"But now that Duke Yang's treasury is slowly coming out, it seems that we must rush to Jingling immediately, otherwise it will be difficult to enter the hall before the curtain is opened." Although Li Zhenwu sighed at Fu Junxi The death of Yang Gong immediately thought of the influence of Yang Gong's treasure house on the world, and then spoke in a voice that no one could hear.


Although Jingling City is not as big as Yangzhou City, it looks like three steps and one post, and five steps and one post are like a castle. You can know that this city is often invaded by war, the red blood on the city walls, and the repaired city walls. It can be seen that the city is not peaceful.

Originally, Li Zhenwu didn't plan to start from here to dominate the world. After all, this is the place where 婠婠 lives. It would be unwise to provoke the Yingui faction and them now. But in the end, when Li Zhenwu left Pegasus Ranch, he looked at Shang Xiusun. He seemed to have a trace of friendship with himself, so Li Zhenwu thought about occupying Jingling.

Jingling is backed by the Pegasus Ranch, which is the barrier of the Pegasus Ranch. If you have trouble here, you don't have to worry about the problems behind you. Also, since it is far from the pasture, at least you can ask Lu Miaozi to come over to help quickly when something happens.

Outside the city, Li Zhenwu said to Zhai Jiao in the carriage, "Miss Zhai, can I ask you a favor?"

"Young Master, please speak." It seems that since Zhai Rang's death, Zhai Jiao's fiery and irritable temper has also subsided. Although her voice is still like Zhang Fei's, the speed and content of her speech have changed from the way a woman should speak. .

"Miss Zhai, please go to Pegasus Ranch and give this letter to a man named Li Jing." Li Zhenwu wanted to send Zhai Jiao to Pegasus Ranch. Can be better able to test 婠婠.

"Okay, son." Seeing Susu and Chu Chu, who were tired from working on a carriage for days, Zhai Jiao agreed without refuting.

"Miss, let's go with you." The three people who followed said in unison.

"You guys should stay and help the young master, I'll just go." Zhai Jiao persuaded the three of them as they were about to leave.After all, Zhai Jiao still has to rely on Li Zhenwu to take revenge. By leaving some people to help Li Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu can develop faster and take revenge faster.

"However, it's not safe for you, miss, so let us accompany you." The three of them heard that this is the scope of activities of the four major bandits, so they continued to talk.

"Miss Zhai, let them accompany you. They can't help you much here." Li Zhenwu also advised.

"But..." Zhai Jiao continued.

Seeing that Zhai Jiao was about to speak, Li Zhenwu went directly into the city and just said something behind him, "What we need on this trip are people with strong martial arts. They should accompany Miss Zhai to the ranch." What kind of expression did he have when he said these words, he went straight inside.

The three of them were angry when they heard Li Zhenwu's words, but after watching Li Zhenwu leave, they didn't say anything, took a few deep breaths, and said to Zhai Jiao, "Since the young lady has already Let's go with you." Zhai Jiao had no choice but to nod, and then the group went to the Pegasus Ranch.

After Li Zhenwu entered Jingling, he went directly to Duba Mountain Villa. Li Zhenwu wanted to see how deep the power of the concubine was. After all, in the original book, the concubine Xuan could block even Zhu Yuyan, so he would be tied with the concubine. It is estimated that Li Zhenwu can also block Zhu Yuyan, but Li Zhenwu now has the same strength as Zhu Yuyan and Yuwenshang can only resist, so Li Zhenwu went to see how strong Zhu Yuyan really is.

Li Zhenwu sneaked into the Duba Mountain Villa, grabbed a servant and asked about the yard where Wei Yan lived. Then, he restrained his breath and touched the top of Wei Wei's wall.

Li Zhenwu looked up, and the first thing that caught his eye was a pair of bare feet like snow. They were immersed in the water on the edge of the rockery. It moves with the slow flow of the water and seems to be one with the water.

Li Zhenwu found that this pair of slender, delicate, soft and boneless feet was the most eye-catching pair of feet Li Zhenwu had ever seen in his life.

Looking up at the owner of these beautiful feet, she sat quietly under the white clothes like snow, a pair of slender and flawless jade feet dipped into the water, allowing the water to slowly slide over her feet.That tranquility made the wind blowing at this time gentle, and panic disturbed the beauty's meditation.

The long black hair like a waterfall hangs down, 413 half covering the mysterious and charming face, which makes people's heart pound, and even makes the soul tremble, and the primordial spirit is one of them.

The slender jade hands hugged her fragrant knees slightly, making her seemingly thin and delicate body even more sympathetic. When the breeze came, the strands of hair danced lightly and the ribbons fluttered. go.At this time, she didn't seem to be a woman in the world, but a barefoot elf from outside.

After watching for a while, Li Zhenwu found his mind, as if he was deeply attracted by the elf girl, and also knew why Lu Miaozi was still attracted by Zhu Yuyan when Lu Miaozi had the unparalleled beauty Shang Qingya, what a yin sunflower The witch of the pie, as if with magic power on her body, deeply sinks people.

Suddenly Li Zhenwu shook his head and came to his senses, saying in his heart, "The Avenue of Charm, it turns out to be the Avenue of Charm, no wonder I seemed to be possessed just now, but I didn't expect that the avenue of charm in this world is actually a bit more powerful than the innate gods and demons in the wild. ."

Li Zhenwu looked at her who seemed to have the same skill as himself, and when he was about to leave, he heard him.

"Who's outside?" A surprised voice came out of the small cherry mouth.

Chapter 63

It turned out that when Li Zhenwu shook his head just now, it drove the flow rate of the air, which made Wei Wu aware of it, so she immediately shouted in Li Zhenwu's direction.

Li Zhenwu didn't want Wei to find out, so he immediately jumped to the big tree five feet behind him, and used the canopy to cover himself perfectly.

"Come out." Gently walked towards the wall where Li Zhenwu had just lied on, standing there, some bewitching voices and some hunky voices spit out from her mouth.

She sensed someone there just now, so she walked over slowly and unfolded the Heavenly Magic Field, but no one else was found in the Heavenly Magic Field, so the Heavenly Demon Voice, who activated her soul, spoke softly.

Li Zhenwu was not moved by it at all. After all, after Li Zhenwu was charmed by the beautiful face displayed by the celestial magic, he shielded his senses with his longevity infuriating, so the sound of the celestial demon was attractive. Zhenwu is still hiding in the tree like a log.

It's just that at this time, the birds on the tree were attracted by the sound of the demons, and fluttered their wings to fly over, but one bird seemed to be stupid and hit Li Zhenwu directly, sending out a trace of it. A different voice, this voice was suddenly heard by the still on alert.

The sweet voice sounded again, but she changed her position and passed from the foot of the tree. She said softly, "It's not just which senior is joking with the little girl?" Although her tone was extremely gentle, As long as it is a human being, you can see from the Heavenly Demon Slash in her hand that she wants to come and die.

Li Zhenwu found that he couldn't hide anymore, and then jumped from the tree with a flick of his front, looking at the smiling face still in front of him.

She used her flawless jade fingers to gently wrap the Demon Ribbon on her arm, and said softly, "I didn't expect it to be such a young son, but why do you secretly spy on her? Does the son like it? Qi'er, so I came to steal and peep at Qi'er." Said the Tianmo ribbon tied the Tianmo Slash, and slashed at Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu looked at the purple Heavenly Demon Slash tied to the purple Heavenly Demon Ribbon, and immediately pulled out Hanyue and swept the Heavenly Demon Slash away.

After Li Zhenwu slashed the demons, he held the Hanyue, his eyes suddenly opened, and two colorful rays of light shot out from his eyes, if there was any substance, then the Hanyue sword turned into a rainbow, just like the sword of Li Zhenwu who was holding the sword at this time, and shot directly. And go.

"Ding! Ding!" The double slash of the celestial demons immediately hit Li Zhenwu's Hanyue sword, and swayed the sharp weapon that was only half an inch away, and then drifted back to the side, Luo Xiu. Quickly shot out the demon ribbon, and withdrew a dense net of hairbands, so that Li Zhenwu could not take advantage of the situation to pursue.

At this moment, a strange light appeared in the pupils of the beautiful eyes, which was a unique phenomenon when the Heavenly Demon Art was at its peak.

Seeing that Li Zhenwu escaped his own attack, he also used the Demon Ribbon to weave a net to block it, so that not only did he have no flaws in the changes of his moves, but he was also completely natural from Zhigang to Zhirou. If he continued to attack with the same sword move, he would definitely not be able to get the slightest benefit from his hands.

Then, while Li Zhenwu was being stopped by the demon ribbon, under the double slash of the demons, it turned into a waning moon and sank in the west. However, the woman herself flew backwards into the sky. She was like a kite with a broken string. Fluttering and flying, it seems that it can no longer be down-to-earth, but the infuriating energy on the Demon Slash is concentrated on the blade of the Demon Slash, as if to cut Li Zhenwu in two.

The cold moon in Li Zhenwu's hand burst out with a colorful light. To be precise, it was a long line of light, like a colorful whip. Then Li Zhenwu used the whip created by the cold moon to entangle the demons, and let the well-prepared this Can't fire.

婠婠 looked at the Heavenly Demon Slash being shrouded in colorful rays of light, and then the light in his eyes was generous, and the Heavenly Demon True Qi and the Changsheng True Qi fought on the Heavenly Demon Slash.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Zhenwu didn't want to go down hard, and with a full blow, he repelled the infuriating energy on the Demon Slash, and then put Hanyue back into the scabbard and was about to leave, but the Demon Ribbon brought the Demon Slash. The surroundings of Li Zhenwu were blocked, so that Li Zhenwu could not leave easily.

The robes fluttered, and the beauty was indescribably beautiful. The white, bare-footed Pei Pei looked at Li Zhenwu with no plans to attack, and then said with a smile, "Young master is really cruel, and I don't know Lianxiang Xiyu at all."

"Young lady, you don't have to pretend to be pitiful here. If you are a little bit more pity and sympathetic to the jade, it is estimated that you will not be able to stand here and talk to the girl." Although Li Zhenwu blocked the charm brought by the magic of the devil, However, she was still shocked by the peerless beauty, she didn't intend to speak, but she still spoke.

"Young master is joking, how can a weak woman treat the son." Looking at Li Zhenwu unmoved, she continued to pretend to be pitiful.

"If the Heavenly Demon Slash just now didn't slash to the next one, the next one would still be willing to believe the girl." Li Zhenwu wanted to leave, but looked at the eyeing Heavenly Demon Slash, and continued to talk to Che.

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