Pei Yun unfolded the imperial decree and read, "The emperor called: "I have heard that you have colluded with the Turks, but I have remembered that you have been loyal for more than ten years. I hope you will not forget your holy grace. Appointed as General Fenwu, accompanied by angels back to Jiangdu, I will always accompany the holy drive, I appreciate this!"

"Li Guogong, please accept the decree." Pei Yun finished reading the imperial decree, and then handed the imperial decree to Li Yuan, who was kneeling on the ground.

At this time, Li Yuan's heart was up and down, and he thought it was just accountability. As long as he sent the money-loving angel in front of him, he would be fine. Who would have thought that Yang Guang would actually want his eldest son to be a proton in Jiangdu.

But Li Yuan was not ready to rebel, and he still did not dare to disobey Yang Guang's imperial edict, and then shiveringly took the imperial edict from Pei Yun's hand and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty Long En."

The faces of the sons behind Li Yuan were different. Li Jian 14% and Li Yuanji were full of panic, while Li Shimin's face was more fortunate than panic, but they all looked at their father, Li Yuan.

Li Yuan watched his three sons look at him, but Pei Yun had a lot of things to say in the presence of him, so he pressed his hand down, indicating that he had something to talk about later, and then Li Yuan invited Pei Yun into Taiyuan City.

"Mr. Pei, you are really wronged. Every year I fight with the Turks in Taiyuan, and they collude with the Turks." Li Yuan explained to Pei Yun as he walked.

"I also think Mr. Li was wronged, but your Majesty..." As expected, he was a favorite. After listening to Li Yuan's explanation, Pei Yun said smoothly.

"Lord Pei, please, the minister will give your majesty a perfect answer, and let your majesty know that the minister has absolutely no intention of colluding with the Turks." Li Yuan is worthy of being an old man, watching Pei Yun say with a smile, while saying to Yang Guang. Faithful, he took out something from his sleeve and quietly stuffed it into Pei Yun.

"Master Pei has worked hard all the way, and the ministers are preparing a banquet in the mansion. I hope you can appreciate it." Li Yuan stuffed the things into Pei Yun, and then said to Pei Yun.

"Then I'll be respectful, it's better to obey." Pei Yun knew that this errand might kill him, but he might get huge benefits. Looking at what Li Yuan did now, Pei Yun knew that there would definitely be more changes this time. Great benefits were waiting for me, so I agreed.

"Father, what can I do about this?" Li Jiancheng has been uneasy ever since he heard the news, and when the dinner was over, Li Jiancheng immediately asked Li Yuan.

"Hmph, don't worry." Li Yuan also said with a livid face. I didn't expect that your Dugu clan still hides this hand, but it doesn't matter, Jiancheng will definitely not go to Jiangdu, thinking about it and crushing the cup in his hand. .

In fact, the people of the Dugu Clan did not know about this matter. Originally, Yang Guang wanted to send someone to be held accountable, but suddenly he remembered the legend of Luoyang, "Peach and plum, the world." The imperial decree asked Li Yuan to send his son to Jiangdu as a proton, so Li Yuan blamed the Dugu clan by mistake. If Li Zhenwu knew about this situation, Duo Duo would be very happy, but he did not expect that there would be unexpected gains.

"But, the imperial decree..." Li Jiancheng just said these words, and suddenly he couldn't continue, and pointed to the imperial decree that Li Yuan put on the table.

"Big brother, as long as you get sick, you can't go." Although Li Shimin really wanted Li Jiancheng to go to Jiangdu, he still suggested.Thinking of Li Yuan's attention to Li Jiancheng, although Li Jiancheng can be kept in the end, the Li clan will definitely pay a lot of money, which will have a big impact on future uprisings.

This sentence awakened Li Yuan and the others, and all of them showed joy on their faces. Li Yuan said, "My son, Shimin, is very good, and my son is very good."

"Second brother, eldest brother thanked him here." Li Jiancheng patted Li Shimin's shoulder and said.

"Big brother, the family doesn't speak two languages, this is a matter of Shimin." Li Shimin said very modestly.

Li Yuan looked at Li Shimin's very modest appearance, and was particularly unhappy. Although he seemed to be very modest, he did not regard Li Jiancheng as a brother. In addition, Li Shimin had received Buddhist support since he was a child, which made Li Yuan feel unhappy. .


"It's been five or six days. According to the distance, the angel of the imperial court must have arrived in Taiyuan, and the account book should be completely returned." Li Zhenwu stood in the Xiaoguo Camp and looked at the rising of the east. said the sun.

That night, someone knocked on the door of Dugusheng's house a few times, but when the next person came out to open the door, he found that there was no one outside the door, only one package was left outside. The next person opened the package and saw a letter and In an account book, it was written on the envelope that Dugu Sheng received the package. The servant did not dare to hesitate, and immediately delivered the package to Du Gu Sheng.

Dugusheng opened the burden, maybe because of the large volume of the account book, or because of the two words Yuwen on the account book, Dugusheng opened the account book directly, and after turning a few pages, his face became happy, "Okay, I'll see you now. How does the Yuwen family turn over?"

This account book is the account book of the Yuwen clan that Li Zhenwu stole from the Dongming faction. At this moment, Li Zhenwu felt that the time had come, so he put the account book at the door of Dugusheng's house.

"The general is not good. The people who were guarding near Zhang Xiangzhou's house were wiped out, and only one person fled outside the camp. Now..." Li Zhenwu pointed to the outside of the camp, and a dead Sui soldier said to Yuwen Chengdu.

"Follow me to Zhang Xiang's 590 boat house." Yuwen Chengdu immediately said to Li Zhenwu when he heard it.

"Sword injury, one sword kill." Yuwen Cheng looked at the corpses all over the ground, and then examined their wounds.

"This person has a lot of martial arts skills, and he is by no means a generalist. It is estimated that it will be difficult to write accounts."

"General Yuwen, what should we do next?" Li Zhenwu looked at Yuwen Chengdu, who was muttering to himself, and asked.

"What should I do? Bring a corpse back to my Yuwen's house. It is estimated that the owner will know who it is." Yuwen said bitterly, pulling the whip in his hand.

"The owner of the valve is dead. The martial arts of the person who came here is too high. Chengdu dare not make a decision. Please take a look at the owner."

"Bi Luo Hongchen, it really is them. Although they tried their best to hide, there is still the shadow of Bi Luo Hongchen inside." After Yuwen injured the body, Bai Juan, who came in, wiped her hands and said.

"Bi Luo Hongchen, Dugu Clan, is the account book in the hands of Dugu Clan?" Yuwen Chengdu was stunned when he heard the news and then said.

"The only two brothers who can use such power are Dugufeng and Dugusheng, but Dugufeng is in Luoyang, so only Dugusheng is the only one." Yuwenshang analyzed to Yuwen Chengdu.

"As for whether the account book fell into Dugusheng's hands, we will know in a while."

Chapter 48 Yuwen hurts!

Dugusheng looked at the account book for a while, and this time he found that there was still a letter in the package. After opening the envelope, he saw that the letter was written, "Yuwen valve account book" has only these five words on a whole page, and Dugusheng suddenly felt as if he Made someone else's knife, and then immediately asked the servant, "Where did you get this package from? Tell me quickly!"

When the servant heard Dugusheng's stern and urgent voice, he hurriedly knelt down on the ground, and said, "Master, Xiao found this outside the door. Just now Xiao heard someone knocking on the door, and then opened the door and found the door. There is no one outside, there is only this package, and the little one will send it to you immediately."

After listening to the servant's words, Dugusheng held the account book in his hand, and didn't know what to do?I thought to myself, is there someone who has a grudge against the Yuwen clan?Or do you want to provoke hatred between the Dugu clan and the Yuwen clan?But now this account book is really a hot potato.

This is when Dugusheng is still thinking about whether he should hand over the account book to Yang Guang tomorrow. At this time, Yuwenshang has already learned that the account book is in Dugusheng's hands, and is about to come to ask for it in person.

Just when Li Zhenwu and Yuwen hurt them and closed their eyes in the hall of Yuwen's house, a young servant in green suddenly ran in outside the door, whispered in Yuwenshang's ear, and then saw Yuwenshang stand up. He came over and said, "It really is him, then the old man will come to the door to ask for it in person, and see what his Dugusheng is capable of?"

"Master, do you want to go in person?" After Yuwencheng heard what Yuwenshang said, he stepped forward and asked.

"Why don't I and Zhou Yu take someone there." Then Yuwen Chengdu added this sentence.

"Master, this subordinate is willing to recover the account book." Li Zhenwu also rushed to Yuwenshang to express his position.

"The old man will go in person." Li Zhenwu's voice just fell, and then Yuwenshang's voice came from the sky.

Li Zhenwu saw that Yuwenshang disappeared in an instant, thinking in his heart that Yuwenshang's skills were indeed profound, at least several times or even ten times deeper than Li Zhenwu who had only practiced the longevity art for a year.

"But after tomorrow, I guess you will..." Li Zhenwu was whispering there, when Yuwencheng suddenly turned his head and asked, "Zhou Yu, what did you say?"

Li Zhenwu reacted immediately, "It's nothing, nothing, I just admire the great power of the lord."

"Of course, as long as I have the skill of a lord." Yuwen Cheng also looked up at the sky, with a hint of hope and envy on his face.

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