"Engong (the boy who saved Susu)." Susu and Zhai Jiao shouted.

"咻咻咻" was another few stones, surrounding Zhai Jiao's soldiers. At this time, blood slowly flowed from the eyebrows, and his eyes widened and pointed in Li Zhenwu's direction.

The little boss threw down the knife in his hand and shouted, "Run, run." Then, regardless of Zhai Jiao's mobile bounty, he wanted to run away with four legs.

"Haha, can you run away?" Li Zhenwu, who was fooled by Li Mi and ran away in vain this time, was holding back his breath. Seeing these Li Mi's soldiers fleeing, he immediately chased after them.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me," said a soldier.

"I don't want to die."


After a few breaths, all the soldiers who were still alive and kicking just now were all lying on the ground quietly. If it wasn't for the ups and downs of their chests, they would have thought they were all sleeping on the ground.

Seeing that she was rescued by Li Zhenwu, Zhai Jiao slowly stood up and said respectfully to Li Zhenwu, "Young Master, thank you for saving your life." Although her voice was still as loud, she spoke in a serious tone.

"Miss Zhai, you don't have to be so polite." Li Zhenwu said to Zhai Jiao, who was half-bent.

"I don't know where Miss Zhai went just now?" Li Zhenwu remembered that Zhai Jiao was the center of the matter just now, so Zhai Rang and Li Zhenwu received such an ambush, but Zhai Jiao seemed to have escaped from Xingyang, so Li Zhenwu asked .

"?" Zhai Jiao was a little confused. She didn't know why the young master in front of her asked this question, but she still said, "Just now Chu Chu was taken by Wang Bodang's soldiers, and I went to save Chu Chu."

Only then did Li Zhenwu fully understand Li Mi's plan. First, he sent someone to detain Zhai Jiao's maid to lure Zhai Jiao, and then someone told Zhai Rang to jump into the trap. Finally, he attacked the Dalongtou Mansion to destroy all Zhai Rang's loyalists. It was a perfect plan, one ring after another, step by step let Zhai Rang walk into the abyss of death.

At the small river outside Xingyang City, Li Zhenwu told Zhai Jiao the news of Zhai Rangyi's death.Then Li Zhenwu blocked and forcibly took Zhai Jiao away from Xingyang. Li Zhenwu thought to himself, as long as Zhai Jiao was in his hands and conquered Wagangzhai, there would definitely be people who still miss Zhai Rang for Zhai Jiao's sake. , take the initiative to surrender or be willing to respond.

Susu and Chu Chu persuaded Zhai Jiao to look ugly. Although Zhai Jiao was dragged by Li Zhenwu to escape for her life, Zhai Rang's death and desire for revenge made Zhai Jiao look sad and resentful, and her face was very strange and ugly.

At this time, Su Su saw that there was a small sail in the lower reaches of the river slowly going upstream, her eyes couldn't help but light up, she said with joy, "Finally there is a boat, the eldest lady's boat is here, the boatman please rely on you. Come here and give us a ride."

Susu was still too naive, she immediately called out when she saw a boat, Li Zhenwu saw a stunning beauty standing on the boat, and felt that the beauty was not weak in martial arts, and at this time on the river, only the people who came were not good.The beautiful woman on the boat heard Susu's voice and slowly came over.

"Since everyone wants to get on the boat, let's get on the boat."

The boat entered slowly, Susu saw the face of the beautiful woman on the boat, and shouted in panic, "Shen Sergeant." Just waiting here in the river.

Shen Luoyan heard Susu's exclamation, then looked at Zhai Jiao and the others, and finally put her eyes on Li Zhenwu, and said, "This son Luoyan is polite, this son, why don't you bring Zhai Jiao with you? , how about being cast under the account of our secret master? A person as good as the master, our master has great ambitions and is as good as the master. Under the master, he will definitely be used in the future, and in the future, he will fight against the rebel forces in the world. Because of this, you can also be one of the founding fathers of the country at that time, son, riches and glory are just around the corner, it is much better than taking her with you."

As soon as Shen Luoyan finished speaking, Zhai Jiao and Susu also all looked at Li Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu looked at Shen Luoyan who was sowing discord in front of him and said, "Let's go to Li Mi? I have thanked Sergeant Shen for the wrong love. You can go anywhere, you can come here, and you will definitely treat you with respect.”

"Okay, that son is coming aboard, how about we talk in detail?" Unexpectedly, Shen Luoyan agreed and invited Li Zhenwu to board the boat.

"Hmph, Shen Luoyan told Li Mi that the old lady will cut off his dog's head one day, and let him take good care of his dog's head." Zhai Jiao vented all her anger on Shen Luoyan's head and roared at her. .Then she turned around and prepared to let Li Zhenwu leave with her, but when she saw Li Zhenwu drifting towards the boat, she could only hear, "Miss Zhai doesn't need to be angry, I promised you that I will avenge you, when I break through Wagang. , Li Mi's dog head is yours."

It turned out that Li Zhenwu couldn't persuade Zhai Jiao to leave. He knew that Li Zhenwu told Zhai Jiao that he could avenge her, so he dragged Zhai Jiao away, otherwise he would have to knock her unconscious and carry her away.

Chapter 60 Beauty in the Water

At this time, the boat was still three feet away from the shore, but Li Zhenwu was just a little bit on the shore.

"Young master, good posture." Shen Luoyan said, looking at Li Zhenwu, who was floating in the sky, and finally landed on the boat.

"Since the son is here, how about Luoyan asking him to eat fish?" Shen Luoyan pointed at the bow of the boat.

Li Zhenwu sensed that there were wire objects there, knew that there was a trap set up by Shen Luoyan, pointed to the empty bow, teased Shen Luoyan and said, "Where is the fish? Does Master Shen have bad eyes?" Walk slowly over to see what kind of fame Shen Luoyan has.

"Where is the fish in the net?" Shen Luoyan smiled coquettishly as Li Zhenwu walked into the trap, stretched out her slender jade finger in the air, and saw a fishnet spread on the deck under Li Zhenwu's feet suddenly closed. He got up and hoisted Li Zhenwu up straight to the mast of the ship.

It's not that Li Zhenwu can't dodge, it's just that Li Zhenwu wants to see what Shen Luoyan wants to do. After all, Shen Luoyan is the only woman in the original book who can intervene in the struggle for hegemony without the support of the clan and gang.

Zhai Jiao and the others on the shore saw that Li Zhenwu was caught by Shen Luoyan, and they watched worriedly and prepared to go to rescue, but Shen Luoyan slowly rowed the boat to the distance, and Zhai Jiao, who was not skilled enough, could only watch the boat from the shore went.

"The fish isn't here." Shen Luoyan pulled the boat to a stop twenty or thirty feet away from the shore, smiled coquettishly, and finally pulled off the hairpin on her head. Yi An's peerless appearance came and slowly walked towards Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu looked at her bright eyes like lakes, snow skin like powder, long eyebrows stretched into the temples, long hair fluttering against the river wind like waterfalls, as noble as a fairy from the sky descended to the earth, people can't help but watch more After a few glances, "It turns out that the fish that Sergeant Shen said is going down."

The hairpin slowly approached Li Zhenwu's chest, stopped on Li Zhenwu's clothes, and Shen Luoyan said with a smile, "Young master, you are still so sloppy in my net, I just don't know if Luoyan's hairpin can make it work. Be honest, son!"

When Li Zhenwu saw Shen Luoyan like this, he knew that he couldn't hold it any longer. He then shattered the fishing net and landed on the other side of the boat holding Shen Luoyan's hairpin again, saying, "Master Shen is really smart."

Shen Luoyan looked at Li Zhenwu in a daze. No one had ever shattered his "fairy net", not even the secret master, but the young master in front of him was shattered so easily. At this time, Shen Luoyan was heartbroken. Slowly sink.

"I don't know what the young master wants to do with Luoyan's boudoir?" Shen Luoyan was a beautiful military advisor of Wagang, and in just a moment, he made fun of Li Zhenwudao.

"Oh, then Sergeant Shen handed the hairpin to the bottom just now, did he think that Sergeant Shen wanted to give this hairpin to the bottom?" Li Zhenwu ignored Shen Luoyan's teasing, and said while holding the hairpin tightly in his hand.

Shen Luoyan thought that as a man, Li Zhenwu would be a little shy and guilty, but he didn't expect Li Zhenwu's answer, which made Shen Luoyan unable to say what he was prepared to say.

Shen Luoyan pretended to be crying, "Young Master, Luoyan, Luoyan..." She was really a charming, pear blossom and rainy beauty, even knowing that Shen Luoyan was pretending at the moment, Li Zhenwu still felt a little guilt, how to force it Beauty so far.

"Since Sergeant Shen is going to take refuge with him, let's go with him." Li Zhenwu let go of the hairpin, not teasing Shen Luoyan, and said seriously, Li Zhenwu knew that Shen Luoyan was just talking, so Li Zhenwu didn't think about Shen Luoyan. Luo Yan really went with him. After all, if Shen Luoyan left with him, Li Zhenwu would never trust her. The purpose of opening his mouth was to wait until Li Mi was defeated, so that he could better help himself recruit Shen Luoyan, and even attack Li Mi by relying on him. It can also divide them.

When Shen Luoyan heard what Li Zhenwu said, she just slapped Li Zhenwu with a palm. Although Shen Luoyan's palm was very fast, Li Zhenwu's reaction was faster, and she saw that Shen Luoyan's plain hand snapped and Li Zhenwu faced each other. Then Li Zhenwu spun his hand again, grabbed the hand of Shen Luoyan, who had not finished the offensive, and trapped her plain hand in his.

Seeing Shen Luoyan's attack, Li Zhenwu seemed very relaxed, and he could even put Shen Luoyan back into the hairpin in a leisurely manner, and took it to the other hand and slowly played with it.

"Master Shen, are you convinced?" Li Zhenwu turned the hairpin around, so that Shen Luoyan couldn't see where his hairpin was between his fingers.

"Young master, bully Luoyan, a weak woman." Shen Luoyan didn't answer Li Zhenwu's words, she slapped her hand and found that Li Zhenwu was holding it tightly, so she pretended to be pitiful and said to Li Zhenwu.

"Luoyan is a weak woman, then the whole world is full of weak women. With Luoyan, you can't be called a weak woman because of your Wentao Wulue." Li Zhenwu didn't let go of Shen Luoyan's hand, but he inserted the hairpin into the hairpin. He returned to Shen Luoyan's head, and then answered Shen Luoyan's words.

"Why isn't Luoyan?" Shen Luoyan finished speaking, and then continued to slap his hand. Suddenly, Li Zhenwu let go of Shen Luoyan's hand while Shen Luoyan was exerting his strength. Standing firm, he was about to fall back. At this time, Li Zhenwu moved behind Shen Luoyan like a teleportation, and gently pressed the back of Shen Luoyan with Hanyue's scabbard.

Shen Luoyan was so flickered by Li Zhenwu that she couldn't stand her feet. Seeing that she was about to fall on the boat, she felt as if something was supporting her behind her, so she turned her toes lightly and stood firm again. body.

Shen Luoyan turned around and found that Li Zhenwu had appeared in front of her. Knowing that Li Zhenwu was strong in martial arts, she would definitely suffer losses in this way, so she jumped into the small river.

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