"Vallet owner, you can also guarantee that Zhou Yu is out hunting." Yuwen Chengdu also stood up to vouch for Li Zhenwu.

"Xiaowei Zhou, this old man didn't doubt what you meant, just shocked that someone dared to lick my Yuwen clan's beard." Yuwenshang said this, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Chengdu, immediately send people to search the whole city, and be sure to find the account book."

"Follow your orders." Yuwen Chengdu clasped his fists in response.


"Quick, follow quickly." A group of Sui soldiers ran around the city of Yangzhou, smashing doors from door to door.

Seeing that Sui Bing was clueless and only knew how to smash the door, Li Zhenwu thought, this is a ghost who can find Li Clan's spies.

"Waste, I know that you only know how to smash the door. You haven't found it for so long. Go to those who keep pigeons or have bird cages at home." Li Zhenwu grabbed a group of soldiers and shouted.


After a while, they found Li Clan's spies, "Open the door, open the door, and search the court for criminals." A group of Sui soldiers slammed on the door and shouted.

"Come here, everyone, please." The person opened the door and said.

"There are pigeons, grab them." Sui Bing shouted when he saw the pigeons in the yard as soon as he entered the door.

"What crime did you guys commit, sir, you want to arrest me." Although the visitor was in a panic, he still asked.

"Having a dove is a sin, take it away."

After a while, many people were brought back from the camp. "General Yuwen, all the suspects in Yangzhou City have been brought back. They were found in their home." Li Zhenwu handed the things in his hand to Yuwen Chengdu and said.

Yangzhou City has really become a sieve. This trip even caught the spies of eleven families. Li Zhenwu led people to search the house and retrieved a lot of information.

"Where's the account book?" Yuwen Cheng looked at the things Li Zhenwu handed him, and he turned around but couldn't find the account book, and then asked.

"I didn't find it. I searched all the homes I brought back from outside, but there is no account book." Li Zhenwu replied.

"Forget it, bring them to me for interrogation one by one." Yuwen Cheng looked at Li Zhenwu, who was still a bandit, and said with a sigh.

"I don't know what account book." screamed

"Sir, I haven't seen it before." screamed

"I don't know, I will kill Lao Tzu if you have the ability. Eighteen years later, you will be a hero again."



"General Yuwen, didn't find it?" Li Zhenwu looked at Yuwen Chengdu, who had a livid face, and came out of the tent and asked.

"It's really tough. No one can say where the account books are under such circumstances. I really want to cut them all down." Yuwen Cheng said while holding the sword.

Li Zhenwu thought to himself, if you can find it, you will be a ghost, because they don't have any, but he said, "General calm down, the account book is important."

"A secret room was found at Zhang Xiangzhou's house." A Sui soldier came to report.

Li Zhenwu thought it was really timely, now hehe.

Chapter 45

Back room

"How come there is a dead person here, have you found the account book?" Yuwen Cheng pointed to the dead person on the ground and asked.

"Reporting to the general, the villain found this as soon as he came in, and then immediately told the lord to go, and it was urgent to search before he came."

"Oh, I remembered, this is the one that found pigeons but didn't catch anyone." Li Zhenwu patted his head as if he remembered something, and added a sentence.

"It's been a long time since he died." Yuwen said, wiping the neck of the corpse.

"What are you still doing here, search." Yuwen Cheng looked at the Sui soldiers and shouted.

"I didn't find it, my lord." Sui Bing turned the secret room upside down but couldn't find it, and then returned to Yuwen Chengdao.

Yuwen Cheng looked at the paper on the table for a while, then took out the secret letter from his body, "The handwriting is the same, it looks like someone got in first."

Even if Yuwencheng didn't find it, Li Zhenwu was also going to guide Yuwencheng and found the same handwriting problem. Since Yuwencheng found out, Li Zhenwu didn't say anything more.

That letter was written by Li Zhenwu the night before, imitating him when he killed the spy Zhang Xiangzhou of the Li clan, in order to blame the Li clan.

"Send someone to monitor this place, and if anyone comes, grab it and send it to me immediately." Yu Wencheng ordered out of the secret room.

"Someone was killed, and the account book was not found." Yuwenshang listened to Yuwencheng's words and said.

"Look, keep looking"

Looking at Yuwenshang who was usually indifferent, he suddenly became very angry and shouted, Yuwencheng was also a little scared, and then hurriedly said, "Yes, lord, then I will go down and look for it immediately." Then he hurriedly ran. out.

"Someone, go and help me find General Sima, who is defending the Forbidden Palace." Yuwen thought sadly, hoping to retrieve the account book, otherwise he could only proceed to the last step.

"General Yuwen, what does the lord say?" Li Zhenwu immediately stepped forward and asked as he watched Yuwen Chengdu come out of Yuwenshang's room.

"What else can I do, keep looking for it!" Yuwen Chengdu replied to Li Zhenwu's words as if he was in love with him.

"General, we can start with the spy, first find out who the spy sent, and then decide if he can't find it based on his enemy." Li Zhenwu suggested to Yuwen Chengdu, after all, if we don't investigate Zhang Xiangzhou was a spy of the Li clan, and he only looked for the ledger, so how could he provoke the conflict between the Li clan and the Yuwen clan?

"That's right, I didn't expect Zhou Yu, you only know how to practice martial arts, but you still have such a brain." Yuwen Chengdu listened to Li Zhenwu's suggestion, and after thinking about it, he thought it was a good suggestion, and he said to Li Zhenwu in a joking mood. .


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