"Is this cake made by two newcomers, with a Yangzhou accent." Li Zhenwu directly picked up a cake and said to Shang Xiuxun.

Shang Xiuxun watched Li Zhenwu change the subject bluntly and looked at him with great interest, but he picked up the cakes on the table and asked himself seriously, no longer embarrassed at the beginning and replied, " Yes, the two new pastry chefs are also Yangzhou accents, although they look a little ugly, but they are very innovative and not bad, Brother Li, would you like to try it?"

After listening to Shang Xiuxun's answer, Li Zhenwu could almost confirm that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were here, but he still asked, "Is that the princess from the Li clan coming to the ranch?"

Shang Xiu Xun listened to Li Zhenwu asking again, but Li Xiuning was the one who asked, so he said with a bit of yin and yang, "Yes, the princess of the Li clan may return tomorrow. Brother Li is really concerned about her."

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu knew that Shang Xiuxun had misunderstood, so he explained, "Xiu Xun has misunderstood, I just want to see if it's right~ I'm right."

"What's wrong?" Shang Xiu looked at Li Zhenwu suspiciously after hearing this, and asked.

"It's nothing, is Xiuxun busy now? If you're not busy, can you accompany me to see my horse king?" Li Zhenwu casually thought to himself, and when he crouched down the mountain behind Lu Miaozi at night, he knew they were coming. Are you done.

"When Xiuxun has time, let's go with Brother Li, and take a look at my flames." Shang Xiuxun looked at Li Zhenwu's invitation, and agreed immediately, and didn't care if Li Zhenwu didn't listen to what he just said. understand.

It was almost evening when the two returned to the ranch on horseback. Looking at Shang Xiuxun who went with him to Wei Zhenzhen's place, Li Zhenwu said, "Xiuxun, are you going to Zhenzhen's place too?"

"Hmph, I eat with Sister Zhenzhen every day, can't I?" Shang Xiuxun looked at Li Zhenwu as if he didn't want to go by himself, and snorted.

"Okay, okay, of course, then Xiusou please." Seeing Shang Xiuxun seemed angry, Li Zhenwu hurriedly said, and by the way, he invited Shang Xiuxun to enter.

Seeing that Wei Zhenzhen had prepared the meal, Li Zhenwu and Shang Xiuxun sat down at the dining table without talking nonsense.

"I didn't expect that the old man is real. Zhenzhen and I usually only have six dishes. I didn't expect that Brother Li would have twelve dishes on the table when he came back." Shang Xiuxun looked at the number of dishes on the table and complained. on.

As soon as Li Zhenwu heard it, he knew that this was the meal made by Lu Miaozi, and after listening to Shang Xiuxun's name for Lu Miaozi, he knew that Shang Xiuxun had forgiven Lu Miaozi and would not use him instead.

"Xiu Xun, Senior Lu only knows that I have a big appetite, so I cook so many meals, doesn't Xiu Xun want me to eat it?"

Li Zhenwu's words made Shang Xiuxun's words hurriedly waved his hand, and said in his mouth, "How could it be? Brother Li, eat quickly." Then she quickly picked up the chopsticks, lowered her head and pulled it into her mouth.

Li Zhenwu stopped teasing Shang Xiuxun, turned to ask Zhenzhen, and Shang Xiuxun and Lu Miaozi reconciled.

Wei Zhenzhen told Li Zhenwu that after he left, Master Lu asked her to bring food to Shang Xiuxun every day. Suddenly, one day Xiuxun kicked the door of Master Lu, and said to Master Lu, if you can do it, old man Give me a thousand dishes, ten thousand dishes that I like, and I will forgive you.Then Xiu Xun ran away, and finally Xiu Xun called Lu Shi an old man.

"So that's how it is." Li Zhenwu stared at Shang Xiuxun and said.

Shang Xiuxun, who was pulling the food, heard all of Wei Zhenzhen's words in his ears. Hearing Li Zhenwu's voice, Shang Xiuxun put down his rice bowl, squinted at Li Zhenwu and said he was full. Just ran away.


"Brother Li, you ran away with Xiu Xun's anger."


At night, Li Zhenwu sat down in the pavilion leading to Lu Miaozi's small building, and soon Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling really appeared.

"Ah, Big Brother Li." Kou Zhong looked at Li Zhenwu and exclaimed.

"Xiaozhong, Xiaoling, why are you here?" Li Zhenwu asked without knowing it.

"The two of us are..." Kou Zhong suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to be coming to Pegasus Ranch, but was pulled over, so he said this half sentence.

"Are you brought here by Deacon Liu Daozong?" Although Li Zhenwu used a questioning tone, his expression revealed certainty.

"Brother Li, how do you know?" The two said in unison.

"There are generally few outsiders in the ranch. Today, only Deacon Liu has returned. Who else would it be if he didn't bring you here?" Li Zhenwu added what he had read in the original book and added his own words to fool Kou Zhong and the two.

"Brother Li is really amazing." The two said in admiration.

"However, why did the two of you come to the ranch? I remember it seems that Miss Fu took you away in the end. Could it be that Miss Fu went back to Korea?" Li Zhenwu didn't quite know what happened to them, which led to Fu Junsui's death. speak up.

Hearing Li Zhenwu's words, the two of them became depressed, and there were tears in the corners of their eyes. They were silent there for a long time before Kou Zhong said, "That's after we left the big ship..."

"Mother, where are we going now?" Kou Zhong asked Fu Junxi, who was just walking forward.

Fu Junxi didn't answer, and continued to walk until a small valley appeared in front of her. Fu Junxi stopped, turned to the two and said, "Okay, here we are."

"Mother, why are we here? It's desolate mountains and waters." Kou Zhong complained when he saw that he had come to such a place.

Fu Junxu tapped Kou Zhong's head with his index finger and said, "Xiao Ling didn't say anything, that's all you have to say."

Xu Ziling snickered on the side, Kou Zhong gave him an angry look, and said to Fu Junzhen, "Xiaoling is just not as quick as me, it's not that he doesn't ask."

"Don't be fooling around." Fu Junxi said with a straight face.

"What are we doing here?" Xu Ziling asked.

"Didn't you guys always want to practice martial arts? Mother gave my master's Jiuxuan Dafa professor to you two little devils." Fu Junxi replied to Xu Ziling's words.

The two were overjoyed when they heard the words. In the past, when they saw Fu Junxi's high rise, they kept begging Fu Junxi to teach martial arts, but they never agreed. At this time, they were overjoyed when they heard Fu Junxi's words.

Then the three of them spent more than a month in the small valley, one teaching and two learning.

When Kou Zhong said these words, there was still a trace of joy on his face, suddenly thinking of what happened later, his face turned hideous.

Chapter 71 The story told by Kou Zhong

In the small valley, Kou Zhong jumped up and down with joy, and happily ran to Fu Junxi, "Mother, Xiaoling and I have completed the first training, we can go out."

Fu Junxi told Kou Zhong that they would not be able to leave the valley until they had completed the first stage of the Nine Mysteries Dafa.

"What about your swordsmanship?" Fu Junxi asked, looking at Kou Zhong who was jumping in front of her.

"It's almost there." Kou Zhong scratched his head and said.

"You two brats are really good, but we've been here for a long time. Let's clean up, and we'll go out when we clean up." Fu Junxu said with a scolding smile.

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