As soon as Shen Luoyan entered the water, it turned into a live fish. No, Shen Luoyan seemed to be more agile than a fish and swam away quickly. She was afraid that Li Zhenwu would react and chase after him, so she accelerated as much as possible. leave.

"Mr. Shen is good to go, we'll send you off soon." Li Zhenwu watched Shen Luoyan jump into the river without stopping him. Looking at the mermaid-like Shen Luoyan, Li Zhenwu shouted at her back.

"This son, I will give him a big gift next time we meet." After Shen Luoyan heard Li Zhenwu's words, she knew that Li Zhenwu would not come after him. Go slowly to the shore, Shen Luoyan said in her mouth.At this time, Shen Luoyan's eyes were filled with playful anticipation, her beautiful face was full of water droplets, and her hair was even more black and shiny even though it was wet with water, and she was even more beautiful.

Chapter 61 Fu Junxi is dead

Li Zhenwu returned to the shore and said to Zhai Jiao and the others who were still waiting for him on the shore, "Miss Zhai, let's go."

Zhai Jiao didn't understand why Li Zhenwu did this.Shen Luoyan escaped with nothing at all, and Li Zhenwu came back with nothing at all. Although she didn't understand this, she knew that it would be very dangerous if she continued to stay around Xingyang, so she didn't say much. What, pulled Susu and Chu Chu, and followed Li Zhenwu to the boat.

Then the four of them went all the way to the east. Li Zhenwu originally thought that this trip was just a soy sauce, but he didn't expect that when Li Mi killed Zhai Rang's men, it was because he didn't arrive, so a lot of fish escaped. came out.

"Miss." The three unkempt people shouted at Zhai Jiao. When Li Zhenwu and his party came to Luocang, someone called Zhai Jiao as soon as they entered the city.

"You?" Zhai Jiao asked suspiciously, looking at the person whose face was completely unclear in front of her.

"Miss, it's us." The three raised their hair and said to Zhai Jiao excitedly.

"Where's the big dragon head?" Seeing that Zhai Jiao seemed to recognize the three of them, the three immediately asked again.

"My father, my father..." Zhai Jiao felt sad when she mentioned Zhai Rang, and tears fell as she spoke.

The three of them looked at Zhai Jiao's performance and couldn't help but stunned for a while. They thought that Zu Junyan and Shen Luoyan were deceiving people last night. What's the matter, Miss, tell me now."

"My father was killed by Li Mi last night." Zhai Jiao said while looking at the anxious three people.

"No, the big dragon head won't die," said a middle-aged man in his forties among the three.

"What are you, Miss?" One of the young people looked at Li Zhenwu and his party and asked Zhai Jiao.

"We..." Only then did Zhai Jiao realize that the boy in front of her didn't tell her where the destination was, so she turned her head and said to Li Zhenwu, "Where are we going?"

"Jingling." Originally, Li Zhenwu watched them reminisce, so he didn't bother, but the problem suddenly turned to himself, so he said.

"I don't know who the son is? Why are you with the eldest miss?" The young man immediately asked back when he heard Li Zhenwu's answer.

"This Xiongtai is under Li Zhenwu, and he is with Miss Zhai. Miss Zhai will tell Xiongtai later." Li Zhenwu looked at the young man in front of him and looked at himself with distrust, so he just After reporting his name, he kicked the balloon to Zhai Jiao and asked her to explain.

"Miss." At this time, the middle-aged man who was still in grief just now also called Zhai Jiao together with the other two, and then looked at Li Zhenwu, as if to say what was going on with this young man.

Then Zhai Jiao wiped the tears on her face, told the three about what happened last night, and introduced Li Zhenwu and planned to follow Li Zhenwu, hoping to avenge Zhai Rang.

When the three heard it, they immediately objected and said to Zhai Jiao, "Miss, this person's origin is unknown, I think it is better to leave as soon as possible. Besides, you are the only daughter of Dalongtou. In the future, you will need the eldest to take charge of the overall situation. How can you easily rely on others."

After listening to this, Zhai Jiao smiled helplessly and sadly, and then explained to the three, "Being in charge of the overall situation is because this Li Mi killed his father, what virtue and how can I take charge of the overall situation, besides, my father was controlled by Li Mi. How can I take revenge for the killing of the dog thief by myself."

"But Miss, you can't find such a yellow-mouthed child." The middle-aged man pointed at Li Zhenwu and said.

"Haha." Although Zhai Jiao's voice was still rough, she could reveal infinite misery. "Where else can I go? Sui Jun? Or Li Zitong, Du Fuwei, or the four great clans?"

This rhetorical question directly stunned the middle-aged man, and then Zhai Jiao said, "After all, that son is kind to me and my father, although he has a place to use me, but maybe he promises to avenge me, then I will follow him. That's it."

Seeing that Zhai Jiao was obsessed with following Li Zhenwu, the three of them had no choice but to follow Li Zhenwu and his party, but they threatened Li Zhenwu, "Master, although the eldest miss wants to follow you, I hope you can treat the eldest lady kindly, otherwise Although the three of us are weak, we will seek justice for the eldest lady."

Li Zhenwu listened to all their conversations, and didn't take their threats to heart. Anyway, Zhai Jiao's role was to break the Wagang in the future and use it as a mascot for Zhaojiang, so he nodded. "Don't worry, everyone."

Then a few people went to an inn for dinner. After entering, Li Zhenwu heard something secretly said by someone next door. Li Zhenwu listened carefully and heard someone say, "I heard that there is news from Yang Gong's treasure house..."

"Where?" another man asked quickly.

"Do you know the Rakshasa girl who assassinated Yang Guang?" This person said mysteriously.

"Of course I know, but what does this have to do with Yang Gong's treasure house?" Another person asked in confusion.

"Of course it has something to do with it. You know that the Rakshasa girl once went into Duke Yang's treasury and brought out two pieces of ancient jade from the treasury." The man said triumphantly.

"Rakshasa knows, then I can't beat her. It seems that the treasure house has nothing to do with me." Another person said with some annoyance.

"There may have been no chance, but now the opportunity has come. The Qingjiao Association was the first to know the news, and then the president of the Qingjiao Association cooperated with dozens of masters to besiege the Rakshasa girl, and finally the Rakshasa girl fell." This person There is an opening.

"Isn't the treasure trove no one knows about?" another asked.

"Of course not. I heard that the Rakshasa woman recognized two little ghosts as adopted sons. These two little ghosts probably know the whereabouts of the treasure house."

"Where are those two little devils now?" Another man grabbed the man's sleeve and asked.

"Hundred taels of gold." This man just said this sentence, but he didn't speak.

"You really want money, even if you don't talk about it for a while, I'll know. With such a big treasure trove, 5.8 will definitely be full of storms in the city." The other person didn't want to give money, so he said.

"Naturally, you will know after a while, but at that time I don't know how many people will know, and there will be your share." The man said indifferently.

"No, since you know what to tell me, why don't you go by yourself." Another person said as if reacting.

"I don't go because I'm not greedy. I know that the treasure house is a meat grinder, and I cherish my life, but you don't seem to be like this. Would you pass up such a big opportunity?" The man asked back after explaining.

"Okay, here it is." The other person didn't speak for a long time, thought about it carefully, then threw out the gold and said.

"Those two brats are called Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling. They seem to have passed over here three days ago, but these two brats were very slippery and they both ran away." The man said after putting away the gold.

Chapter 62 Witch Wanwan

I didn't expect that Fu Junxi would still be dead. What I didn't expect this time was not because of the longevity formula, but because of Duke Yang's treasure house. Li Zhenwu sighed after hearing this.

In fact, after Li Zhenwu disrupted everything, Fu Junxi didn't have to die, but it was also because Li Zhenwu stole the opportunity of Shuanglong - the longevity formula, which caused the luck of the two to decline. At this time, the two couldn't help but absorb it. Taking advantage of Fu Junzheng's luck, he came to complement them.

In this way, Fu Junxi, who fell to the bottom of the valley, summoned the disaster, and finally escaped with Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling. When he was about to die, he also taught the skills to the two, and the two also completed it completely. Fortunately, the price is that Fu Junxi, who could have lived, is now dead.

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