Originally, when Yuwenshang heard that Li Zhenwu was about to leave, he touched the sword marks on his body and felt that he could not keep this young man today, but suddenly Yuwencheng rushed in with the soldiers, and then Yuwenshang shouted, " Little friend, it seems that you can't leave today."

Li Zhenwu watched the soldiers in the brigade surrounded him, and said, "Really?" Then he took out the hidden weapon that Lu Miaozi gave him.

Then it was thrown into the soldiers, and then everyone heard the sound of "ah", "ah", and in the blink of an eye, countless needles were shot out of the cylinder. When the screams of the soldiers stopped, they saw the soldiers standing on the field. Fewer than dozens.

While they were still in a daze, Li Zhenwu grabbed with one hand with his right hand, and saw that the cylinder was sucked into his hand again, and then jumped off the wall and left.

"Chase." Yu Wencheng watched Li Zhenwu jump off the wall, and said to the dozens of soldiers who were still scared.

"Forget it." Yuwen said, waving his sleeves hurt.

"By the way, what are you doing here in Chengdu?" Yuwenshang continued to speak.

"Master, please take a look." Yuwencheng handed Yuwenshang a piece of paper, Yuwenshang opened it and saw that it was written, "Second Young Master's account book has been sent to Dugusheng, tomorrow Yuwen Clan will rebel, hope The second son is in Taiyuan..."

Yuwenshang instantly understood everything, it turned out that he had also made a knife for someone else and then shouted loudly, "Where did it come from.

Chapter 51 / The Perfect Pot

"It's Zhou Yu, it's from Zhou Yu, last night..." Yuwen said through gritted teeth.

In Yuwen Chengdu's memory... In Zhou Yu's tent last night, Yuwen Chengdu directly opened the curtain and entered, watching what Zhou Yu was writing on the table.

Zhou Yu felt as if someone was coming, and immediately put down the pen, took out the paper on the table and put it at the bottom of the table. When he looked up, he saw that Yuwen Chengdu was about to look over, so he said, "General Yuwen?"

"What did you write? It's so confidential." Yuwen Cheng asked in confusion as he watched Zhou Yu put the writing under the table.

Zhou Yu's face changed, and then his face seemed to be a little blush, and he said a little awkwardly, "Is it nothing?"

Yuwen Cheng said with a playful smile at this moment, "It's nothing?" and then stared at Zhou Yu.

Perhaps because of Yuwen Chengdu's gaze, Zhou Yu hesitated for a long time and said slowly, "Love letter, written love letter."

Yuwen Cheng looked at the tall and mighty, and the bandit-like Zhou Yu laughed, "Love letter, you kid can write love letters, hahahaha, it's so funny."

Zhou Yu was distraught, and seemed a little embarrassed to say, "Why can't I write a love letter."

"Yes, yes, but show me?" Yu Wencheng heard Zhou Yu seem to be angry, slowly stopped smiling, and then said in a provocative tone.

"No, it's for you, I won't be laughed at, by the way, what's the matter with me?" Zhou Yu refused with a blushing face, and then changed the subject bluntly as if remembering something.

"Show me, at least I'm going to read more books than you, I can give you more details." Yuwen Cheng continued to talk about the topic just now, but looked at Zhou Yu looking at himself badly, and continued He said, "Don't mention it, come and have a drink with me, and when it's done tomorrow, I'll help you bring that girl to you."

Then he dragged Zhou Yu to talk about the big tent, and Zhou Yu, who was dragged away, muttered, "I want her to marry me, not a robbed wife."

Yuwen Chengdu was thinking about tomorrow's events, and was so excited that he couldn't sleep, he just dragged Zhou Yu to drink until dawn, no matter what Zhou Yu said he was sleepy, he just dragged him to drink, knowing that he should convene to go to Yang Guang's palace.


After Yang Guang's death, Yuwen Chengdu was still a little dull in his heart. He turned around to talk to Zhou Yu, but found that Zhou Yu was no longer with him at this time, and quickly asked the guard beside him, "Where is General Zhou?"

"Since I came out of the main hall, I haven't seen General Zhou's people." The guard replied.

"Look, find me immediately." Yuwen Cheng said to the soldiers beside him.

About a quarter of an hour later, someone came to report, "Report, Xiaoguo Army's commander Li Xiaowei has been ordered to come." Then he took out a piece of paper from his body and handed it to Yuwen Chengdu.

Originally, Yuwen Chengdu was still a little puzzled. Li Kang and Li Xiaowei were left to guard the Xiaoguo army camp by himself. What news did he have at the moment? Although he was puzzled, he still took the paper and opened it. His face changed greatly. Asked, "What else does Li Xiaowei have to give to me?"

The messenger seemed frightened by Yuwen Chengdu's tone, and stammered, "No, no more."

Yuwen Cheng pulled away the messenger in front of him, stood up and said, "Follow me, you guys." Then he got on his horse, thinking who is the traitor in Xiaoguo's army?Thinking of Zhou Yu, who was gone now, he couldn't help but slapped the horse a few times, as if he could return to the camp if he wanted to.

Inside the camp, Yuwen Chengdu ran straight to Li Kang after dismounting from his horse. When he entered Li Kang's tent, he saw that Li Kang and a soldier were talking there.

"Li Kang, where did this come from?" Yuwen Cheng threw the piece of paper on Li Kang's face and asked.

"Reporting to your lord, this was found from Zhou Yu, and this is the soldier who found this piece of paper." Li Kang answered cautiously, and pulled the soldier beside Yu Wencheng to show him.

"Tell me, where did you find it?" Yuwen Chengdu actually believed it a little bit, but he finally met such a good opponent, so he asked with a hint of fantasy.

"If you go back to the general, the little one saw it under the table when cleaning the tent this morning, and then took it directly to Li Xiaowei..." The soldier also answered cautiously.

"Then Zhou Yu didn't come back to get this?" Yuwencheng asked, shaking the paper in his hand, but he felt something was wrong. Knowing that this was still in the camp, he didn't come back to take it.

"Sir, of course there is, but it will be discovered early, just half an hour before your arrival, that spy Zhou Yu came back, but he was forced back by us, and several brothers died, please come with me, my lord. ." Li Kang said as if to show his merit, and then bowed to Yuwen Chengdu and made a gesture of invitation.

"Okay, that's great, Zhou Yu." Yuwen Cheng looked at the corpses, as if he was about to bite his teeth, and choked out these words from the crevices of his mouth.

"Send someone to block Jiangdu, and we must find Zhou Yu's whereabouts." Yuwencheng said hurriedly to Li Kang who was standing in front of him, holding the piece of paper, his knuckles turning white.


"Zhou Yu's child, and Taiyuan Li Clan, no, they are the second son of Li Yuan's old turtle. The old man must catch you and smash you into thousands of pieces." Yuwenshang heard what Yuwencheng said, facing the sky loudly. shouted.

At this time, Li Zhenwu seemed to sense something while galloping. He looked back and said, "Haha, now Yuwen is hurt and half dead. And Li Shimin, my nails can be buried for you." Thinking about just now When Yuwen with an ugly face arrived in Chengdu, Li Zhenwu knew that his plan was done.

Actually, the soldier who cleaned the tent was arranged by Li Zhenwu, so that Yuwen Chengdu could be sure that the information was true, someone found it by accident and sent it to him, rather than leaving it on purpose, that's why it was sent to him. "Unintentionally" found this piece of paper.

In order to intensify his efforts, Li Zhenwu was still looking for someone to go to the camp to make a fuss. He was even more certain that Zhou Yu must retrieve this information, but unfortunately he was stopped and failed, so he had to give up, so this Li Zhenwu successfully threw the pot to Li Shimin.

Last night, what was under Li Zhenwu's desk was indeed a love letter, because Li Zhenwu was afraid that Yuwen would have to read it in Chengdu, so it was a real love letter.And the current information was taken out of his cabinet by Li Zhenwu in the morning, so it is both safe and perfect.

Chapter 52 Li Jing in the Jianghuai Army

Outside Jiangdu, Li Zhenwu was thinking about what to do next?Since you want to dominate the world, it is nothing more than using the army to push the world horizontally, so you must have talent, territory, and money. If you want to talk about money, you can go to Lu Miaozi and ask for the way to open the treasure house of Yang Gong, but now you have martial arts skills. Even Yuwen, who is the same as Zhu Yuyan, can't be beaten, not to mention Shi Zhixuan, who pretends to be a monk in the temple and looks at him.

So it seems that the only way is to find people first and find enough talents. At that time, martial arts should at least be able to resist Shi Zhixuan, and then go to open the treasure house. With money, only talents can decide the territory. .

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