"The people belong to the Li clan." Yuwenshang said slowly, sipping the tea. In fact, Yuwenshang had already guessed that this matter should have been done by the people of the four clans, but the most important thing was the account book, as long as Yang Guang didn't have it. Seeing the account book, the feud with the Li clan can be reckoned slowly.

"Master, let's not go to them and ask for an explanation." Yuwen Cheng looked at Yuwen as if he was not injured, and said that he wanted to do something to Li Valve.

"It doesn't matter if you can't find the account book, Chengdu will immediately send more people to retrieve the account book quickly." Yuwenshang put down the teacup, looked at Yuwen Chengdu and said.

"Yes, baby knows." Then Yuwen turned around and went out.

Yu Wenshang was sitting in the hall by himself at this time, thinking silently. He didn't expect that Li Yuan, an old tortoise, usually pretended to be an old woman. He didn't expect that he wanted to touch my Yuwen clan. Yang Guang was so "concerned" about him. He even wanted to order my Yuwen clan's gun battle.

In fact, even Yu Wenshang did not see Li Yuan at all, thinking that Li Yuan was harmless to humans and animals, but who would have thought that Li Yuan would be the one with the deepest thinking among the four clans, otherwise he would not have been among the clansmen and nobles who were going to kill Li surnamed by Yang Guang back then. , have a hard time escaping.

In fact, everyone in the world praised Li Shimin for sending Li Shimin to help Li Yuan, and they thought that Li Yuan was a waste. No one knew that Li Yuan was actually doing a disguise in front of the world. Otherwise, Li Yuan would not have the last laugh at the end of the Sui Dynasty.

"Come and send this letter to Wudi." Yuwenshang handed the letter to the servant, and then thought about Li Yuan, Li Yuan, now your cousin will be looking for you again.

"Look, keep looking." Yuwen Cheng returned to the camp and shouted at the people under his hands.

Li Zhenwu looked at Yuwen Chengdu, who was about to continue looking for the account books, and was about to ask Li Clan about the matter, what should he do?But then I thought about it again, if I asked, and others asked me why I cared about this matter so much, what should I do, so I continued to look for it.

"Booklet, what booklet, what is the Yuwen clan looking for?" Dugu Feng, the owner of the Dugu clan, looked at the information in his hand and whispered. After all, Xiaoguo Army spent a whole day searching for something in the entire city of Yangzhou. As a Yuwen clan The enemy of the Dugu Clan, and there is no news at all, then the Dugu Clan has long been gnawed by the Yuwen Clan to the point of slag.

"Continue to inquire, be sure to find out what the Yuwen Clan is looking for." Dugufeng said.

Early the next morning.

Yuwen Wudi stood up and said to Yang Guang, who was in the first place, "Your Majesty, I have heard that Li Yuan wants to collude with the Turks and is going to attack me, Da Sui. I hope Your Majesty will send troops to attack Li Yuan."

Yang Guang, who was sitting at the top, heard the news, his already pale complexion became even paler, as if Wu Zun's Yan Yang True Qi had already touched his skin, and said in a little panic, "Kill kill kill , Immediately mobilize the army, kill, kill, I want to kill Li Yuan."

Originally, Yang Guang was a more heroic monarch. Unfortunately, since Yu Wenhua and died, Yang Guang has been in a state of fear all day long. He thought that even if his country was gone, he could still be a prince of peace like Empress Chen. Even Yu Wenhua, who is strong in kung fu, is above the grass, so Yang Guang is even more afraid of martial artists with strong martial arts. This is when he heard that he was colluding with the Turks, and immediately prepared to send troops to attack Li Yuan.

"Your Majesty, no." Dugusheng said, Dugusheng is Dugufeng's brother and the leader of Yang Guang's Guards.

Ever since Yang Jian's queen Dugu Clan gave birth to five sons, Yang Jian felt that the Dugu clan was too powerful, so he trained Yuwen clan people to check and balance the Dugu clan.In the Yangguang period, it was even worse. The Dugu clan was almost squeezed out of the court. If it wasn't for the deep background of the Dugu clan and the alliance with the Li clan, otherwise, the position of the leader of the Guards would definitely not be Dugu. Sheng, so Dugu Sheng saw Yuwen Wudi begging to send troops, and immediately objected.

Chapter 46 Li Family's Countermeasures!

"Father, that Shun Jun has sent someone to come to Taiyuan." Li Jiancheng ran to Li Yuan immediately after he got the news.

The old god Li Yuan was sitting there, holding up the teacup, took a breath, and said, "It's okay, it's just to be held accountable."

Above the court that day, the Dugu clan and the Yuwen clan attacked each other, and Yang Guang was upset by the conflicting opinions of the two. In the end, he decided not to send troops, and sent someone to Taiyuan to find out the situation before making a decision.

So Pei Yun, another favorite of Yang Guang, was forced to take over this unfortunate job, and then slowly went to Taiyuan.

And Dugusheng told Li Yuan about this in secret, so Li Yuan was sitting there drinking tea slowly when Li Jiancheng arrived, such an old god was there.

"Although Pei Yun has some talents, he is also a man who is greedy for money and is afraid of death. There is nothing to be afraid of. As long as he greets him properly when he arrives, what will happen to my Li clan?" Li Yuan looked at Li Jiancheng, who was still a little shallow. , said arrogantly.

Hey, it would be great if Jiancheng was as heroic as Shimin. Unfortunately, Shimin is now a big trend. If I want to win the world in troubled times, I have to rely on Shimin a lot. Just wait for me to board. In that position, even Shimin would have to give in, but unfortunately he underestimated Li Shimin, otherwise there would be no Xuanwumen incident in the future.

"So father and they don't do anything now?" Li Jiancheng was still a little uneasy and continued to ask.

"Jiangcheng, you are still a little negligent in politics. Okay, let's not talk about this, you can just go down and prepare to meet the "angel"." Li Yuangang sighed, and then thought that although Jiangdu was a little far away from Taiyuan, But if you want to go through the pass, it is estimated that it will not take long to reach Taiyuan, so let Jiancheng go to prepare as soon as possible.

"Father still needs to know." Although Li Jiancheng wanted to say something, but looking at Li Yuan's face, he opened his mouth and didn't say it, and then replied.


Li Shimin's Office of Tiance Mansion

"My lord has found out that Pei Yun is preparing to go to Taiyuan with Yang Guang's will," said Li Shimin's eldest brother-in-law, eldest grandson Wuji.

Changsun Wuji, to be precise, can be regarded as the descendant of the Demon Sect, because Changsun Wuji's father, Changsun Sheng, was the Sect Master of the Demon Sect of the previous generation, but the current Sect Master Zhao Deyan took refuge in the Turks, so The eldest grandson Wuji took refuge with his uncle Gao Shilian, and then he joined Li Shimin's command. Since the eldest grandson Wugou married Li Shimin, Li Shimin, of course, handed over his intelligence organization to the eldest grandson Wuji to manage.

Then Changsun Wuji took out the last piece of information, and put the two pieces of information on the table and gave them to Li Shimin.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think of Mr. Du?" Li Shimin said to the two tall and thin scholars. These two scholars are the two famous Fang Mou Du Duan, but now they have just joined Li Shimin's command, and there is no Because of their positions, Li Shimin called them Mr.

"It can be seen from this piece of information that the Yuwen clan is going to attack us, but the evidence in it, anyone with a discerning eye can tell it's fake, so I can't tell which one is that or Yuwen. What the valve did for himself." Fang Xuanling did not read the information sent today, but directly analyzed the information brought yesterday to Li Shimin.

"Xuanling is right, the evidence here is really impossible to scrutinize, but what we need to do now is what should we do with this Lord Pei Yun?" Du Ruhui said sharply.

In fact, no matter how they analyzed it, they were unlikely to know the core of the problem. How could they know that Yang Guang gave this order hastily because he was afraid of the Turkic Wu Zun Bi Xuan, and how could they know that the Yuwen Clan was their enemy? , because the Dongming sent the account book.Therefore, when the information is not equal, no matter how they analyze it, it is impossible to analyze the truth of the matter.

"That's like a father playing and killing Pei Yun?" Li Shimin asked the heroes of the Tiance Mansion below.

The military generals suggested to Li Shimin to kill Pei Yun, but the civil servants did the opposite. They suggested to Li Shimin, "The timing is not right. Although Yang Guang has made people angry, the Great Sui still has a lot of background. If now Raising troops rashly is not the best policy..."

"Then how should I deal with it now?" Li Shimin asked the people below. Li Shimin said this, which means that Li Shimin agreed with the suggestion of the civil minister. Although the generals shut up, there was still disbelief on their faces. The color of pleasure, after all, in ancient times, there were only wars, and these generals had a place to get credit. Otherwise, there would be no battle for peace in the world, and the generals would have no place to use their weapons. At that time, let alone credit, they might not even be able to stand in the court. stop.

"Young master, you only need to develop yourself now and wait for the appearance of the He's Jade Bi. As long as you obtain the He's Jade Wall's destiny, then it will be the time when your son will fly for nine days." Fang Xuanling suggested to Li Shimin.

At this time, Li Shimin's face was still changing, and he was still thinking about killing Pei Yun and then raising troops.Suddenly, Zhangsun Wuji, who was standing next to him, touched her a few times, and Li Shimin reacted.

"Well, but Yang Guang is cruel, so the people of the world will suffer more." Although Li Shimin didn't understand what Fang Xuanling said, he agreed, and then it seemed like a show, but he gave People feel very sincere, talking about Yang Guang's brutality and the suffering of the people all over the world.


Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui were also moved by Li Shimin's ambition, they looked at each other, then knelt down on one knee and said to Li Shimin, "Young master is really kind and kind.

Li Shimin looked at Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui who had finally taken refuge with him, and happily stepped forward to help them up, and then said, "It is Shimin's greatest blessing to have the help of these two gentlemen today."

Originally, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui had only joined Li Shimin's Tiance Mansion for a few days. Today, Li Shimin asked them to discuss matters. The first was to examine their talents, and the second was to tell them that I, Li Shimin, liked them, and sure enough Participated in this discussion, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui officially joined the Li Shimin Group.

Chapter 47 The Whereabouts of the Account Book

"Wei minister Taiyuan Li Yuan respectfully welcomes the imperial decree." Li Yuan, with a group of Taiyuan officials and his children behind him, bowed and said.

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