"Dugusheng, what about my Yuwen clan's stuff?" Dugusheng's mansion was filled with Yuwenshangna in all directions, with angry voices.

"Not good." Dugusheng, who was still thinking about it, suddenly heard Yu Wenshang's voice, then shoved the account book in his arms into his arms and said.


Dugusheng's door was directly blasted out by Yuwenshang. Dugusheng heard this. Although his face was annoyed, he felt very scared in his heart, and then he secretly opened the door and prepared to slip away.

But he underestimated Yuwenshang by a lot, just as he stepped out of the door with his feet, he saw Yuwenshang less than ten feet away from him.

"Dugusheng, what about my Yuwen clan's stuff?"

It was still the same sentence, but it brought more pressure to Dugusheng. This is because Dugusheng's ears were a little deafened by this sentence, but he still managed to lift up a little bit of spirit, and he was hurt by Yuwen who looked at him who wanted to eat him. Said, "I don't know what happened to the Yuwen sect master next time?"

Yuwenshang looked at Dugusheng with a bulging chest and said, "Dugusheng, hand over the things in your chest, the old man will spare you."

Dugusheng was also said by Yuwenshang, which aroused his self-esteem, "Hmph, Yuwenshang wants to get the account book from me, then it depends on your ability." After speaking, he took out the account book from his chest, He shook in front of Yuwenshang.

Yu Wenshang's eyes lit up when he looked at the account book, his right hand clawed towards the account book, and he said, "If You Chuhong came, I would give her a third of face, but unfortunately you are Dugusheng, hum."

Looking at the sharp claw that was grabbing at him, Dugusheng was afraid, but he could still go straight to it. Since he didn't have a sword in his hand, he stretched out his index and middle fingers to make swords, and shouted, "Look at me. "Then prepare to use the middle finger to penetrate Yuwen's injured palm.


Yuwenshang is worthy of being one of the four major clansmen, the number one expert under Song Que, just one blow, and Dugusheng's two fingers were crippled.

"Hand over the books."

Yu Wenshang looked at Dugusheng, who would rather face him head-on and break his fingers, than hand over the account book, and shouted again.

"I am the Dugu clan, and there is no one who is afraid of death." Although Dugu Sheng was in unbearable pain, he still said stubbornly.

"Then the old man will fulfill you." A crystal clear white ball appeared in Yuwenshang's hand. This is the performance of Yuwen's family's Bingxuan strength. This means that Yuwenshang did not go after Li Zhenwu immediately after Yuwenshang's death. The reason, because at that time, Yu Wenshang realized Bing Xuan Jin's great success.

"whoosh whoosh"

The soldiers guarding around Dugusheng's house only felt that Dugusheng's room was there at this time, and then immediately shot Yuwenshang with the machine in their hands.

As the leader of Yang Guang's imperial guards, Dugusheng used the public interest for personal gain, so he brought a lot of machines and guards from Yang Guang to surround his home. A lifeline.

"Looking for death." Yuwenshang didn't even turn around, he just slapped the white ball in his hand with a backhand. Those Guardsmen didn't even scream, and they were all frozen into ice cubes. After reacting, they saw Yuwenshang floating towards them.

And Dugusheng took advantage of this opportunity to quickly slip away, Yuwen couldn't sense Dugusheng's breath, and immediately turned around and saw the place where Dugusheng was originally, now it's empty.

"Humph." Yu Wenshang, who was in a rage, hummed and froze the rest of the Janissaries into ice cubes.

Chapter 49 The Yuwen Clan Revolt

"Chengdu, find Sima Dekan." Yuwen said angrily.

Li Zhenwu listened to this sentence and looked at Yu Wenshang's face again, and he knew that his plan was completed, but he still pretended not to know, and then asked in a questioning tone, "Master, the account book has been recovered? "Yuwen Chengdu was also curious about this question, and then looked at Yuwen injured.

"Hmph, Dugusheng thinks he runs fast, but it's probably not going to see him tomorrow." In fact, when Li Zhenwu asked about Yuwenshang, Yuwenshang was still a little angry, but he looked at Yuwencheng and looked at him. So this is the explanation.

"Zhou Yu, as long as you get rid of tyrants together with this old man, this old man will protect you in the future with high officials and honors, prosperity and wealth." Yu Wenshang looked at Li Zhenwu, thinking that there is still a man here who is not low in combat power, but he doesn't believe it. Li Zhenwu, so he tentatively said, as long as he hears a word from Li Zhenwu's mouth for a while, let him immediately corpse on the scene.

"Yes, yes." Li Zhen said with a dog-legged look, nodding his head quickly.

Yu Wenshang stroked the beard under his forehead and waited for Sima Dekan's arrival with his hands behind his back.

After a while, Yuwen Chengdu was followed by a middle-aged man in armor and a red ying. When the middle-aged man saw Yuwenshang, he immediately bowed, "Meet the lord."

"General Sima, please get up." Yu Wenshang raised Sima Dekan with both hands and said 700 to arrive.

"Tomorrow, I hope that General Sima and Chengdu will kill the tyrant together."

Then he turned his head to look at Yuwen Chengdu, and said to Yuwen Chengdu, "Chengdu, tomorrow you will lead the Xiaoguo Army to blockade the surrounding palace, and then kill the tyrant with General Sima."

"As ordered." The three of them knelt down on one knee and said to Yu Wenshang.

On the second day, Yang Guangxing Palace, "Come here, you are guarding this place." Yuwen Cheng said to the soldiers he brought.

"General Yuwen, the Second Southwest Gate has taken over." Li Zhenwu looked at Yuwen Chengdu at the main gate and said.

"Hahaha, okay, Zhou Yu, let's go, General Sima is waiting outside the hall." Yuwen Cheng laughed happily after hearing Li Zhenwu's words, then patted Li Zhenwu on the shoulder and said to Li Zhenwu.

When I came to meet Sima Dekan outside the main hall, I heard Yang Guang's voice inside, "Tang Guogong Li Yuan colluded with the Turks and planned to rebel in Taiyuan. Is this true?"

Pei Yun immediately knelt on the ground and said, "Reporting to the sage, Wei Chen has investigated it clearly, the collusion between Tang Guogong and the Turks is purely slander, and I hope the sage will judge."

Yuwen Cheng heard this sentence, and then snorted coldly, entering the hall from the gate of the hall, and then shouted: "It's all full of lies!"

The people inside were startled and looked around to see where the voice came from. They were shocked to see Yuwen Chengdu striding in in armor, and there were two people next to him, namely Sima Dekan and Li Zhenwu.

Only then did the gate official know how to sing loudly: "The commander of the Xiaoguo Army and the General Youemon (sorry, fabricated by the official author, please forgive me if there is any discrepancy).

The three of them didn't even look at the ministers in the hall, and went straight to the heart of the hall.

Then this is a pair of guards moved to the front of Yang Guangzuo, and the guards guarding the sides and back of the dragon seat are all tense. Sure enough, there is no Dugusheng. Dugusheng, who was originally the leader of the Guards, should be guarding at this time. Around Yang Guang, unfortunately, he was injured by Yuwen last night, and he doesn't know where he is now.

Yang Guang seemed to be still unaware of the danger, and was a little surprised: "Why does General Yuwen say that Pei Qing's family is full of lies?"

Pei Yun knelt down and cried: "The sage, please be the master of Wei Chen. Wei Chen is loyal to the sage. If there is a word of lies, teach Wei Chen to be dead in the wilderness."

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Yuwen Chengdu's mouth, and his eyes circled around the hall, flashing the murderous intent of Sen Han, and said lightly: "In the past, Du Fuwei was in Changbai, Shandong, and now he has arrived in Liyang; Li Mi only had Wagang before. One place, now take Xingyang first, then take Luokou; Li Zitong was nothing in the past, but now he gathers in the north of Jiangdu, and goes south at any time. The reason why the Holy One has heard nothing is because he was surrounded by traitors, and the four sides changed, but he did not play in his place. It is heard that the number of thieves is actually large, but they are wantonly deceived. The saint has heard that there are few thieves, not many troops, and the disparity between the number and the number of thieves. The Holy One is kept in the dark."

Another minister also fell to the ground and cried, "Don't listen to the greedy words, the one who wants to rebel is him."

Yang Guangxian was confused and hurriedly said: "The two Qing families get up first, and I will never let you and others be wronged."

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