From Zhai Rang's Dalongtou Mansion to the city gate, it took half a stick of incense to ride the horse with all his strength. In addition to the fact that the person who came here only mentioned the stone house in the north of the city, he made up his mind to let Zhai Rang go alone.

"Come and call Miss to come here." Zhai Rang ordered.

"Report the big leader, and I searched the house and couldn't find the young lady." The servant replied after a while. At this time, Zhai Rang believed what the flying dart had written and continued to say to the servant.

"Go and prepare the horse." Zhai was worried about his daughter, and his tone was urgent and fast.

Immediately I remembered Li Zhenwu, since he couldn't see through the young man in front of him, his martial skills would be of great help in saving his daughter, so he opened his mouth and said to Li Zhenwu, "I wonder if Li Gongzi is willing to go. ." Then he handed the paper to Li Zhenwu.

The two rode their horses to the north of the city. After a while, they found the stone house. Li Zhenwu sensed that the house gave him a lot of pressure. It is estimated that the number of martial arts masters in it was either very high or there were many. Li Zhenwu felt that he wanted to go there. It's hard to save people, let alone Zhai Rang?It seemed that the other party wanted to let Zhai Rang be here.

"The big dragon head, I think this is where the thieves are. There are many masters in the back room. It seems that the big dragon head must be taken down." Li Zhenwu said to Zhai Rang on his horse.

"Zhai has come in the wind and rain for decades. This little scene will not kill me, Zhai Rang." Zhai Rang looked at Shiwu and worried about his Zhai Jiao, and said stubbornly.

Chapter 58

"Since the big leader has this confidence, then he will sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman." Li Zhenwu said to Zhai Rang with a grasp of Hanyue.What I thought in my heart was that Zhai Rang was really unbearable, and he was ready to save people. He originally wanted to see how Zhai Rang handled things, but now it seems that Zhai Rang is still the head of the bandit, and Li Zhenwu felt that he should help Zhai Rang. It is difficult to fight against Li Mi.

Slowly approaching the stone house, Zhai Rang said to Li Zhenwu, "Zhai will go in through the front door, and ask Mr. Li to make a surprise attack from the back door." Li Zhenwu nodded and walked towards the back door.

Li Zhenwu quietly touched the back door, and saw that there were two masters guarding the back door, so he took advantage of the concealment of Chang Sheng Zhen Qi and tiptoed to the back door.

Li Zhenwu slapped a guard's heart with a palm, and the guard's master was too late to even make a move, and he was thrown off the ground and died of rage.When the other person was startled, Li Zhenwu was already flying over his head, and his fist smashed his Tianling cover.

The most terrifying part, whether it is throwing a palm, flying to the ground, or killing people with bare hands, everything happens in silence.

At this time, Li Zhenwu heard the sound of Zhai Rang fighting the enemy at the front door, and smashed the back door with two or three palms, ready to attack from both sides.

The enemies in the house were also startled by Li Zhenwu who suddenly came in, but they reacted after a while, and then they saw a dozen people in black, waving the machete in their hands, and rushing over.

In the dark night, it is even more dazzling to the eyes, and the knife is even more curved like a crescent moon, extremely sharp, shining under the radiance of the fire, the cold light soaks the bone marrow, it is obviously a top-quality knife.Regardless of the familiarity of the wheel-finger spinner's ingenuity, or the good lightness, it all shows that these men in black are very strong in martial arts.

"It's just ants." Li Zhenwu said disdainfully, and then waved the cold moon in his hand, and saw a thin bloodline appear on the necks of a dozen men in black, and then the dozen men in black seemed to be unwilling. Like, he fell to the ground with a thud.

Li Zhenwu dealt with the dozen or so men in black, and watching Zhai Rang besieged by two masters, he already had a lot of color on his body.

"Master Li, little girl..." Although Zhai Rang was besieged, he also paid attention to the movements around him. Seeing Li Zhenwu neatly killed more than a dozen people, he pointed to a large box in the room and shouted to Li Zhenwu.

At this moment, a man in red came out of the men in black, suddenly purple light flashed on his hands, thousands of purple palm prints protruded out, interweaved into a huge net, followed by the man in red and flew towards Li Zhenwu faster and more intensely. pounce on.

Li Zhenwu looked at the man in red who appeared in front of him, and the hand holding the sword was also changing. His right hand gently lifted the cold moon, waving in the air a lotus blossom that turned into a sword light, and then like a phoenix flying high. For a while, it was like a circling and entwined blue dragon, and finally turned into a beam of colorful beams of light, as if the world was opened up, it struck down.

This is the net woven by the man in red, torn into two halves by a beam of colorful light.The man in red seemed to be shocked by Li Zhenwu's blow, his hands spread out like the wings of a giant eagle and slid to Li Zhenwu's left side.

Everyone in the field was startled by this blow, while Zhai Rang looked at the net made of palm prints and shouted loudly, "Li Mi is you."

When Zhai Rang revealed his identity, Li Mi lifted the red cloth covering his face, and said to Zhai Rang, "Big Dragon, Li Mi is polite." Then he laughed loudly.

Li Mi continued to laugh, but analyzed the situation on the field. Just when Li Zhenwu's peerless blow was taken by surprise, Li Mi was a little worried.

So in the midst of laughter, Li Mi had already shot at him, and he changed his palms to claws and hugged Zhai Rang's heart.Before the person arrived, the ten fingers of both hands danced wildly, and between heaven and earth, ten strands of True Qi twisted, tearing the entire space into pieces, and slowly attracting everything in the space to the ten fingers. Kei Zhang's palm.

At the moment when Li Mi's claws pressed on Zhai Rang's heart, Li Zhenwu's scabbard suddenly caught Zhai Rang's waist belt, and he also rose into the sky while carrying him. Li Mi's extremely fast claws only tore off most of Zhai Rang's corset.

At this time, "Hey!" The wooden box was beaten up, and then a person flew out of the wooden box. With a single sword, it hit the back of Zhai Rang, who was picked out by Li Zhenwu. Zhai Rang exclaimed, and was killed knocked out.

Looking at everything in front of him, Li Zhenwu quickly slashed at the man in the box, followed by a loud bang, followed by a series of muffled thunderous sounds.


With a loud bang, the bricks and stones on the left wall splashed violently, and then the man took Li Zhenwu's blow abruptly, then broke through the wall, let out an earth-shattering scream, and quickly went away, with an astonishing momentum. The whole house shook.

Seeing the man in the box escape, Li Zhenwu quickly ran to Zhai Rang, and saw Zhai Rang pointing at the wooden box, muttering, "Shadow assassin, poison, that little girl..." Then he tilted his head, straight Lie there straight.

Seeing that Zhai Rang was dead, Li Mi said to the men in black on the field, "Withdraw." Then Li Mi led all the men in black and ran away.

Only then did Li Zhenwu know who the person who carried the sword was the shadow assassin Yang Yanxu, the son of the abolished prince of the Great Sui Dynasty, the nephew of Yang Guang, the successor of the Butian Pavilion, the apprentice of the evil king Shi Zhixuan, such a long list of titles in He is really powerful, and he easily concealed his own perception.

Originally, Li Mi's plan was that these masters would besiege Zhai Rang together. It would be better if he could kill Zhai Rang. If he couldn't kill Zhai Rang, let Yang Yanxu, who was hiding in the box, give Zhai Rang a fatal blow. That is, Zhai Rang's life must be kept in this stone house.

Li Zhenwu looked at Zhai Rang, who was already a corpse, and sighed. Suddenly, in the direction of Xingyang, a huge group of fireworks shot straight into the sky and exploded.Following this group of fireworks, several smaller groups of fireworks were launched one after another in various places, in the shape of stars accompanying the moon.

After a while, I saw that in the most central part of Xingyang City, there were flames everywhere, and Li Zhenwu, who was far outside the city, could clearly see it, and when he saw the sky, it was reflected in red.

Looking at everything in front of him, Li Zhenwu knew that the trip to Wagang Village was over, Zhai Rang was dead, and Wagang had no meaning to stay any longer.It was certain that Li Mi had arranged this matter well tonight, otherwise Zhai Rang would not have had time for two sticks of incense, and Xingyang Dalongtou Mansion would have caught fire.

Chapter 59 Zhai Jiao is not dead

In this way, Li Zhenwu took advantage of the fire, mounted his horse and walked away slowly.

After walking for a while, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded in his ears, "Susu, Chuchu, hurry up." Li Zhenwu slapped his horse to the place where the voice was, and saw Zhai Jiao's huge body wielding a long knife.

"Miss..." Susu and a girl from Xiaojiabiyu cried and shouted.

"Li Mi's dog thief!" Zhai Jiao slashed wildly with a knife, and yelled, "Give me death to my mother."

A Wagang soldier was stabbed, the blood burst into flames, and a Dou Da's head rolled to the ground, scaring the rest of the soldiers who were chasing Zhai Jiao to the point where their faces turned pale.

A small leader stood up and said, "Everyone will come together, she will kill her alone, and Master Mi will be rewarded." In the past, there were a few soldiers who watched Susu and Chu Chu have no strength to hold back the chicken, and were about to capture them and threaten Zhai Jiao.

Zhai Jiao watched them come over again, and some were ready to catch their maids, and then put Susu and Chu Chu behind her, "I'm going to kill all of you Li Mi's lackeys today." Zhai Jiao yelled and slowly descended. Squatting, mustering all the strength, the big sword in his hand seemed to lose its weight, slashing at the 687 enemy heavily.

The Wagang soldier's greed is soaring now. Although Zhai Jiao hacked several soldiers to death, he still besieged Zhai Jiao as if he didn't notice. Finally, Zhai Jiao was exhausted and was cut to the ground by a soldier.

Zhai Jiao, who was lying on the ground, looked at the knife that was getting closer and closer, and couldn't help crying in her heart. Suddenly a stone flew away and chopped at her knife. Zhai Jiao looked around and saw Li Zhenwu standing in a tree ten meters away. Front.

"Stop." Li Zhenwu shouted loudly.

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