"Well, the three of us." Li Zhenwu replied casually. It was raining in the sky at the moment, and the river level was fluctuating greatly. Li Zhenwu had to maneuver the boat with all his strength to avoid the boat turning [-] degrees.

"That's not... ah..." Kou Zhong didn't finish a sentence, a water wave hit the boat. The two of them quickly held a pole that was three feet long. When the boat was about to crash into the shore in a dangerous situation, With all three poles, I just turned the boat in a safe direction.

"Ah, another bend, I'm going to die." Kou Zhonggui called out.

"Zhong Shao, hurry up and punt the boat." Xu Ziling shouted eagerly.

The sharp bend is oncoming, the sailboat turns and turns into the straight river without any danger, just like the moving feeling of stepping on a smooth and smooth road after a long and rugged mountain road.

After the three wiped off a forehead of sweat, they cheered in unison, and even Li Zhenwu showed a rare look of relief.

"Huh, I was really scared to death just now." Kou Zhong wiped the sweat from his forehead and said in his mouth, "Brother Li won't really just let the three of us go, then wouldn't it be death."

"Brother Li should have other arrangements." Xu Ziling said while holding the pole.

"Well, there is an arrangement, that is, the three of us will kill the Jingling Jianghuai army, and then enter the city to defend the city." Li Zhenwu nodded as if there was an arrangement, but the following half sentence made the two put down. Heart, again raised.

"Look ahead." Li Zhenwu said when he saw what the two were still going to say.

"In front, nothing in front." Kou Zhong muttered, but Xu Ziling patted Kou Zhong with surprise in his eyes, "Zhong Shao, look ahead."

In the continuous rain, two warships lined up side by side in the waterway ahead, guarding behind a river-blocking iron cable crossing the river.

"Brother Li, what should I do, I can't make it through." Kou Zhong asked anxiously, because at this time the boat was only fifty feet away from the iron lock.

"You guys punt the boat, I'll cut it off when the iron lock is there, and we'll move on." Li Zhenwu put down the pole on his hand and raised Hanyue confidently.

At this time, there were only [-] feet left from the iron cable blocking the river, a distance that could be reached in the blink of an eye. The situation of the two enemy ships more than [-] feet away was clearly visible. The Jianghuai troops on the two ships all entered the fighting position, and the arrows were strong. Stone machines, all ready to go.

Kou Zhong and the two looked at the iron rope that was as thick as an arm, and their scalps were numb, imagining the terrible consequences of the boat hitting the iron rope after their Big Brother Li missed.

Li Zhenwu still looked as usual, as if he had never imagined the possibility of a miss.

Twenty feet, ten feet...

Li Zhenwu's clothes were automatic without wind, hunting and hunting, and an invisible vortex of energy rolled around him, and the cold moon in his hand slowly unsheathed.

Holding the pole in their hands, the eyes of the two of them shone brightly, and they stared at Li Zhenwu, who stood proudly on the bow of the boat. Their hearts were filled with pride, and they shouted, "Brother Li, you can rest assured and cut off the chain, and the boat will be gone. Leave it to us."

Five feet!

Li Zhenwu shouted wildly, soared into the sky, and rushed towards the iron rope. This unexpected move shocked even the enemy, and everyone stared and watched, forgetting to throw stones and arrows.


Under the enemy's neck, the colorful rays of light formed by Hanyue hit the iron rope like a bolt of lightning. When the iron rope as thick as a child's arm seemed to be completely unaffected by the cold moon, it suddenly broke in the middle and fell into the river.

"Let's go." Li Zhenwu shouted as he saw that there was no iron lock in front of him, and the enemy was still in a daze.

"Release the arrow, release the arrow." The enemy seemed to have reacted, and immediately pointed to Li Zhenwu and their ship and shouted.

Kou Zhong and the others saw a lot of arrows flying towards them. Just as they were about to let go of the poles to pick up the weapons, they heard Li Zhenwu say, "You can row the boat, these are left to me."

Li Zhenwujian drew a circle in the sky. The intersection of black and white on the circle is clearly Tai Chi, but behind the circle, there are five curved rays of light sticking to the back. The arrows and the stones fired by the trebuchet are all sucked by this circle. past.

"Keep firing." The enemy saw his arrow, and the stone didn't play its due role, and immediately shouted again.

Another wave of sword rain came, but unfortunately they were caught by the circle drawn by Li Zhenwu just like the previous wave. The cold moon on Li Zhenwu's manipulator's hand slowly turned into a Tai Chi pattern with arrows and stones.


The arrows were launched from the Tai Chi, and the arrows took away the enemy's life one by one. At this time, only the enemy generals shouted "Hurry up" and the enemy's screams.

After passing the enemy's blockade, Kou Zhong put down the pole in his hand and shouted in his mouth, "Happy, happy." Then he ran to Li Zhenwu with a smiley face, "Brother Li, can you teach me that trick just now? "

Li Zhenwu put Hanyue back into the scabbard and looked at Kou Zhong, who was flattering in front of him, "Yes, but you don't have the true qi of Yin-Yang and Five Elements attributes. You can't learn it even if you teach it, you won't be able to use it."

"Then Big Brother Li, you said yes. Since we can't learn it and can't use it, then Big Brother Li, you have to say something to give me hope." Kou Zhong said depressed after listening.

"Besides, you didn't ask this when you looked at Xiaoling. You can't tell from the trick I just did. I used the seven attributes of True Qi." Xu Ziling smiled embarrassedly, but it wasn't that Xu Ziling didn't ask, It's just that every time the two were together, Kou Zhong was the first to speak, so he didn't ask.

"And Xiao Zhong, don't be too greedy, you Jiuxuan Dafa, Yi Jianshu, and the one-sword-breaking method I showed you that day, as long as you can practice these well, you can kill Ren Shaoming for revenge. It's just around the corner." Li Zhenwu said, looking at Kou Zhong, who was playing tricks.

"We got it, Big Brother Li." The two of them heard the revenge and nodded solemnly.

Chapter 79 Jianghuai Attack!

The boat slowly moved towards Jingling. At fifty feet, the three saw that Du Fuwei was on both sides of the pier by the river. Two solid wooden villages were set up, surrounded by wooden fence pits, arrow trenches and other defenses. facilities, cut off the water and land traffic of Jingling City.

At this time, the three of them resolutely abandoned the boat and jumped to the shore. At this time, the Jianghuai Army immediately bent their bows and shot arrows, and several cavalry groups attacked the three of them.

Li Zhenwu braved the rain of arrows at this time, and first rose into the sky. The cold moon turned into a colorful light like lightning, and chopped at the four or five spears that were stabbing at him. The cold moon reflected the brilliance of the sun above his head. , adding to its irresistible momentum.

The seven or eight Jianghuai troops in the lead were all as brave as tigers and leopards, but when Hanyue slashed towards them, not only their eyes were covered by the harsh light of Hanyue, but their ears were filled with the whistling of Hanyue breaking through the air. No matter how hard it is to grasp the enemy's coming position.

Then his hand lightened, and when he realized that there was only half of the spear left in his hand, when he was about to retreat, he had already splattered blood and fell to the ground. The heroic division of the fighters was in chaos immediately, and the 753 knights rushing from the rear collided with the frightened and jumping horses in front. Several more horses stumbled and fell, throwing the masters on their backs to the ground.

Li Zhenwu stood on the spot like a Dinghai Shenzhen that calmed the turbulent flood forcibly. Seeing that there were no enemies in front of him, he pulled away and retreated.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were not inferior either. When they reached a distance of about [-] feet from the enemy's horse, they fell to the ground, and then slammed their feet and shot straight into the enemy's formation like arrows. The swords in their hands, The two swords combine to kill the enemy's horse.

Each sword was stabbed in the horse's leg.

The horse's leg was injured, and the owner on the horse's back also fell to the ground, and then the swords of the two went to the neck of the man on the horse. Wherever the two passed, only the injured horse and the dead were left. The enemy also made the enemy's vanguard rout.

"Go, enter the city." Li Zhenwu, with a crescent-shaped sword energy, forced back the enemy who wanted to chase them, and then shouted at Kou Xu and the others.

In Jingling City, Li Zhenwu asked Xu Xingzhi on the city wall, "Why did Du Fuwei come here at this time, and Jingling has [-] soldiers and horses?"

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