She put away the Heavenly Demon Slash, shrugged her shoulders slightly, and made an enchanting demeanor that would make any man tempted, slowly approached Li Zhenwu, and said affectionately like a wife to her husband: "Then the son is now in the hands of Qi'er. It's nothing, the son is willing to pity Xiangxiang and cherish jade?"

In fact, the slasher just took the Demon Slash to the cuff, if there is anything wrong, the Heavenly Demon Slash will immediately return to the hands of the scorpion.

"Girls, the sound of the demons has no effect on the lower ones." Li Zhenwu watched as he took the demons back, and Hanyue waved a sword qi in his hand, blocking the ones who wanted to get close to him, and then stepped out and jumped away from the battlefield. Get away, and send a sound transmission to Qiu in the air.

She looked at Li Zhenwu and ran straight away, without chasing, she just stood there and looked at Li Zhenwu's back and said, "Sir, I will find you." She said with a strange expression on her face.

Li Zhenwu returned to the inn, and he had a good idea of ​​what to do next. After all, she was similar in skill to her own, but her longevity infuriating restrained her demonic ingenuity, so the biggest problem was solved, and everything was easy to do next. .

Chapter 64 The Arrival of Li Jing

A few days later, in the inn.

"Meet the lord." Li Jing bowed to Li Zhenwu.

"The pharmacist doesn't need to be polite, please get up quickly." Li Zhenwu said with help.

"Okay, since you are here, the pharmacist, the plan can begin." Li Zhenwu said to Li Jing who had just sat down.

"Then I don't know where the lord starts, what do you need your subordinates to do?" Li Jing asked.

"Pharmacist, since you came to Jingling, what do you think of Duba Villa?" Li Zhenwu did not answer Li Jing after hearing this, but asked Li Jing another question.

"Douba Mountain Villa, I heard that Jingling can now be free from the war, thanks to the support of Duba Mountain Villa." Li Jing told Li Zhenwu what he heard when he entered Jingling.

"I also read the information about Fang Zetao, the owner of Duba Villa, from Master Lu. He was originally a general of the Great Sui Dynasty. Since the chaos of the Great Sui Dynasty, he has occupied Jingling and became the emperor of the land. Does the lord plan to start with him?" Li Jing continued. said.

"Well, from top to bottom waiting for Fang Zetao's death, Jingling's veteran Feng Ge and the documents in the Duba Mountain Villa are in vain. I have already contacted two days ago, and I will be able to occupy Jingling as soon as Fang Zetao dies." Li 580 Zhenwu found Shuanglong's military advisor, Xu Xingzhi, after the battle with Wuxing. The two talked for a long time, and Xu Xingzhi was convinced by Li Zhenwu. Then, under Xu Xingzhi's introduction, he successfully persuaded Hope. Jingling was able to be safe and peaceful, the veteran Feng Ge, so Li Zhenwu changed his original plan.

Originally, Li Zhenwu's plan was to kill Fang Zetao, then tell the Four Great Siege of Fang Zetao's death, and when Jingling was in danger, he would stand up to turn the tide and successfully become the master of Jingling, but now that he has persuaded Jingling's master Wen Wu, then the news of Fang Zetao's death doesn't need to be told to the four major mistresses.

"Feng Ge, the lord has a good plan. Feng Ge is the only general under Fang Zetao who can control Jingling's horses. As long as Fang Zetao dies, Jingling can be obtained without any effort." Li Jing heard Li Zhenwu's arrangement and felt that the strategy was very feasible. So said.

"When is the lord going to act?"

Li Zhenwu shook his finger and said, "No no no, Fang Zetao, I will not do it myself, but I am going to borrow a knife to kill."

"Murder with a knife? Where did the master knife come from?" Li Jing asked in confusion.

"The knife came from Fang Zetao who just saved the beauty. She is my best knife." Li Zhenwu said mysteriously.

"Pharmacist, do you know who she is?"

"She? The woman that Fang Zetao rescued?" Li Jing asked, thinking in his heart. He didn't expect that Fang Zetao had just rescued the woman a few days ago, and the lord knew it more than ten days ago. Could it be that this woman was arranged by the lord?

"It's her, she's not an ordinary person, the apprentice of Zhu Yuyan, the young master of Yinkui." Li Zhenwu said directly to Li Jing without selling anything.

"Yinkui faction." Li Jing was shocked by what Li Zhenwu said. He didn't expect that the woman was actually a member of the Yinkui faction. Could it be that the lord is a member of the Demon Sect?But it's not like ah, the lord's martial arts are peaceful, and the nihility darts are obviously Taoist kung fu. Is it that the lord has secret agents in the Yinkui faction?However, Li Jing didn't ask them out. After all, knowing too much is not good for him.

"Well, since the pharmacist is here, then the [-] elites under my command to attack the Duba Mountain Villa will belong to the pharmacist." Li Zhenwu quietly trained and recruited [-] when he was the deputy of Yuwen Chengdu in the Xiaoguo Army of Jiangdu. The elite soldiers, before the rebellion with Yuwen Chengdu, let these [-] people enter Jingling in pieces.

"Three hundred elites." Li Jing muttered. He originally thought that Li Zhenwu only had an intelligence system under his command. Unexpectedly, there were three hundred elites at this time, so Li Jing asked absentmindedly. Zhenzhen also learned some news about Li Zhenwu, but he didn't expect Li Zhenwu to have hidden forces.

"My lord, do you know where these three hundred elites are now?" Li Jing asked eagerly after regaining his senses.

"Outside Jingling, on a mountain thirty miles away." Li Zhenwu pointed to a hill in the south.


Li Jing stood on the top of the mountain and watched silently. The soldiers in front of them were almost identical in height, body shape, eyes, fighting spirit, and aura. Their movements were surprisingly tacit, like one person, no matter if they were standing still, walking forward, or moving forward. Carrying guns, outposts, putting away, assassinating, marching before any action, is also terrifyingly neat.

At any time, you can only hear a neat and tidy 'swish, swish, swish' sound, no noise, no mistakes, no similarities or differences; distance, front distance, back distance, walking distance, all the same; travel speed , The speed of holding the gun, the speed of change, is like a person.

"This is the most powerful soldier I have ever seen. I don't know who trained this soldier. Please give me a recommendation from the lord." Li Jing looked at the daily drills of these soldiers and eagerly wanted to know who trained the soldiers. , so he asked Li Zhenwu eagerly.

"Pharmacist, Miao Zan." Li Zhenwu looked at Li Jing and thought to himself, just by following the practice method of later generations of the Red Army, it is incredible that this military god can be convinced by this.

Li Zhenwu actually didn't understand the matter of war. In ancient times, the ability of generals in wars depended on the general's ability to command troops. The general laws of sex, such as obeying orders to advance, and those who run away die, have had a considerable impact on the generals and soldiers. If the general's majesty and reputation are not enough, then it is easy to induce qi to roar the camp.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhenwu just made all the laws in accordance with the rules of later generations, and made the soldiers fully obey the instructions of the generals. In Li Zhenwu's view, these soldiers can only be regarded as passing level in later generations, and he did not expect to be so sought after by Li Jing.

"My lord, I..." Li Jing said excitedly after hearing this.

"Pharmacist, don't get excited. I'll give you a military training manual. Now let's discuss important matters." Li Zhenwu said amusedly looking at Li Jing's strong thirst for knowledge.

"The three centurions gather." Li Zhenwu said to the three men in bright armor who were training soldiers.

The three heard Li Zhenwu's voice coming from the top of the hill, and immediately organized their army. They ran to Li Zhenwu and knelt down in front of Li Zhenwu.

"Get up, how's it going?" Li Zhenwu helped the three up.These are the three centurions Wu Ming, Lan Rui, and Guo Xiaodong that Li Zhenwu rescued in the Xiaoguo Army. They offended the powerful, and Li Zhenwu saved them. From, so Li Zhenwu let them come here before the uprising.

"General, the soldiers are all waiting for the general to come back." The three said happily.

"Okay, then you tell the soldiers that their vacation is over." Li Zhenwu said with a hint of domineering at this time.

Chapter 65 The Eve of Action

"General, please." The three of them knelt down on one knee and said to Li Zhenwu with their fists clasped together.

"This one will be your commander-in-chief in the future, and he will direct the subsequent actions. Let's get to know you." Li Zhenwu pointed to Li Jing and introduced them to the three of them.

"I don't agree. Why does he command the brothers? We only obey you, General." Guo Xiaodong, who was stupefied and stupefied, heard that Li Zhenwu asked Li Jing to command them, and immediately pointed to~ Li Jing said.

"Pharmacist, it's up to you." Li Zhenwu ignored Guo Xiaodong and just said to Li Jing who was beside him.

Li Jing didn't talk nonsense, walked directly in front of the three, drew out his long knife and pointed at the three, indicating that the three of them could get on together.

The three looked at each other, and finally the most shrewd Wu Ming stood up and said to Li Jing, "As long as the general can defeat the three of us, I will follow the general's orders in the future. If the general cannot..." Then he hummed a few times. .

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