There is only one thing that can explain this, and that is that Li Locke's speed... has become faster!

Rao is Naruto who has greatly increased his strength after nearly a month of special training by Immortal Toad. At this moment, it is difficult to capture Li Locke's voice, and Naruto can't help but be surprised.

Because of this period of time, he has been practicing hard.

But what about Lee Locke?

It seems that every day someone is in their ward, recuperating.

But that's it, how could Li Locke's strength continue to improve?

Naruto was surprised, and he then stared at Li Luo and Gaara.

I saw that Li Locke had already sprinted to Gaara's side at this moment, and when the figure was only blurred in the eyes of others, he had already turned around and kicked out!

"The Konoha Whirlwind!"

Li Locke is extremely skilled, and uses this move that others are familiar with.

But because of the speed, I was happy, and at this moment, I kicked it out fiercely and kicked it on... the sand shield in front of Gaara.

The sand that Gaara carries with him is full of his own chakra. Not only is it fully activated, but its power is also extraordinary, and it can be activated on its own before Gaara reacts!

That's how he blocked Li Locke's kick!

However, even though his sand shield appeared very timely and was lifted up by Xiao Li's Konoha Whirlwind, it was a shock.

"The speed has become faster, and the strength has become stronger?" Gaara's heart was cold, and she was calculating silently.

Compared with the qualifiers, he found that Li Locke's strength has improved considerably.

During the preliminaries, Li Luo and him could easily 'hang and beat' him after opening the Eight Gates of Dunjia, even if his gourd hadn't been shattered in the end, and the Shouhe in the body recovered and gave her the last Most of the power of a blow was placed in Li Locke's hands.

That's why his killing intent towards Li Locke is so important.

But now, Li Luoming has not opened the eight doors, but he has been able to quickly make him unable to capture the speed!

"Now you, release all your strength." Xiao Li fell on one leg, stood there, and spoke: "Otherwise, the current you will be directly defeated by me!"

Gaara's eyes are cold and his face is slightly distorted, this is his release of his power.

"What's the matter, Xiao Li Mingming didn't even open the Eight Gates Dunjia!" Naruto and Nara Shikamaru were surprised, they all knew the last time Li Locke and Gaara fought.

So at this time, when I saw that Li Luo had not yet used his strongest eight-door Dunjia, but he was so powerful, his heart shook.

"The speed at which Xiao Li became stronger... is too fast..." Naruto murmured.

"Besides, I still don't know how to become so powerful, should I be called 'that person''s cousin." Nara Shikamaru said to himself, looking at Li Locke's demeanor.

On the other side, Li Locke has continued to move, with a firm look flashing in his eyes, the figure has jumped up, and twisted his body in the air.

"Konoha Gale!"

Gaara is serious, the sand is scattered around the body and ready to guard, beware of Li Locke in front of him.

But at this time, behind Gaara, a figure of Li Luo suddenly appeared!

At this moment, it was as if two Li Locke were in tandem, using the lower kick at the same time!


A loud bang!

Gaara was attacked from behind, and even the sand didn't have time to react, and was kicked to the ground by the whole person!

"what happened?"

Naruto and Nara Shikamaru's pupils shrank, unbelievable, because Li Locke's figure in the air was actually split into two, and people couldn't tell the truth!

"This is... avatars?" Nara Shikamaru frowned: "But Xiao Li...isn't he unable to use ninjutsu?"

"No! This is not a clone technique!" Naruto was silent for a while, and suddenly shouted: "This is an afterimage fist!"

"Afterimage Fist?" Nara Shikamaru heard this name for the first time, because in the previous qualifiers, the body ninja village trio had not used this move when facing their opponents, so he did not know .

And Naruto explained: "This is a secret technique of the body ninja village! It is a move that has its own advantages and disadvantages compared to the clone technique, and 2.7 has an unexpected effect compared to the clone technique."

"Kakashi-sensei will do this too!"

"The trick of the body ninja village?" Nara Shikamaru remembered the strength of the three group of the body ninja village, but he didn't understand why Li Locke had such a move at this moment.

"It's clear that Xiao Li has been sleeping in the hospital recently!" Nara Shikamaru was puzzled, but what he and I didn't know was that Li Locke's 'sleeping' during the day was just because he was trained too hard by Li Zhenwu at night. .


Suddenly, with a loud noise, it turned out that Gaara's gourd burst open, turning into a big bang of sand, wrapping Gaara.

"Your current move is useless to me now!"

Chapter [-] Absolute Defense! (Second more)

Sand, crawling all over Gaara's body.

He slowly climbed up from the pit he was smashed out of, but his eyes were full of madness.

"Sand armor!"

Gaara's body was all khaki-colored, and it was completely covered with sand, forming a layer of armor.

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