The first stop was Li Jing in the Jianghuai Army, but Li Zhenwu felt that Li Jing in the Jianghuai Army should have gone undercover in the Jianghuai Army. Otherwise, with Li Jing's life experience, would he have taken refuge with Du Fuwei, who started his life as a bandit?

Li Jing, who was born in Shandong noble, was famous all over the world when he was young. He used to be Yang Su's guest of honor. Think about how such a person would go to Du Fuwei and only be one of 14 in the Jianghuai Army. It's just a small boss, but now that Li Zhenwu has set his sights on him, no matter which spy he is, as long as he is caught, he has no choice but to rely on Li Zhenwu.

Outside the city of Liyang, I saw people lighting torches and escaping war all over the mountains and plains. Unexpectedly, in a small county town, the streets are usually sparse and sparse, and so many people came out all at once.

Li Zhenwu was shocked to learn that Du Fuwei's army had already occupied Liyang, so Li Zhenwu went to Liyang without rest day and night. Just by seeing so many people fleeing the war outside Liyang City, he could know Du Fuwei's army. Jianghuai Army, how bad is the military discipline.

Li Zhenwu roamed the tourists on horseback, watching the Jianghuai Army surround the people outside the city in groups to prevent some of them from escaping.Li Zhenwu was riding on the horse, looking at all this in front of him, his body couldn't help but burst out with a powerful momentum, perhaps because they were afraid of Li Zhenwu's power, the weapons in their hands tightened, and they lowered their heads and whispered something.

At this time, the Jianghuai Army stood up like a small leader, and pointed the knife at Li Zhenwu, "Who are you kid and what are you doing here?" Although it was a questioning word, there was still a hint in his tone. Fear, after all, under Li Zhenwu's full power, his legs are still shaking.

"Go away, be a human." Li Zhenwu didn't seem to hear what the little leader said, his eyes slanted forty-five degrees to the sky, and his mouth said coldly.

"Do you know who we are, and dare to trouble us?" Although the little leader was still trembling, the desire in his heart overwhelmed the fear in his heart, as if he remembered something, and then forced himself to cheer up, said these words.

"This is the territory of our Jianghuai Army. It's best to get acquainted with each other and leave quickly, otherwise, you will be killed in a while." The little leader said more and more smoothly, and the fear in his heart disappeared gradually The beginning of threatening Li Zhen's martial arts.

"Oh, then I'll have to take a look." Hearing the threat of the little leader, Li Zhenwu said disdainfully, as if flies were buzzing in his ears.

After Li Zhenwu finished saying this, the sword in his hand was quickly unsheathed, and a ray of light flashed directly. The sword was inserted back into the scabbard again, and the little leader who pointed the knife at Li Zhenwu, just stood there motionless. Like a statue.

After three or five seconds, half of the little boss slowly slid to the ground, his face still getting more and more complacent.

"Dead, the little leader is dead," said a soldier of the Jianghuai Army.

"Ghost, ghost." This is the scared JAC soldier.

Li Zhenwu looked at the pair of Jianghuai soldiers in front of him, still standing there in a daze, and then shouted, "Go away, if you don't go out, you will die."

Li Zhenwu's words hit these Jianghuai troops like a twilight drum and a morning bell.Then these Jianghuai troops immediately ran away like birds and beasts, and some soldiers were so frightened that they even threw their weapons there.

"Hey, an army like this is estimated to give me [-], and I will be killed, right?" Li Zhenwu shook his head and sighed.

Then Li Zhenwu helped him up and wanted to thank his villagers. After letting them flee for their lives, he continued to look for Li Jing in the Jianghuai Army.

Walking outside Liyang City on horseback, Li Zhenwu suddenly heard such a voice in his ear, "I pray that Mr. Du is alive and that he will not rape women. I pray that there is still time for the boss to restrain his horse now."

Sure enough, Li Jing, who was looking for a lot of hard work, was finally found. Li Zhenwu rode his horse over and saw the man who seemed to be called Boss Qi and said, "Li Jing, don't mind your own business, now I am an adulterous woman? I want to take this The beauty is brought home, and the matchmaker is marrying her, and he takes her as his wife, ha! Does Master Du even care about marriage?"

Li Zhenwu looked at Li Jing and was about to speak when the woman bit on the back of the green-skinned soldier who was holding her, and the green-skinned soldier let go in pain. The woman had no idea where the strength came from, and ran out of the siege, heading towards Li Zhenwu's side. 603 runs towards.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu slapped forward with a palm, and saw the two soldiers chasing the woman flew out seven or eight meters in a perfect arc, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Immediately, everyone on the field was startled by what was in front of them. The one named Boss Qi immediately gathered his men and surrounded him, as if standing in the crowd would make him feel safe.And Li Jing clasped his fists and shouted, "I don't know which expert, Li Jing is polite here in the Jianghuai Army."

"Li Jing, Li Yaoshi, your courage is really good." Li Zhenwu slowly came out.

Praying the old avenue, "We are the people of Director Du, hurry up and get out of the way." Standing in the crowd, he said fiercely.

"Li Jing, come with me." Li Zhenwuli ignored the Boss Qi and walked directly to Li Jing and said to Li Jing.

"I don't know who the young master is? What's the matter with Li?" Li Jing looked at the young Li Zhenwu and asked with his fists folded.

The Boss Qi saw that Li Zhenwu was here to find Li Jing, so he said with some revenge, "Since the son is here to find Li Jing, then we will leave first." After that, he was ready to leave.

Chapter 53

"Let go of that woman." Li Zhenwu looked at Boss Qi and the others who were leaving, and was about to catch the woman just now, so Li Zhenwu shouted.

The two Jianghuai soldiers who were holding the woman heard Li Zhenwu's painter involuntarily put it down, and looked at their boss - Boss Qi. The face of Boss Qi in front of him was blue and purple for a while, and then as if venting, he kicked the The two Jianghuai soldiers kicked and said in their mouths, "Don't hurry up and let them go."

"Let's go." Boss Qi let him go, then shouted to go, turned his head after a few steps, stared at Li Zhenwu with hateful eyes, and then continued walking.

Qi Boss didn't take a few steps before his leg was hit by a stone, and he heard in his ear, "Look at me with that kind of eyes again, and I'll kill you next time."

"Young master is really good at it." Li Jing watched Li Zhenwu and picked up a stone on the ground, then hit Boss Qi and said.

"Brother Yao is very polite, I forgot to say that I was going to Li Zhenwu, please." Li Zhenwu seemed to feel that his tone just now seemed a little stiff. In order to bring the relationship closer, he called Li Jing's word, and also used a word of invitation to say, and his right hand was also doing a gesture of invitation.

"Since Mr. Li looks up to Mr. Li, then Mr. Li should be more respectful than to obey." Although Li Jing didn't know what the Mr. Li in front of him had done to him, it could be seen from Mr. Li's martial arts that he didn't do it this time. I couldn't go, so I agreed.

The woman looked at Li Zhenwu for saving her, and wanted to go forward to thank her, but seeing that Li Zhenwu and Li Jing were talking, she didn't want to bother. When Li Jing agreed to Li Zhenwu's invitation, the two walked hand in hand. , This is the woman who walked in front of Li Zhenwu, bent her legs slightly, and said in her mouth, "Little girl Susu, thank you for your life-saving grace."

Li Zhenwu looked at the woman in front of him and shouted, "Susu?" But what he thought in his heart was that he didn't expect the plot to be messed up by himself, and he came to Liyang City ahead of time, but Li Jing still encountered Susu.

"Young master knows Susu?" Susu pointed at herself and said to Li Zhenwu with some doubts.

"Miss Susu, I don't know where to go? If not, you might as well go with the next girl first, and wait until it is safe for the girl to leave." Li Zhenwu said to Susu, but what he thought in his heart was, this next pass Susu It's easy to catch up on the line of Wagang Village, Wei Zheng, Xu Shiji... I'm here.

Then Li Zhenwu turned to Li Jing and said, "Brother Yao, don't mind walking with this girl."

"Of course I don't mind, I hope the girl doesn't think Li Mou is vulgar." Li Jing said to Li Zhenwu and Susu with a completely casual expression.

"Then... someone is coming." Li Zhenwu was about to say, "Okay, let's go," but suddenly came the voice of someone coming from the air, and immediately held his Hanyue in his hand , said to Li Jing and Susu.

In the time of six or seven breaths, a long laugh came from the ears of Li Zhenwu and the three of them, and they said in front of everyone: "This son, please stay, Jianghuai Du Fuwei has seen the son."

Li Zhenwu watched Du Fuwei's tall and thin figure appear in front of him, holding a sword in his right hand, and then clasped his fists and said, "I have seen Director Du in the unnamed junior in the next world."

"Why do you need to hide it, looking at your temperament and your martial arts, I don't know which of the four clans you belong to?" Du Fuwei couldn't feel the depth of Li Zhenwu, and continued to ask.

"Where is the next person among the clansmen, he is just a prostitute in the rivers and lakes, and Director Du is in the bottom." Li Zhenwu said loudly.

"Okay, since you don't want to say it outright, then Du Mou will not ask again. However, I hope you can give Du Mou an explanation about the young master's killing of my Jianghuai Army." It turned out that Li Zhenwu killed the one just now. The little leader, the remaining soldiers ran to Du Fuwei to complain, so Du Fuwei immediately ran over to hold Li Zhenwu Dao accountable.

At this time, Li Jing, who was listening next to him, wondered if the young master Li in front of him belonged to the Li clan, but he had never heard of such a young master in the Li clan.

This is when Li Jing was still thinking, he heard Du Fuwei's words, and then he heard the sound of fighting between the two.

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