Panyucheng Xiao Xian and Ren Shaoming were fighting here for the southern hegemony. At this time, Fu Junxi brought Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling to Panyu, and Ren Shaoming found out.

"Can we just eat here today? Mother," Fu Junxi said, pointing to an inn after they entered the city.

"Come in." Fu Junzheng walked inside.

"Objective, what do you want?" Xiao Er came over to greet the three attentively.

"Three catties of meat, three bowls of water." Fu Junxi interrupted Kou Zhong, who was about to order food, and said.

The water and meat were brought up, and Fu Junyu picked up the water bowl in front of her and took a sip, "Hurry up, eat well and go on your way."

Before Fu Junxu finished her sentence, she felt that her inner strength seemed to have dissipated a little, so she silently ran the Nine Profound Dafa.

The staff in the surrounding store and the people who were eating saw Fu Junxuan drinking the water from the water bowl, and one by one drew out their knives and surrounded them.

When Fu Junxi and the others saw such a scene, they immediately took precautions and asked aloud, "He Fangxiao, dare to make trouble in front of me."

"Hahaha, the Rakshasa girl Fu Junxiu, Miss Fu, it's been a long time since I was a junior at the Iron Cavalry Club." At this time, the people surrounding them dispersed a passage, and three people came from the passage, the man in the lead said.

The people who came were Ren Shaoming and his two guardians, the evil monk Yanni.

"Hmph, Xiaoxiao." Fu Junxi felt that the internal strength in the body was slowly recovering, and the Nine Profound Dafa was running faster.

"I don't know Miss Fu, the power of San Gong Dan is not bad." Ren Shaoming mocked when Fu Junxi didn't do anything.

"Hmph, how can this trick be difficult for me, Fu Junxi." Fu Junxi has recovered a lot of skill, and slowly grasped the hilt of the sword. on the ground.

Jiuxuan Dafa is one of the three great masters of today, Fu Cailin. How could the exercises created by him be so simple that they can be dissipated by the San Gong Dan? Although at the beginning, Fu Junxi felt that his inner strength was a little dissipated, but in Jiuxuan Dafa Under the action, the inner strength slowly recovered.

"It seems that Miss Fu is really powerful. It's not because of her title of Rakshasa woman that she easily killed a few of my subordinates, but it doesn't matter. Even if you are fully recovered, Miss Fu, you can only escape the net of Ren." Ren Shaoming also looked at Fu Junxi in surprise, but thought that he had brought so many people with him, and Dui also killed her.

When Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling heard this, they scolded in unison, "Despicable, you have the ability to fight alone."

Fu Junxi didn't answer when she heard this. After all, the poison was only forced out, and seeing that Ren Shaoming's words were aimed at her today, she was hurrying to force the poison.

"Haha, as long as Miss Fu tells you the whereabouts of Duke Yang's treasure house, Ren will not only let the three of you go, but I will treat the three of you as guests in the future. Isn't it Miss Fu's intention?" Ren Shaoming looked at him. Fu Junxi didn't speak, she knew that the sword just now should be recovered after she discovered the poisoning, so she was ready to deceive the location of the treasure house.

"Delusional." Fu Junzheng cut the people who surrounded them, cut a gap with his sword, and pulled Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling to break through.

"I want to run." Ren Shaoming was imposing, his wrist flicked, and then two meteor hammers flew out from his wrist and smashed straight at Fu Junxi's back.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling looked at the two menacing meteor hammers, attacking them like two big fireballs, and quickly reminded Fu Junxuan, "Mother, behind."

Fu Junxi had long sensed that the two meteor hammers were coming towards him, but unfortunately he has not recovered from his cultivation now, but if he was alone, he could have avoided it, but now there are two burdens, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, Fu Junxi did not dodge. , turned around and held the sword, as if he had exhausted all his strength, and slashed at the two meteor hammers.


Although the meteor hammer was split open, Fu Junxi was also blasted away like a broken sack, flying about three feet away.


Fu Junxi spat out a mouthful of blood, then supported his sword, slowly stood up again from the ground, looked at Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling who were anxious beside him, and comforted them a few words.

Time could not allow Fu Junzheng to say more, because Ren Shaoming had already come to her, and he was followed by all his men...

"Miss Fu, let Ren give the girl one last chance. As long as the girl tells Ren about the whereabouts of Duke Yang's treasure house, the three of them will be let go immediately." Ren Shaoming looked at Fu Junxi, who was lying on the ground, and wanted to know the news of Duke Yang's treasure house. Continue to persuade Fu Junxi.

"Mother won't tell you anything. If you want to come over, see our bodies first." Kou and Xu said while standing in front of Fu Junxi.

Fu Junxiu pushed Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling away, and then turned into a ghostly smoke, attacking from all directions. .

Ren Shaoming was also befuddled by Fu Junxi's style of play, so he had no choice but to parry everywhere, but if he stayed for a long time, he would lose, and he was accidentally stabbed in the arm by Fu Junxi.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were watching Fu Junxi's great power, but suddenly they were blinded and their waists tightened, and they realized that they were already in the sky at this time.

"Chase." Ren Shaoming looked at Fu Junxiu's desperate style of play. He originally wanted his subordinates to consume Fu Junxiu's internal strength first, but suddenly saw Fu Junxiu running away, and then regardless of the injury on his arm, he swung the meteor hammer, Again, he went straight to Fu Junxi's back.

"Pfft." The meteor hammer hit Fu Junxi. Although she vomited blood, her speed did not slow down.


In a forest, Fu Junxuan put two people down 0.9 times, as if his entire body was exhausted, and collapsed on the ground.The two had just seen Fu Junxi spit out blood again. As soon as their feet hit the ground, they rushed directly to Fu Junxi's side and cried out, "Mother, mother."

Fu Junxi seemed to have been shaken awake by the two of them, her face pale as she looked at, "Xiao Zhong, Xiao Ling... Mother... No way... Yang Gong... Treasure House..."

"Mother, don't talk about it, hurry up and heal." The two cried.

"Mother was hit by... a meteor hammer... in her heart, even if... Shizun's own... come here... can't save her." Fu Junxu said intermittently.

"Mother, I the treasure house, stand out, listen, in Kyoto...jump...maqiao." After speaking, Fu Junxi put his hands on their heads and passed on his skills to them.

"Mother." After the two woke up, they saw that Fu Junxiu had died, and then hugged Fu Junxiu and shouted in pain.

Chapter 72 Get the news

"After my mother died, we were wanted by the Iron Cavalry Association and were hunted down to come here." Kou Zhong said with red eyes.

Li Zhenwu didn't speak, just patted his shoulder.

"Brother Li, why are you here?" Kou Zhong suddenly thought, didn't the big housekeeper say that the ranch doesn't recruit outsiders, why is Brother Li here too.

"I've been here since I parted ways with you. Also, don't you know that it's a forbidden place in the ranch? You dare to run there." Li Zhenwu perfunctory, pointed to the back mountain and said to the two of them.

They still can't let them go. They have already sent away a Fu Junxi. Who knows if they will take Lu Miaozi away after seeing him.

"Brother Li, then you..." Kou Zhong pointed to the ground.

"It's quiet here. I came here specifically to practice. Besides, I'm a guest of Pegasus Ranch. Even if I'm found out, it's fine. You guys are different." Li Zhenwu explained.

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