"Attack." Du Fuwei shouted angrily.

Li Zhenwu laughed when he saw Du Fuwei's appearance, and the guards of the city also burst into a thunderous sound.

Seeing the Jianghuai army attacking the city, Li Zhenwu shouted wildly, "Throw rocks and arrows."

In the shouting, distributed on the wall for a mile, hundreds of boulders bounced by catapults, and countless powerful arrows, rained down on the attacking nearly ten thousand Jianghuai army, and people turned their heads and horses for a while, and it was extremely tragic.

"Mr. Xu, Jingling is holding on now, and one more point is added." Li Zhenwu said to Xu Xingzhi beside him.

In a short time, the Jingling defenders smashed the first wave of the enemy's offensive, leaving behind thousands of corpses, more than a dozen broken arrow-blocking vehicles, countless bows, and weapons.Then the fortification soldiers composed of the city residents continued to transport the arrows, rocks, oil, etc. to the top of the wall to supplement the consumption just now. The top of the wall was full of soldiers and civilians running back and forth.

Every order Li Zhenwu issued, the generals obeyed without hesitation, until the Jianghuai Army's battle drums rang, the remnants retreated, and another group of [-] troops began to advance towards the tower, making them overwhelmed.

Seeing that the first pair of Jianghuai troops did nothing, Du Fuwei shouted, "The catapult is ready, let it go."


Li Zhenwu smashed a large stone that flew towards him, the stone smashed and splashed, and a piece of gravel fell on the top of the wall beside Li Zhenwu.

But not everyone can crush big stones like Li Zhenwu. Countless stones were taken away, and the lives of soldiers one after another in Jingling City.

"The catapult is aimed at the catapult on the opposite side, let it go." Li Zhenwu saw that he could not get rid of Du Fuwei's catapult. He was afraid that the city wall could not be preserved. He wanted to go out of the city to destroy the catapult, but saw Du Fuwei staring at Jingling. At the gate, Li Zhenwu knew that as long as he left the city, he would definitely be cut off, so he could only hope that his own catapult would destroy the enemy's catapult.

"boom boom"

Rows of boulders were thrown from the Jingling city wall, but only two or three of them hit the catapult on the opposite side. Li Zhenwu knew at a glance that it would be unrealistic to use a catapult to destroy the catapult.

Du Fuwei looked at the catapult, suppressed the opponent's attack, and immediately let the masters of the law enforcement team attack.

Li Zhenwu knew at a glance that the opponent's master was coming, shouted loudly, and jumped on the wall.

Li Zhenwu split left and right, causing the two enemies who had just stepped on the wall to immediately splash blood and fall to the city wall.


This is the third group of soldiers of the Jianghuai Army attacking. The wood slammed into the city gate like an angry dragon, making a deafening loud noise. Another wave of the enemy's attack suddenly launched, giving Jingling up and down no time to breathe.

Li Zhenwu looked at a caved-in gap at the top of the wall. Jianghuai troops were everywhere outside the city. His ears were full of shouts of killing, the sound of trebuchets, the screeching sound of wheels rubbing against the ground, and stones hitting the ground or walls. The rumbling sound.

There were corpses lying on the top of the wall, and the dark red blood kept adding to the charred blood, but no one was free to pay attention to it. The sky was densely clouded, and the gloomy weather made the atmosphere even more.

The top of the wall was dyed blood red, and what he saw in front of him was like a hell on earth. The enemy's strength was increasing, and he pretended to attack other city gates to disperse their strength.

"My lord, it is estimated that Jingling will not be guaranteed at this rate." Xu Xingzhi looked at Li Zhenwudao with blood on his face at this time.

"Then I'll..." At this time, a thunderstorm struck the sky, and the big raindrops hit the head. From sparse to secret, it turned into a downpour in no time. Thousands of rockets of the Jianghuai Army were doused by the rain at this time. Originally, Li Zhenwu watched Du Fuwei's personal soldiers and the law enforcement team also start to attack the city, so he thought he would go down and kill Du Fuwei at this time to solve the danger of Jingling, but he didn't expect it to rain suddenly. .

Xu Xingzhi looked at the heavy rain in the sky, "Jingling is saved."

And Li Zhenwu sighed, "It's a pity that there are not so many people around Du Fuwei to protect him. It's a pity that Du Fuwei will retreat in a while after the rain." Li Zhenwu always thought, In the beheading operation, as long as Du Fuwei was killed, not only would the danger of Jingling be solved, but many Jianghuai troops could be captured, but it was raining.

At Du Fuwei's place, a young general was kneeling on the ground and said to him, "General Manager, the arrows will fail due to too much rain, and the chariot is also stuck in the mud and cannot move forward. Please give instructions to the General Manager."

"Hey, God of Heaven is not beautiful. I didn't expect that Jingling was about to be captured, but it rained." Du Fuwei said with a foot beating his chest.

"The army returns to the camp." Du Fuwei ordered loudly with a wave of his hand.

"Director Du, it's better to leave." Li Zhenwu said when he heard Du Fuwei's order to withdraw the troops.

Du Fuwei looked at the head of Jingling City fiercely, and left with unwillingness. If he knew that the heavy rain actually saved his life, he probably would not have complained that the rain was not the right time.

"Jingling Wansheng, Jingling Wansheng." After Du Fuwei heard these words, he couldn't help but speed up a bit.

Chapter 84 Great progress in skill!

The entire Jingling was in a carnival. Whether it was adults, children or the elderly, everyone was celebrating this hard-earned victory.

"My lord, why are you sighing?" Xu Xingzhi looked at Li Zhenwu holding a wine glass and sighed, so he said.

"Unfortunately, Du Fuwei ran away."

"Haha, how can things in this world be so perfect, my lord. Since the danger of Jingling has been resolved, it is already a great victory, so why should you sigh." Xu Xingzhi understood why Li Zhenwu sighed and persuaded him.

Li Zhenwu thought about it, and it is true that his appetite is too big, but he just wants to solve this troubled world as soon as possible, become emperor, and remove the destiny from his body.

"Heaven will give a great responsibility to the people of this country. You must first work hard on your will and work your muscles and bones. Come on, Mr. Xu, toast." Li Zhenwu touched the wine glass in Xu Xingzhi's hand and said in his mouth.

"Okay" Xu Xingzhi knew that Li Zhenwu was no longer entangled with Du Fuwei's affairs, he drank the wine in his hand, and gestured the cup down.

"Okay" said a good word, Li Zhenwu also drank the wine in his hand, and the mouth of the wine glass also pointed down. The two of them looked at each other and laughed together.


"From Taiyi, water is born, from Taiyuan, fire is born, from Tai550, wood is born, from Taisu, gold, and from Taiji, earth is born. If wood has no soil, it will lose its power to cultivate. If fire has no soil, it cannot illuminate the four directions; if metal has no soil, it is difficult to exert sharp energy; if water does not have soil, it cannot flow to the four directions through the terrain. cannot thrive."

"Yin and yang are one body and two sides, and they hide each other and replace each other's senses. You cannot stick to one and have a fixed image. Although the two have no fixed image, they change with the Tao. The upper part can be the Tao, and the lower can also be a vessel. The Tao has infinite uses and is everywhere. It depends on the usage. The usage comes out, the yin and yang are fixed, although the two are fixed, they also change at any time. Therefore, it is said: yin and yang are not two, treat them with one. Function, transport thousands of things."

Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged in the Jingling City Lord's Mansion, and these principles of heaven and earth emerged in his mind, and he muttered, "Earth transforms the five elements, and everything becomes possible;

At this time, in Li Zhenwu's dantian, the earth-attribute longevity infuriating qi was the main source. The five-element longevity infuriating qi continuously pulled the power of the four great treasures together; the yin and yang longevity zhenqi kept grinding and merging the power of the four great treasures. .


A scream came from Li Zhenwu's mouth, and it spread throughout Jingling City.

"The longevity formula has finally been completed, and the source in the body can finally be used to defend against the enemy." Although Li Zhenwu had integrated the power of the four great treasures, he had no way or dared not or did not want to use them to defend against the enemy.Until now, the small success of Changsheng zhenqi, which drives the self-generation of the source, is not the same as before. Although the source is condensed, it can basically be regarded as stagnant water. If the power of the four great treasures is not forcibly fused with the Changsheng zhenqi, there is basically no source. Birth, so it takes a long time to recover after consumption, so there is no way to defend against the enemy like Changsheng Zhenqi.Now Changsheng Zhenqi is like opening the fountain of Yuan, which greatly increases the speed of Yuan's recovery.

As soon as Li Zhenwu performed the exercise, the power of the source covered his hand, "The power of the source, then the longevity art can now be used as a minor." Then he threw the power of the source out of his hand, and he saw himself retreating. A small part of the house has disappeared, leaving only fragments of various building materials.

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