"Okay, Li Jing, I didn't expect to be included." Li Zhenwu laughed happily after hearing this.

When Li Jing heard Li Zhenwu's words, he knew that Li Zhenwu agreed, and said with a terrified expression, "My lord, forgive me!"

"Well then, I'll go to the Jianghuai army camp at midnight tonight." Li Zhenwu said domineeringly.

Chapter 82

The Jianghuai army camp at night, although it was quiet at this time, the torches and braziers around it illuminated the camp as if it were daytime.

The patrolling soldiers, every ten people, a small team, every quarter of an hour, one back and forth, and two soldiers stand outside every tent, which greatly increases the difficulty of Li Zhenwu's night attack on the camp.

Li Zhenwu mustered up his whole body of infuriating energy, which caused a strong wind, a particularly strong wind, which blew many braziers and torches onto the ground and the tent.

As soon as the soldiers on patrol saw this scene, they immediately shouted loudly, "Come here, put out the fire, the wind blew the brazier over." Then many soldiers came from other places and hurriedly put out the fire. At this time, Li Zhenwu sneaked into the enemy camp while they were putting out the fire.

Li Zhen Musashi went behind a tent, and when the patrolling soldiers passed, he immediately restrained the soldiers guarding outside the tent, pinched their necks, and pulled them behind the tent.

"Tell me, where is your grain piled up?" Li Zhenwu raised the soldier on his right hand and said fiercely.

"I'd rather die than say it."

"Crack" Li Zhenwu crushed the neck of the soldier on the right hand and said to the soldier on the left, "He would rather die than say it. I'm sending him to die now, but I don't know if you want to die?"

"Sir, I'm willing to say it, I'm willing to say it." The soldier on the left looked at Li Zhenwu and just asked a question, then he directly broke the neck of the soldier on the right and said quickly.

"Okay, as long as you say it, I will never kill you, hurry up." Li Zhenwu put down the soldier in his hand and said that after the soldier was put down by Li Zhenwu, he coughed a few times, and then told Li Zhenwu that they were serious. The storage of forage in the camp.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the tent next to their food and grass would be full of rockets. God bless me." Li Zhenwu got the news from the soldier, then knocked him unconscious, and touched the food and grass tent. The thing is that the rocket is in the tent next to the grain.

Li Zhenwu then quickly knocked out the soldiers guarding outside each tent, then carried a rocket and placed two bundles inside each tent with grain and grass.

It has only been about three-quarters of the time, and it will be a quarter of an hour. If the fire is still not on, the patrolling soldiers find that the soldiers outside each tent are gone, and they will definitely not be able to burn the food and grass. If it was burnt down, then maybe the Jianghuai Army was running out of food, and Jingling would be uncomfortable with a desperate blow, so it would be more appropriate to just burn the food and grass.

So the bundles of rockets were ignited, and the grain and grass were burned in an instant, and the entire night sky reflected by the fiery red flames turned orange.

"Someone, put out the fire." The patrolling soldiers first spotted the fire and immediately shouted loudly.

"Go and see what's going on, it's so noisy." Du Fuwei, who had rested, heard the words outside and said to the personal soldiers outside the tent.

"Sir, it's not good, the food and grass are on fire." The personal soldiers returned shortly after, and immediately broke into Du Fuwei's tent to report to Du Fuwei.

"What?" Du Fuwei originally thought that some soldiers were making trouble. He wanted to wait for the soldiers to come back, so he cut down all the soldiers who woke him up from sleep, but when he heard the news that the food and forage were destroyed, he immediately sat up straight. Get up and ask.

"Take me to see." Du Fuwei immediately put on his clothes and said to the personal soldiers.

As soon as Du Fuwei came out, he found that the place where the food and grass were put was red, and then he didn't care about getting on the horse, and immediately flew there with Qinggong.

"What's going on?" Du Fuwei asked after he arrived and grabbed a soldier with a water basin.

"Don't block me, I'm going to put out the fire, ah, Director Du, the villain should be damned." The soldier immediately kowtowed and begged for mercy when he saw that it was Du Fuwei.

"Come on, what's going on here?" Du Fuwei pulled up the soldier and continued to ask, pointing to the fire in front of him.

"The little guy doesn't know either."

Hearing this answer, Du Fuwei stood there without speaking for a long time. At this time, his own soldiers arrived and immediately ordered, "Go and have someone block the camp and see if anyone is infiltrating."

The personal soldiers obeyed immediately, while Du Fuwei watched the fire and said bitterly, "If you let me catch you, I will definitely cut you to pieces."

It's a pity that he couldn't catch it. After Li Zhenwu set fire, he left the Jianghuai army camp without stopping. It is estimated that he has already arrived at Jingling City.

"The lord is back." Standing on the city wall and watching the fire in the Jianghuai army camp, Xu Xingzhi knew that Li Zhenwu had succeeded, and then he was very worried about Li Zhenwu's safety, so he turned around on the city wall. , until he saw Li Zhenwu coming back and said.

"Haha, as soon as this fire burns Du Fuwei's food and grass, they can only last for three or five days at most. If he doesn't retreat, we will win as long as we stick to these three or five days." Li Zhenwu laughed and gave Falsely said.

"Okay, even if Du Fuwei doesn't retreat tomorrow, as long as we make a strong counterattack and let him know that 557 cannot break down Jingling in a short time, then he will retreat after tomorrow." The possibility of retreating troops is coming.

"Okay, let Du Fuwei give up completely tomorrow."

"Then the lord, let's rest early, and the subordinates will report to the arrangement first." One of the virtual walks said with a hand.

Yuri, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling heard that Li Zhenwu had burned Du Fuwei's army's food and grass yesterday, and they complained, "Brother Li, you didn't call us last night." With Li Zhenwu.

Yesterday, Kou Zhong bragged to the soldiers in Jingling, and he couldn't help but feel very satisfied when he looked at the soldiers' adoring eyes. This was something they had never felt before, so when he heard what happened last night, he immediately complained to Li Zhenwu.

"The military situation is urgent, Brother Li, I don't have time to inform you."

"Then you must notify me next time." Kou Zhong said expectantly.

"Uh-huh" Li Zhenwu agreed casually, but what he thought in his heart was, where is there another time, if you go to burn it, you can only burn people.

At this time, there was a drumbeat from outside the city, and Li Zhenwu quickly ran to the city wall, and saw Du Fuwei's army, posing as if they were attacking the city.

Chapter 83

"Director Du, I don't know how much food and grass are left?" Li Zhenwu shouted to Du Fuwei, who was standing at the front.

"Hmph, little boy Huangkou, wait until I break through Jingling today, and see if I won't tear you to pieces." Du Fuwei really lost his former style because of Li Zhenwu's arrogance, so he scolded directly.

Yesterday's fire left Du Fuwei with only two days of food and grass. Fu Gong You and others suggested that Du Fuwei withdraw first, but Du Fuwei was not reconciled, so he came to attack the city early in the morning.

After hearing this, Li Zhenwu didn't get angry. He picked up a large stone of several hundred kilograms, threw it into Du Fuwei's mouth and shouted, "I didn't expect Director Du to be so angry, then I'll send a stone. , how about pressing the anger to Director Du?"

The boulder moved towards Du Fuwei with great precision, and the whistling sound of the boulder made Du Fuwei's personal soldiers tremble.


Du Fuwei originally thought that Li Zhenwu just threw the boulder down, but what he didn't expect was the infuriating energy in the boulder. Angry, so it fell on Du Fuwei's personal soldiers.

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