
Outside the gate of the ranch, Shang Xiuxun and Wei Zhenzhen were standing here.

"Brother Li, why haven't you come back yet? It'll be okay." Wei Zhenzhen asked Shang Xiuxun worriedly.

"No, Brother Li's martial arts are so strong, there will be no problem." Wei Zhenzhen replied, and said as if to herself.

After waiting for a while, Wei Zhenzhen couldn't wait any longer, and said to Shang Xiuxun, "I want to find Big Brother Li!"

"Wait, wait," Shang Xiusun stopped him.

At this time, a light of fire came from the distance, followed by the sound of hoofs.

"Zhenzhen, look back." Shang Xiuxun shouted loudly. At this moment, Wei Zhenzhen's face also had a look of joy, and she looked more fascinated under the lights at night.

Chapter 76

Seeing Li Zhenwu come back and dismount, Wei Zhenzhen threw herself into Li Zhenwu's arms and called out sweetly, "Brother Li."

"Yo, I didn't expect Xiuxun to be waiting for me here." Li Zhenwu let go of Wei Zhenzhen in his arms and joked to Shang Xiuxun who was standing on the other side of him.

As soon as Li Zhenwu's words came out, everyone around looked at Shang Xiuxun. Shang Xiuxun felt a little embarrassed and pretended not to care. He looked at Liu Daozong and everyone in the ranch, but said to Li Zhenwu. "Who said I was waiting for you here, I was waiting for the successful return of Erlang from my ranch."

Li Zhenwu smiled and knew that Shang Xiuxun was arrogant, so he didn't say anything. If he accidentally said something wrong, it would be hard to coax Shang Xiuxun.

"Bring back two "VIPs", Xiuxun will arrange for them?" Li Zhenwu glanced back.

Shang Xiuxun saw Shen Luoyan and Li Tianfan, "I didn't expect them to be with you."

"Okay, it's time to go in, look at it's so late, let's talk for a while, I'm going to lie here and sleep." Li Zhenwu interrupted when he looked at what Shang Xiuxun was thinking about. Speaking of.

"Okay, but since you have survived the crisis for my ranch, the owner of the farm will be merciful and let you go to dinner." Shang Xiuxun was very depressed and wanted to ask why Shen Luoyan and the others were caught by Li Zhenwu. ?Are the Four Great Dynasties dead?Is Li Zhenwu injured?These questions, however, were directly interrupted by Li Zhenwu.

Wei Zhenzhen looked at Shang Xiuxun, depressed and somewhat arrogant, but just covered her mouth and smiled softly.

"Zhenzhen, you laugh at me too." Shang Xiuxun saw it and stomped his feet like a little girl.

"By the way, don't let Zhai Jiao go to Li Tianfan and Shen Luoyan." Li Zhenwu only remembered at this moment that Zhai Jiao, who had been left in the ranch by himself, took Zhenzhen back to the room, and turned around to remind Shang Xiu to ask. .



The next day, after Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen had breakfast, they went directly to Lu Miaozi's small building. When they walked outside the small building, they heard such a conversation inside.

"Senior, the two boys...they are making cakes." Kou Zhong's hesitant voice came from Lu Miaozi's small building.

It turned out that it was Kou Zhong who still didn't quite believe Li Zhenwu's explanation. Taking advantage of the fact that the pasture had just won the battle, the guards were a little slack, so he came back to the mountain again, but he was caught by Lu Miaozi as soon as he arrived.

"Tell me, are you a spy?" Lu Miaozi asked sharply when he remembered what Li Zhenwu asked yesterday and heard Kou Zhong's answer and Yangzhou accent.

"No, no, the two of you are not." Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling hurriedly shook their heads in denial.

"Kang Dang"

When Li Zhenwu heard Kou Zhong's voice inside, he immediately pulled Wei Zhenzhen and pushed open the door of Lu Miaozi's room. As soon as Wei Zhenzhen saw Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, he immediately asked happily.

"Xiao Zhong, Xiao Ling, you are here too." Wei Zhenzhen said happily.

"Sister Zhenzhen." Kou and Xu also called out with joy.

"Zhenzhen, do you know these two boys?" Lu Miaozi heard the conversation between Kou Zhong and Wei Zhenzhen before he saw the two coming in, so he asked.

Wei Zhenzhen nodded, and then said, "Well, Master Lu, we met when we escaped from Yangzhou." Then he explained the process of acquaintance with Kou Zhong and the others.

After listening to Lu Miaozi, he walked to Kou Xu and the others, tapped them a few times, and unlocked their acupoints.Then they watched Kou and Xu move their bodies. At this time, Wei Zhenzhen was tapped by Lu Miaozi for acupuncture points.

"Senior Lu, who are they?" Li Zhenwu glanced at Kou Zhong and the two, and they immediately lowered their heads, so Li Zhenwu asked like Lu Miaozi.

"These two boys sneaked over just now, and I grabbed them directly." Lu Miaozi replied.

"Brother Li, we..." Kou Zhong raised his head embarrassedly when he heard Lu Miaozi's answer, ready to explain.

"You two boys are really curious!" Li Zhenwu interrupted them immediately when he heard what the two were about to say.

"We're just...just..." Kou Zhong's eyes rolled around a few times, and it was only there for a long time.

"Okay, okay, don't stop." Li Zhenwu knew what Kou Zhong was going to say at a glance, so he said...

"Senior Lu, let them go." Li Zhenwu said to Lu Miaozi.

"Let's go." Lu Miaozi said after watching Kou and Xu for a while.

The two heard that Li Zhenwu asked Lu Miaozi to let them go, so they both looked at Lu Miaozi tightly, and when they heard Lu Miaozi let them go, they immediately stood up and said, "Thank you, Brother Li, then let's go." Then run away.

"Why did you kidnap the two from Wagang again? The old man finally let go without Xiuxun noticing it, but you got it back for the old man in a blink of an eye." After Kou Zhong and the others left, Lu Miaozi said to Li Zhenwu angrily.

"Let them go? Why did you let them go?" Li Zhenwu said, Lu Miaozi was under the net of heaven and earth yesterday, and Shen Luoyan and the others were able to escape. It was a little incredible. After listening to Lu Miaozi's complaints, he immediately asked back.

"What's the use of the two of them? They can only strengthen Li Mi's hatred of the ranch, so it's better to let it go." Lu Miaozi replied.

It turned out that Lu Miaozi was afraid of a death revenge, causing Li Mi's desperate revenge, so he didn't kill or arrest Shen Luoyan.

"Then Big Brother Li, let them go!" Wei Zhenzhen was worried when she heard it.

"If it's nothing, I won't let them go easily if I catch them. When I go back, I'll take them to the pasture on 1.7." Li Zhenwu heard what was going on, so he asked Shen Luoyan to come over. , Wei Zhenzhen heard that Li Zhenwu wanted Shen Luoyan and the two to speak, but Li Zhenwu blocked Wei Zhenzhen's red lips with his hand.

"By the way, Master Lu gave me some books about your military strategy and organization." Li Zhenwu remembered that since Kou Zhong and the others had already met Lu Miaozi, he still gave them some Lu Miaozi things and sent them away.

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