"Isn't Xiao Li seriously injured?" Nara Shikamaru was also a little surprised, because Li Locke had been sleeping on the hospital bed every day before.

At this time, Xiao Li had already lifted and opened his quilt, straightened up, and then saw the people in his ward.

"Shukamaru, Naruto, why are you here?" Li Locke greeted, and then turned his eyes to Gaara.

"Hey, you really came!" Li Locke snorted, meaning that he had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Because Li Zhenwu had reminded him before that if he had been in the ward, Gaara might come to him.

So, Rick Lee has been waiting, waiting for Gaara to come over, and then a battle is going on.

"What's the matter? He knew that Gaara would come?" Nara Shikamaru was keenly aware of the key content of Li Locke's words.

Li Luo faced Gaara: "Let's fight again, this time, I won't lose to you."

With that said, Li Locke jumped off the hospital bed, his body flexible.

"Hey, Xiao Li..." Naruto was also surprised, because Li Locke didn't seem to be injured at all, let alone the injury of 'can't be a ninja anymore'.

Therefore, at this moment, Li Locke makes Naruto a little confused, what is the situation now.

"These days, my injury has actually healed." Li Locke said.

If he had only eaten fairy beans at the beginning, and faced Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino and said that his injury was healed, then it would be a bit scary, because he suffered such a serious injury, how could he be healed in just one day.

And now, more than three weeks have passed, so if he said that the injury was healed, it would not seem too abnormal.

Li Locke looked at Gaara, his eyes full of fighting intent: "Do you dare to fight with me again?"

"The defeated general, since you are doing such a move, then I will fulfill you." Gaara said with cold eyes.

"That's good."

Li Locke turned his head, looked at Nara Shikamaru seriously, and said, "Shukamaru, remove your shadow imitation technique."

"What? Are you sure?" Nara Shikamaru said with some uncertainty. In his opinion, although Li Locke has something special, and he has some halo because of his cousin, he is not Gaara's real opponent.

Even, adding him and Naruto, he is not sure that he is Gaara's opponent.

"Well, don't worry." Li Lock nodded.

"Don't be so troublesome." Suddenly, Gaara's seemingly cold voice came out, and then Nara Shikamaru's body shook, and he took a few steps back, almost falling!

"I actually broke free from my shadow imitation technique." Nara Shikamaru's face paled in disbelief.

However, if you carefully observe Gaara at this moment, you can see that Gaara who broke free from this trick is not easy, and his face is faintly distorted.

"Come with me." Seeing this situation, Li Locke was worried that Gaara would run wild here, so he hurriedly said, and then jumped down from the window.

And Gaara snorted coldly and jumped out.

"Shukamaru, are you okay?" Naruto greeted.


"Then let's hurry up, otherwise Xiao Li may not be Gaara's opponent." Naruto said with some worry, and then the two of them jumped out of the window and closely followed the two in front of them. figure.

Because there was a Gaara behind him, Li Luo chose to go to a remote and uninhabited forest, and when he got here, he stopped and waited.

Gaara followed closely, and after a while, Naruto and Nara Shikamaru also came, they were worried that Li Locke was not Gaara's opponent.

"Okay, here, we should be able to let go of our hands and feet for a fight." Li Lock nodded and said seriously.

I love Luo's pale blue eyes without emotion, as cold as Shura, and his tone is full of cold and ruthless: "For me, this is not a battle, it's just that you chose a place of your own burial."

"And I'm just fulfilling your request."

"Just because you won me in the last battle, so you underestimate me?"

Li Locke didn't care about Gaara's words, because in the past few weeks, he went to the Death Forest every night to receive his cousin Li Zhenwu's "special training" like a small stove, and his strength could be said to have improved by leaps and bounds!

Therefore, Li Locke is full of confidence and his eyes are firm: "This time, I will definitely defeat you!"

"The arrogance of nowhere!" Gaara's eyes dropped slightly, and he said coldly, a piece of quicksand was slowly pouring out of the gourd behind him.

"It seems that we only have to fight before." Li Locke didn't say anything more when he saw this, but his eyes were solemn, and his body had already reacted to fighting.

Naruto and Shikamaru, who were watching from the side, looked at Li Locke, but had an idea.

"Xiao Li seems... not quite the same!"

(There are only four shifts, and my body really can't stand it... Get up early on Sunday and try to start updating at noon.)

Chapter [-] Xiao Li hangs Gaara (first)

Gaara's eyes were cold and emotionless, looking at Xiao Li not far in front of him, the sand was slowly flowing out of the gourd behind him.

And just after Xiao Li's words like declaring war, his sand has suddenly moved!It was thrown out like a long whip, and it was about to entangle Li Locke.

But Li Luo was not surprised at all. In the qualifiers, his physical skills were able to evade most of Gaara's attacks, not to mention now?

Therefore, Li Luo easily avoided these sands and walked towards Gaara.

"Little Li's speed...it seems to be much faster." Naruto and Shikamaru, who were watching the battle on the other side, were surprised, because at this moment, Li Locke's speed was so fast that they couldn't catch it.

Of course, before, Xiao Li's physical skills were also in this state, but Naruto thought that after nearly a month of special training by Immortal Toad, he had improved a lot.

But it was only at this moment that I discovered that it was still difficult to capture Li Locke's figure!

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