Li Zhenwu seemed to be unable to stop his own laughter and started to laugh.

Wei Zhenzhen turned around and put on a look like I didn't want to care about you.

"Okay, Zhenzhen, don't be angry, go to bed early, tomorrow I will introduce a senior to you..." Li Zhenwu coaxed Wei Zhenzhen.

"Yeah." He was a gentle person, just because of those few words, he was no longer angry with Li Zhenwu, and then pushed Li Zhenwu who wanted to stay in her room out, and then patted his red face, "Brother Li is really, every time these days, I'm uneasy and kind. What do you mean I'm afraid of life and don't worry about me. If you want to stay here with me, it's really a big bad guy."

Seeing that Li Zhenwu was unsuccessful, he went back to his room and went to sleep.After killing Yu Wenhua and others, Li Zhenwu knew that he would inevitably embark on the road of hegemony, so he slowly opened his heart to seek the Tao, and slowly accepted Wei Zhenzhen.

Originally, after Li Zhenwu obtained the longevity formula, he found that the longevity formula could more quickly integrate the power of the four great treasures, so he decided to focus on cultivation and not to worry about the world, but destiny let him get involved.

"Senior Lu, this is Zhenzhen." The next day, Li Zhenwu took Wei Zhenzhen to see Lu Miaozi.

Wei Zhenzhen looked at Lu Miaozi, who looked like an expert, and seemed a little helpless. She said in a panic, "Meet Senior Lu."

Lu Miaozi looked a little flustered, but he did not lose the gentle Wei Zhenzhen, "What a gentle woman, you are such a blessing."

Li Zhen 2.2 Wu ignored Lu Miaozi's jokes and continued, "Senior Lu, since you also think Zhenzhen is good, why don't you accept Zhenzhen as your apprentice."

Lu Miaozi's eyes lit up, seeing Wei Zhenzhen's gentle and elegant temperament, and after hearing what Li Zhenwu said, he said, "I wonder if other girls agree?"

Seeing Lu Miaozi talking like an old child, Li Zhenwu was also amused, and directly pulled Wei Zhenzhen to Lu Miaozi, "Zhenzhen, please ask your teacher."

"Meet the master." Although Wei Zhenzhen hadn't figured out the situation at this time, he knew that Li Zhenwu would not harm her, so he said directly in front of Lu Miaozi.

"Okay, okay, today's old man's life has finally passed down." Lu Miaozi said with a wisp of beard.

Chapter 32 BMW

"Then Senior Lu, don't hide your secrets." Li Zhenwu looked at Wei Zhenzhen, who was worshiping under Lu Miaozi's door, and said to Lu Miaozi.

"I have learned countless things in my life as a teacher. In the past [-] years, I have been fascinated by the seven aspects of gardening, architecture, machinery, weapons, history, geography and arithmetic. As long as you can learn it as a disciple, you will definitely work hard for the teacher. Full grant." Lu Miaozi didn't even look at Li Zhenwu, he directly lifted up Wei Zhenzhen who was in front of him and said.

"Then what about Senior Lu's way of nature, are you going to take it down?" In the original book, Xu Ziling learned the way of nature from Lu Miaozi before he realized the escape.Without hearing Lu Miaozi talk about the way of nature, Li Zhenwu hurriedly spoke.

"Old man's way of nature, you must be proficient in the number of techniques before you can learn it, otherwise... how can you know the way of nature if it's not right." Lu Miaozi listened to Li Zhenwu's rhetorical question and said directly, but suddenly changed his mind. After thinking about it, I found that it was wrong. It was my own creation. I haven't told anyone yet how the kid in front of me knew about it.

Li Zhenwu was also stunned by Lu Miaozi's words. He didn't know what to say. Should he tell him what I knew after reading the original book, let's not say how much trouble it would bring to him, and Lu Miaozi probably wouldn't Will believe that everything about himself is recorded in the book, "I know a little about deduction."

Seeing that Li Zhenwu was hiding something, the old and sophisticated Lu Miaozi didn't say anything, he turned to Wei Zhenzhen and said, "Wan Fa is not as good as one, what do you want to learn in the seven disciplines? "

Originally, when Wei Zhenzhen heard about the seven disciplines mentioned by Lu Miaozi, she wanted to learn mechanical skills, knowing that she was not talented enough to practice martial arts, so Wei Zhenzhen wanted to learn the skills and could help Li Zhenwu dangerously, but after hearing about Li Zhenwu Said the way of nature and then said, "The disciple wants to learn the mechanics and techniques."

Listener Wei Zhenzhen chose these two courses, and sure enough, the boy in front of him had a great influence on his disciples, "I will teach you the mechanics and techniques as a teacher from today."

"Then Senior Lu, I will retire first, so I won't disturb your old man's apprenticeship." After saying hello to Wei Zhenzhen, he returned to the ranch.

"Master Li, why don't you see Miss Wei?" Li Zhenwu met Shang Xiuxun head-on as soon as he returned to the ranch. He didn't see Wei Zhenzhen in front of him, and Shang Xiuxun asked.

Looking at Shang Xiuxun who appeared in front of him, looking full of vitality, Li Zhenwu seemed to be infected, "Zhenzhen is resting in her room, is there anything the store owner is looking for Zhenzhen?"

After all, Shang Xiuxun hasn't forgiven Lu Miaozi. If you tell her that Wei Zhenzhen is with Lu Miaozi, who knows what will happen.

"Oh, it's nothing, just asking, does Mr. Li want to stroll around the ranch? Xiu Xun can show him." Shang Xiu Xun invited Li Zhenwu to visit the Pegasus Ranch and said.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey." Li Zhenwu didn't know where to go at this time. It happened that Shang Xiuxun invited him to visit the Pegasus Ranch, which was just enough to pass the time.

Seeing the people and cars on the streets, like a prosperous big city, the children even more frolic in groups, which opened Kou Xu's eyes, and he was amazed. He never imagined that there is such a blessed place in the world.

The buildings are all rough and simple, built with stones, and the shape is magnificent.Along the way, there are many bell pavilions, archways, and gates.

The inner fort is even bigger in scale. The main building has five halls and pavilions, and there are side halls and corridors.The big houses are arranged in the fort in an orderly manner, decorated with garden flowers and trees, small bridges and waterfalls, which are elegant and pleasant.

Li Zhenwu couldn't help but admire, "The Pegasus Ranch is indeed a paradise. People come and go, and the folk customs are simple. It can be seen that the owner of the mall is really powerful, and such a large Pegasus Ranch is well-organized."

Shang Xiu Xun smiled embarrassedly, after all, Pegasus Ranch is managed by several deacons, and she is only responsible for the external transactions of Pegasus Ranch, "Young Master Li is laughing, Xiuxun has such great ability, All with the help of a few deacons."

"Master Li, can you take a look at the horses at my Pegasus Ranch?"

Listening to Shang Xiuxun's humility, Li Zhenwu couldn't help but glance up at the woman in front of him. In the original book, the woman in front of him was a woman with both talent and beauty. He didn't expect to be so humble. Going to see the horses, Li Zhenwu nodded, "I want to visit the horses that are famous all over the world at Pegasus Ranch."


Li Zhenwu looked at the countless horses in front of him, and they were really good horses. No wonder after Yang Guang died, countless cases in the world bought horses from Pegasus Ranch.

"Young Master Li, if there is a suitable horse, Xiu Xun can give him a horse." Shang Xiu Xun said, looking at Li Zhenwu, who was watching the horses.

Among the many horses, there is a blue-black horse. It is half a head taller than all the horses. Its fur is shiny and its hips are strong. It stands in the group of horses. Except for a few mares beside me, no other group dares to approach. It is three feet.

"Then I will thank the store owner for his kindness." Then Li Zhenwu pointed to the BMW and asked Shang Xiu, "How about that one?"

"Master Li has good eyesight. That horse was the king of the wild horses at the beginning. It came to Pegasus Ranch not long ago, but he has not been tamed yet. As long as Master Li can tame it, it will belong to Master Li. "Shang Xiuxun looked at Li Zhen's 547 Wu, knocked the king of the horse from the horses, and praised Li Zhenwu as a person who knew horses.

In fact, how did Li Zhenwu know about horses? It was only because Li Zhenwu felt that the vitality of that horse was two or three times higher than that of all horses. From the appearance of the horse and the degree of dominance of the horse, it can be seen that he is a good BMW horse, so Li Zhenwu asked for the horse.

Li Zhenwu walked in front of the horse, with a calm and elegant temperament, so that the horse also slowly approached Li Zhenwu, and then Li Zhenwu stretched out his right hand and touched the horse's head, the horse seemed to be coquettish, swinging He shook his head and raised his head a few times. When Li Zhenwu saw the situation, he knew that the horse had been subdued by him, and then turned over.

Shang Xiuxun actually wanted to see Li Zhenwu make a fool of himself, because after the horse was transported to the Pegasus Ranch, many people in the pasture tried to train it, but most of them were kicked and injured by it. He was easily subdued by Li Zhenwu, thinking in his heart that Li Zhenwu was not only strong in martial arts, but also in training horses.In fact, what she didn't know was that the horse was only attracted by Li Zhenwu's longevity, so he involuntarily approached him and had a good impression of him, so he subdued this BMW.

Chapter 33 The Past of Shang Xiuxun

"Bring a good set of saddles here." Shang Xiuxun shouted at the people who were in charge of the horses.

"Master Li, I would like to try a BMW." Shang Xiuxun said, looking at Li Zhenwu, who was still stroking the horse king.

Soon the servants brought the saddle over and prepared to put the saddle on Ma Wang, but unfortunately Ma Wang was very irritable before it passed.

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