"The hypocritical words I said today are so tiring." Li Zhenwu muttered while sitting at the table drinking tea.

The comity between Li Zhenwu and Feng Ge today really made Li Zhenwu feel a little acid reflux at that moment, so he endured to finish those words.

"But Jingling is in hand. Next, we have to consolidate Jingling first, and then seek development." Li Zhenwu thought about what he should do later.

"bang bang bang"

A knock on the door interrupted Li Zhenwu's contemplation. When he opened the door, he saw Li Jing standing outside the door.

"Pharmacist, come in." Li Zhenwu greeted.

"Thank you, Lord." Li Jing thanked Li Zhenwu first, then raised his legs and went in.

"My lord, Master Lu's flying pigeon biography." Li Jing took out a note from his cuff and handed it to Li Zhenwu.

On the paper was written, "Pharmacist, tell that kid, the Four Great Masters, who want to attack the pasture, hurry back."

"Pharmacist, have you seen it?" Li Zhenwu said to Li Jing with a note.

Li Jing nodded.

"Come here, please come over, Mr. Xu." Li Zhenwu shouted to the soldiers of 583 outside the yard.

"My lord, I'll go back with you." Li Jing saw Li Zhenwu calling Xu Xingzhi to come over, and knew that Li Zhenwu was about to leave, so he said.

"No, you are still here." Li Zhenwu rejected Li Jing's request.

"Meet the lord." Xu Xingzhi said to Li Zhenwu as soon as he entered the door.

"Mr. Xu doesn't need to be more polite. I'm going to leave for a while. Jingling will be handed over to Mr. first." Li Zhenwu didn't talk nonsense, he said it directly, and by the way handed the note to Xu Xingzhi.

Xu Xingzhi took the note and saw why Li Zhenwu was leaving, so he said, "Please rest assured, lord, Xingzhi will do his best."

"Okay, I'm leaving." After he finished speaking, he jumped to the wall and rushed to the Pegasus Ranch at a very fast speed.


In the small building of Lu Miaozi in the back of the Pegasus Ranch, at this time, Lu Miaozi was teaching Wei Zhenzhen's mechanics, and Li Zhenwu broke in directly.

"Brother Li." Wei Zhenzhen looked at Li Zhenwu, who had not seen him for a long time, and threw herself into Li Zhenwu's arms with a coquettish cry.

"Zhenzhen, I'm back." Li Zhenwu gently patted Wei Zhenzhen's back.

Wei Zhenzhen cried in Li Zhenwu's arms for a long time before wiping away her tears, holding Li Zhenwu's hand, and carefully looking at the changes that Li Zhenwu had undergone during this period.

The two of them looked at and said without anyone else. At this time, Lu Miaozi couldn't stand it any longer. Don't they know that there is still a big living person here?So Lu Miaozi cleared his throat and coughed a few times, "Cough, cough, cough."

Wei Zhenzhen was coughed and pulled out of the world where only Li Zhenwu was. Looking at Lu Miaozi's playful eyes, Wei Zhenzhen's face became red at that time, like a red apple.

Li Zhenwu looked at Lu Miaozi who interrupted him and Zhenzhen, gave him an angry look, and said in his mouth, "Senior Lu has a cough, so hurry up and take medicine."

Lu Miaozi was stunned by Li Zhenwu's words. He didn't say anything for a long time. In the end, he pointed helplessly at Li Zhenwu, "You kid, every time I am here with this old man, you are always so indifferent."

"Brother Li, I'll pour you a glass of water." Wei Zhenzhen only remembered that Li Zhenwu had just entered the door, so she said.

"It's not bad boy. It's just the right time to come back. I just have something for you to do." Lu Miaozi said.

"Master Lu, isn't it? I just arrived and you asked me to do things. It's inhumane." Li Zhenwu exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"I don't have time to joke. Since you asked the pharmacist to bring back the letter, I have been paying attention to him for a few days, and found that there is indeed a problem. The news of the attack of the four major priests this time also came from him." Lu Miaozi said .

"What does Master Lu want me to do now?" Li Zhenwu asked.

"The old man seems to have a force in his investigation, which is colluding with the four major priests, but the old man has not detected it, so you have to check it out." Lu Miaozi told Li Zhenwu what he needed to do.

"I happen to know that this person is from Wagang. It seems that this plan is Wagang's plan to sink the wild goose." When Li Zhenwu heard that this was the case, he didn't need to inquire about the original, so Li Zhenwu replied immediately.

"Wagangzhai, the old man knows." Lu Miaozi looked at Li Zhenwu and answered at once. He was a little surprised and wanted to ask him where he got it, but after thinking that no one had a secret, he didn't ask any more questions. .

"Master Lu, have there been any new arrivals from the ranch recently, with a Yangzhou accent?" Li Zhenwu asked, thinking that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling in the original book should be here by now.

"It doesn't seem to be. The old man remembers it very clearly. There is no new pastry chef, and the ranch basically does not recruit outsiders, but is there any problem?" Lu Miaozi asked.

"No, there is no problem." Li Zhenwu said.I thought in my heart that since they didn't come, then the four big scorpions haven't come yet, so I can prepare a little more time.

"Brother Li, the tea is ready." Wei Zhenzhen handed Li Zhenwu a cup of tea.

"Master Lu, your tea." Then You handed Lu Miaozi a cup.

"Okay, I've seen Zhenzhen as well, let's get out of your tea, the old man is going to start teaching Zhenzhen, you are tired of being together at night." Lu Miaozi couldn't bear it anymore, so the two of them thought he didn't exist, They kept talking and laughing, so he asked Li Zhenwu to get out.

"Alright then, Master Lu, I'll go first." Li Zhenwu put down Zhenzhen's hand and said to Lu Miaozi.

Li Zhenwu went down the mountain and went directly to Shangxiu's room, because Li Zhenwu went directly to Lu Miaozi just now, so he went to Shangxiu's place now.

"Miss Xiaojuan, is Xiuxun here?" Li Zhenwu asked Shang Xiuxun's personal maid.

"Young Master Li, here, the owner is here, I'll take you there." Xiaojuan answered hurriedly.

Walking into Shang Xiuxun's room, Shang Xiuxun looked up at Li Zhenwu, his bright eyes were full of smiles, but he said, "Brother Li, do you remember Xiuxun?"

Suddenly realizing something was wrong, he immediately changed his tune and said, "Do you remember this friend Xiu Xun? It's been a long time since I sent a letter."

When Shang Xiuxun said he didn't know what to say, Li Zhenwu saw the cakes on the table and bluntly changed the subject, "Xiuxun's cakes are really ugly."

Suddenly I thought of the ugly cakes again. My god is not playing with me. I heard about Kou Zhong at Lu Miaozi just now, and Xu Ziling didn't come. I didn't expect this time...

Chapter 70 Meeting Kou Xu Again

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