"Practice, Brother Li, teach us a few hands!" Kou Zhong always felt that there was something wrong with Li Zhenwu's words, but when he heard Li Zhenwu practicing here, he immediately said with a smile.

"Okay." Li Zhenwu also felt that his explanation was a bit far-fetched, and he was thinking about whether to kill them, but he thought about it. If you kill them, it will really be even harder to escape from this world.

If I had known, I would have learned more about the Great Dao of Qi Luck in the prehistoric times, and the fate of Yu Wenhua and the fate fell on me, but I had no ability to stop it. I was originally a person outside my fate. The power of the treasure can be broken, but now he has to work hard for the destiny he bears.

After Li Zhenwu finished speaking, the sword light flashed, and then he said to the two who closed their eyes, "It's up to you how much you can understand."

The three of them spent the night in the pavilion during the long night.

In the early morning of the next day, Kou Zhong woke up first, and then Xu Ziling woke up. "It's dawn. Brother Li's sword is so powerful. It's been a long time since he has broken through to the fourth level. I didn't expect to break through now." Kou Zhong felt With the changes in his body, the infuriating energy that was originally as thick as chopsticks is now as thick as a thumb, and he sighed in his mouth.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that this sword would let us break through." Xu Ziling also sighed.

"Okay, don't sigh here, it's dawn. If you don't leave, I'm leaving too." Li Zhenwu looked at the two of them and sighed, and raised his finger to the sky to signal to the two of them.

"It's dawn, if you don't hurry back to Lan Gu, that hateful woman will definitely trouble us." Kou Zhong said to Xu Ziling impatiently after receiving Li Zhenwu's reminder.

"Brother Li, let's say goodbye first." Xu Ziling said with his fists folded.

After the two left, Li Zhenwu went to Lu Miaozi in Houshan.

"Senior Lu, the Four Great Masters are coming in two days."

"The news is true?" Lu Miaozi originally watched Li Zhenwu come in calmly, but after hearing the news, his face changed and asked anxiously.

"Almost, but the exact time is not very clear." Li Zhenwu thought to himself, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling and the others came to the ranch two or three days later, and the rest was not very clear.

"Go to Tao Shusheng, the traitor, to inquire. Now is the time for him to play a role." Lu Miaozi ordered after thinking for a while.

"Well." Li Zhenwu jumped out of the window and went straight to the pasture.

In the ranch, Li Zhenwu met Tao Shusheng head-on, and Tao Shusheng said to Li Zhenwu with a hypocritical smile, "Mr. Li, the owner of the farm asked you just now, and asked you to hurry to the hall."

Tao Shusheng had never given Li Zhenwu a good face for a long time, but today he suddenly became so close, Li Zhenwu understood that the Four Great Masters were coming, his expression did not change but he nodded lightly, and then went to the hall.

On the way, Li Zhenwu turned back and went to Tao Shusheng's residence. He was lying on the roof when he suddenly saw him tying a note to the pigeon's leg, and then loaded the pigeon to go out.

Li Zhenwu followed him quietly, saw him walk to a remote place, looked around and found no one, so he took out his dove and flew to the sky.

Li Zhenwu followed the pigeon for about five miles, and with a sigh of relief, he rose into the sky and grabbed the flying pigeon.

"Tomorrow's Shangxiu asked about hunting and pastures, and I will use the branches as a record." After Li Zhenwu read the words on the paper, he tied the note back to the pigeon's leg and let it fly.

"Senior Lu, the specific time is known." Li Zhenwu rushed into Lu Miao's ovary and said.

Li Zhenwu didn't see Wei Zhenzhen at this time and said again, "Where's Zhenzhen? Didn't you come today?"

"You kid didn't go to Xiusun's place?" Lu Miaozi wanted to ask what time it was, but when he heard Li Zhenwu asked Wei Zhenzhen, he immediately rolled his eyes at him and said angrily.

"By the way, Xiuxun came to me just now, I went over first, and I'll bring Xiuxun over to find you later." After hearing this, Li Zhenwu remembered that Shang Xiuxun had just found him, so he ran away.

"Hey, at least you kid..." Lu Miaozi stretched out his right hand, looked at Li Zhenwu's back, and swallowed what he was going to say later.

"What this kid just said, bring Xiu Xun here, then I have to prepare well." Suddenly, Li Zhenwu wanted to bring Shang Xiu Xun, Lu Miaozi panicked and stood up and wandered at a loss.

As soon as Li Zhenwu arrived in the hall, he saw Shang Xiuxun and Wei Zhenzhen talking with a beautiful woman, Li Zhenwu thought, this is Li Xiuning, she is really beautiful, no wonder Kou Zhong will never forget her.

"Where did you go just now, I couldn't find you for a long time." Shang Xiu Xunyi 723 saw Li Zhenwu come in and ran to him and complained.Wei Zhenzhen also got up and ran in front of Li Zhenwu, called Big Brother Li, and stood in front of him.

Li Xiuning and his party were also attracted by Li Zhenwu who had just come in. Li Xiuning thought, he didn't expect that this young man who just came in would actually make Shang Xiuxun act like this. It seemed that he had to befriend him.

Li Xiuning got up and asked, "Sister Xiuxun, do you know who this young master is?"

"Sister Xiuning, let me introduce you to Li Zhenwu, brother Li, who is my best friend." Shang Xiuxun took Li Zhenwu and introduced him to Li Xiuning.

Li Xiuning's eyes lit up, "I didn't expect this son to be surnamed Li too, and he and Xiuning belong to the same family."

Li Zhenwu ignored Li Xiuning's words about getting closer, and said indifferently, "I have seen Miss Li."

The subordinates Li Gang and Dou Wei, who were behind Li Xiuning, were about to pull out their swords and teach the person who disrespected their princess, but Li Xiuning saw that he was about to make a move, and immediately put out his hand to stop it. She knew very well that she was here to buy From the action of Shang Xiu Xun just now, you can know that this person has a high status in Shang Xiu Xun's eyes.

But Li Xiuning's fiance, Chai Shao, couldn't stand it, and stood up and said, "What a man without rules."

"Hmph, you understand my rules!" Li Zhenwu snorted coldly, his whole body was full of momentum, and the oppressed Chai Shao broke into a cold sweat.

Chapter 73 Preparing for the Plan

Li Xiuning saw that Chai Shao stayed there, the sweat on his head slowly rolling his cheeks, so he stood up and lowered his posture, "It was Xiu Ning's entourage who was rude, I hope you forgive me."

Li Zhenwu ignored her, but withdrew the momentum that was oppressing Chai Shao and walked straight forward.

"Xiuning thanked your son." Li Xiuning looked at Chai Shao, who was drenched in cold sweat, and then said to Shang Xiuxun, "Sister Xiusun, my sister is a little tired now. I want to take a break and discuss again."

"Sister Xiuning, I'm sorry. Brother Li has a bad temper. I hope my sister will forgive me, but since my sister is tired." Shang Xiuxun apologized to Li Xiuning.

"Someone, bring Princess Xiuning to the guest room."

"It's Xiuning's subordinates who are rude. Sister Xiu Xun doesn't need to care, then Xiuning will leave first." After speaking, he led all the subordinates and left with the maid.

After Li Xiuning left, Li Zhenwu took Shang Xiuxun directly to Lu Miaozi.

"I'm not going, I'm not going to the old man's place." Shang Xiuxun shouted as he watched as he slowly approached the back mountain.

"Let's go, it's about the safety of your ranch, whether you go or not." Li Zhenwu asked directly.

"Okay then." He said arrogantly.


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