"Hey, aren't you unwilling to learn from me? Why are you asking for it now?" Lu Miaozi said playfully. Originally, Lu Miaozi wanted Li Zhenwu to apprentice, but Li Zhenwu was unwilling, so he heard Li Zhenwu at this time. When he opened his mouth, he said jokingly.

"For those two boys just now, I don't know how to learn!" Li Zhenwu pointed out the door and said angrily.

Chapter 77 A Letter from Jingling

"Hey, your kid has sent kindness to those two kids just now." Lu Miaozi didn't believe Li Zhenwu's words and said suspiciously.

"Senior Lu, I can't have a good heart. I think those two boys are fine with me?" Li Zhenwu immediately retorted.

"Zhenzhen, go to Senior Lu to help me get some books on military strategy and organization."

"Well." Wei Zhenzhen nodded and went to the place where Lu Miaozi kept books.

"Come on, Zhenzhen is gone." Lu Miaozi said when he saw that Li Zhenwu had left Wei Zhenzhen.

Li Zhenwu made up a reason for Lu Miaozi and said, "I don't want them to learn something, so that the whole world can be a little more muddy."

"I know you don't have any good intentions. Let these two boys be the pioneers for you. But your eyes are really good. The two of them look like heaven and man. If they stir, it is estimated that this pot of porridge is Don't talk about 14, it's possible to get burned." Lu Miaozi looked at Li Zhenwu and said with a glance that he knew that your kid was not at ease.

"I'm really kind. They want revenge. If they don't learn some books on military strategy, how can they kill Ren Shaoming of the Iron Cavalry Club? It's completely kind." Li Zhen said with an aggrieved look.

"Brother Li, books." After a while, Wei Zhenzhen took out a few books and handed them to Li Zhenwu.

"Okay, then I'll go first." Li Zhenwu took it and said.


"Young Master Ling, you said Big Brother Li wouldn't blame us." Kou Zhong said to Xu Ziling next to him in the kitchen.

"It's not all about you. If you have to go to the back mountain, you will be caught by the seniors inside and seen by Big Brother Li." Xu Ziling complained.

Kou Zhong scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly, "I didn't want to take a look. Who would have known that such a powerful senior was there."

"Hey, I just hope Big Brother Li won't blame us." Xu Ziling was a little worried.

"Forget about it, Young Master Ling, since it has already happened, just accept it calmly." Kou Zhong replied, so he glanced around secretly with a happy face, and said, "I didn't expect that the one who was asked by the owner to deliver the cakes yesterday. The woman is so beautiful, I really want to see her every day."

"Don't give up, that woman looks like a big family, we two are just gangsters, how can she like you, Zhong Shao." Xu Ziling attacked Kou Zhongdao.

"What about the gate valve? Although I, Kou Zhong, are not worthy of her now, but one day I will be worthy of her." Kou Zhong said domineeringly after listening.

"Well said." At this time, Li Zhenwu walked in from the door and said loudly.

"Brother Li." The two of them directly lowered their heads and called out.

"Okay, okay, what is a good man doing with such a gesture?" Li Zhenwu walked directly in front of the two of them and patted them on the shoulders.

Although the two grinned in pain, they had smiles on their faces, and then said in unison, "Brother Li, you won't blame us."

"Of course not, it's just such a little thing, you big brother Li, I'm not such a vengeful person, and besides, I don't want you to go, I'm just afraid that you will disturb the cleaning of the senior in Houshan, but the senior didn't care, Do I still care?" Li Zhenwu lied.

"That's great." Kou Zhong jumped up happily, even the mild-mannered Xu Ziling's eyes were full of joy, and then the two said in unison.

"Here, I got this for you from that senior." Li Zhenwu handed Kou Zhong some books in his hand.

"Learn these things well, and you will be closer to the princess of the Li clan."

Kou Zhong took it and said, "Thank you Big Brother Li, hey, but Princess Li?" After he took over the book, he heard Li Zhenwu's next sentence, so he asked.

"The woman you said was worthy, she is Li Xiuning, the princess of the Li clan."

"Li Xiuning, the name is really nice." Kou Zhong finished speaking, and then said with a crazy face.

"Okay, learn what I gave you, and I won't bother you with nympho." Li Zhenwu waved his hand and said to Kou Zhong who was fantasizing.

"Flapping, Flapping"

As soon as Li Zhenwu came out, a pigeon flew straight to Li Zhenwu's shoulder.Seeing that this was a pigeon that he had left to Xingzhi, Li Zhenwu took out a note from the pigeon's leg and unfolded it to see, "My lord, Du Fuwei is besieging Jingling. Tiao shoved it into his arms and went to Shang Xiu Xun.

At this time, Shang Xiuxun was in the room. After Li Zhenwu opened the door, before he could speak, he heard Shang Xiuxun talking to himself first.

"Brother Li, you came just in time. I wanted someone to inform you about the celebration feast at noon on the ranch. Since you've been here for a while, bring Zhenzhen and come with me."

Li Zhenwu was stunned when he heard the words, but immediately reacted, "Xiu Xun, I'm not here to attend the celebration banquet, I'm here to say goodbye to you, I have to go first, 567 You help me to say something to Senior Lu and Zhenzhen. ." After he finished speaking, he walked out of the Shangxiu inquiry room.

"You can bring two coolies." Li Zhenwu thought that since Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are now on the ranch, he would bring them over to help defend the city, and to bring them away from Lu Miaozi.So after returning to the room and taking Hanyue, he immediately returned to the kitchen of the ranch.

The two were looking at the Art of War book that Li Zhenwu had brought, and suddenly felt that their shoulders were tapped a few times, but the two of them paid no attention, so Li Zhenwu shouted in their ears, "I'm back to my senses. "

The two were shocked by this sound, and immediately looked around defensively, but Li Zhenwu, who was standing beside them, released the fist clenched in his hand, and said, "Brother Li, you scared us to death. already."

"Let's go, I'll take you to practice what's in the book." After saying that, regardless of their struggles, they carried their belts and flew out of the pasture.

"Brother Li, where are you taking us to?" Kou Zhong took a breath and shouted loudly.

"That's right, where is Big Brother Li going, but can you let us down first no matter where it is?" Xu Ziling also shouted.

"Jingling." Li Zhenwu, who was advancing at a high speed, spat these two words out of his mouth.

Chapter 78 Return to Jingling

In the vast drizzle, the boat zigzagged down the river and hurried downstream. The river was as quiet as a ghost, as if there was only this lonely boat left in the world.

"Brother Li, what are we going to do in Jingling?" The two of them were in Li Zhenwu's hands along the way. They didn't ask this question, and Kou Zhong said impatiently as soon as they got on the boat.

"Du Fuwei is besieging Jingling, let's go to rescue Jingling." Li Zhenwu replied quickly, rowing the boat with a pole.

"Rescue, it's just the three of us. Brother Li, are you kidding us?" Kou Zhong pointed at the three with his fingers, and said with surprise.

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