At this moment, Dugusheng suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and then knelt in front of Yang Guang, took out the account book from his arms and shouted loudly, "Report to Sheng Shang Wei Chen to sue the Yuwen clan for rebellion, and the evidence is in Wei Chen's hands. account book."

It turned out that after Dugusheng escaped last night, he secretly sneaked into Yang Guang's palace and hid in the main hall. When he heard what Yuwen Chengdu said, he immediately appeared.

Li Zhenwu looked at Dugusheng kneeling on the ground, and thought that martial arts was good, but his brain was already living on the dog. He didn't see Yuwen Chengdu struttingly running to the hall, and he even dared to wear it himself to die. What a fool take.

In fact, it's not that Dugu Sheng is stupid, but he didn't think that the Yuwen Clan would dare to create it.

At this time, even Yang Guang knew that the three had come with bad intentions, and shouted angrily, "Come here! Take them down for me."

The screams started, and the guards who were guarding the gate fell from the east to the west, blood splattered everywhere, and a group of people rushed in, led by a few big men in generals' uniforms and armor, who merged with the three of them, and took the originally wide place. The hall was a bit crowded.

The concubines immediately turned pale, and they all hid behind.

Dugusheng immediately got up and ran in front of Yang Guang. He and dozens of guards rushed out to stand in front of Yang Guang.

I saw that Pei Yun was so scared that his tears dried up, and even crawled and rolled to hide behind Dugusheng.

Dugusheng looked at the people who came, and they were basically Sima Dekan's soldiers guarding the hall, and then shouted: "Sima Dekan, do you want to rebel? Don't you put down your weapons?"

Sima Dekan laughed and said: "The generals are thinking of returning, and the last general just wants to invite the sage to return to the capital. General Dugu is serious."

Yang Guang stood up and pointed and shouted: "I have always treated you well, why did I come today to force me to do something I don't want to do?"

Yuwen Cheng snorted coldly: "The sage abandoned the ancestral temple, patrolled the ancestral temple without end, expeditions in the field, extravagant inwardly, made the young and strong to the sword, the old and the weak filled the ravines, the four people lost their jobs, the thieves swarmed, and even more full-time rape and flattery. If you are willing to execute all the traitors around you and return to the capital, the officials will still be loyal and do their best for the court."

Yang Guang's color changed: "Really, who is the messenger?"

Yuwen Chengdu "Qiang" pulled out his saber and shouted: "Everyone has the same grudges, why do you need someone's orders."

Yang Guangguang shouted: "Give me to kill them all."

At this time, a few people in the hall saw that the situation was not good, and their luck flew back. With a sound of "Bang!", they broke open the window and went outside. Then they heard a few screams, and the corpse was thrown from the window by the soldiers outside. Come in.

At this time, the sound of killing in the hall was like a frying pan, mixed with the cries of the concubine Gong'e and the eunuch, and the chaos was like the sky was falling.

Chapter [-] Fighting against Yuwen hurts!

After a while, there was no one standing in front of Yang Guang. Du Gusheng, the leader of Yang Guang's imperial guards, fled after resisting for a few rounds. Most of the remaining concubines and ministers hid aside.

Yuwen Chengdu flicked the blood on the sword and walked slowly towards Yang Guang. Yang Guang looked at the sword that was about to come towards his neck, and flashed to the side, "The emperor has his own way of dying."

"Since this is the last request of the sage, then Chengdu will satisfy you." Yuwen Chengdu just finished speaking, and then the servants on both sides carried a white silk over.

"Let's go." Yuwen Cheng said, looking at Yang Guang who was lying on the ground.


"Hyun-jun is dead!"

The whole river is boiling.

The fire in the imperial city dyed half of the sky in this big city blood red.

From time to time, rebel soldiers galloped past on the street, shouting: "Hyun-jun is dead!"

Some people are afraid to find a place to hide, some people set off firecrackers to celebrate, and the young and strong go to the imperial city to find Yang Guang's body, to burn him to vent their anger, or hope to be divided among the rebels. Get a little remnant of the treasure left by Jun Jun.

The granary of the official family was smashed and looted.

Some rebels took the opportunity to enter the dwellings to rape and loot, and clashed with the residents. The entire city of Yangzhou was in chaos, and Yuwen Chengdu and others were still in control.

Since Yang Guang was killed, Li Zhenwu secretly removed his disguise, and then prepared to go to the Yuwen Clan to do the last thing, and he saw the scene before him as soon as he left the palace.

Groups of mobs on the street were ganging up, armed with sticks and knives. When they saw the Sui soldiers who were alone, they rushed to do it, completely ignoring whether they were the heroes who killed the stupor, showing their deep hatred for the Sui soldiers and the government. .

There was a burst of applause and cheers. It turned out that a team of more than [-] Sui soldiers were dragged from their horses and beaten to death.


Yuwenshang in the Yuwen clan listened to the screams in Jiangdu that the tyrant was dead, and knew that today's event was over. Sitting at home, he slowly poured out a glass of wine, and when he was about to taste it carefully, he suddenly stood up. Lai shouted loudly, "Friend He Fang came to my Yuwen Clan, please come out and see."

Li Zhenwu accompanied him with a dazzling colorful light, flying towards Yuwenshang at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

"Good swordsmanship." Yuwen sighed in admiration, and then with the great ice and profound energy, he threw the wine glass out of his hand. The wine glass spun in the air and collided with the colorful sword light.


Although Li Zhenwu cut off the wine glass, the ice mysterious energy in the wine glass numb the hand that held the sword, and then rolled in the air a few times and landed on the roof in front of Yu Wenshang.

"Sure enough, it's the owner of Yuwen. A small wine glass can block my full blow."

Yu Wenshang looked at the person in front of him, but he didn't expect it to be a young man of two decades old, and he was surprised.

"I didn't expect it to be a little friend. I don't know what happened to the little friend who came to my Yuwen clan?" Yuwenshang took out another wine glass, poured himself a glass of wine, and sipped it slowly.

"What's the matter, I just want to get close to the Yuwen lord." Then Li Zhenwu flew down, as ethereal as the clouds in the sky, making people completely unable to touch Li Zhenwu's real body.

"It turns out that the little friend wants to get close to the old man like this." After hearing Li Zhenwu's words, Yu Wenshang saw Li Zhenwu attacking him again.

When the fist and sword collided, Li Zhenwu was knocked back seven steps, looking at the hand holding the sword, blood was slowly flowing from the tiger's mouth, and then looking at Yu Wenzhen on the opposite side, he was also forced back three times by Li Zhenwu's sword. Step, the scar on his hand is much deeper than the scar on Li Zhenwu's tiger's mouth. After all, the cold moon sword in Li Zhenwu's hand is a peerless sword that is rare in the world. If it is cut on Yuwen's fist, he will still be still alive If there is no injury, then Li Zhenwu should run away as soon as possible.

"Little friend, this old man has to be serious now." Yu Wenshang looked at the scars on his fist, which were deeply visible to the bones, and his tone became gloomy.

"Hmph, that kid from Clan Master Yuwen has learned your tricks." Li Zhenwu also said while tightening the sword in his hand.

Then the two fought back and forth again. After fifty strokes, Li Zhenwu was hit from the air by Yuwen's wounded palm. Then a Harrier turned over and stood on the spot with his sword in his hand, looking at the remains of his body. Yuwen hurt with a few sword marks and said, "I'm here today, I hope to learn Yuwen's master's tricks another day."

At this time, Yuwen Chengdu led the troops in suddenly. Yuwen Chengdu felt two powerful breaths colliding outside the door, so he immediately called in hundreds of bowmen and prepared to go in.

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