In the face of such Gaara, Li Locke's eyes flashed with excitement instead.

"Okay, try your best to show your strongest strength. In this way, I can also see the progress I have made recently!" Li Locke's voice just fell, and the person flickered slightly, and three of himself suddenly appeared in the same place.

"Afterimage fist, definitely afterimage fist!"

Naruto couldn't help exclaiming at the moment, and this was completely confirmed.

"Clone Jutsu is a ninjutsu that can only be used by using Chakra, and Xiao Li's own Echakra cannot release Ninjutsu at all, but the afterimage boxing of Body Ninja Village does not need to use Chakra to perform it! "twenty one

Naruto looked serious, and explained to Nara Shikamaru: "But Kakashi-sensei once said that afterimage fist is a move that can be used without chakra!"

"Naruto looked at Li Locke, and he said with certainty, "What Xiao Li is using now is the Afterimage Fist! "

... Naruto's guess was not wrong at all, what Li Locke was using at the moment was the Afterimage Fist taught to him by Li Zhenwu.

After all, for the past few weeks, Li Locke has been receiving Li Zhenwu's 'special training'.

Even, it can be called 'special training of the devil'!

Every day of training, Li Locke will be scarred, even to the point of needing fairy beans to recover.

That's it, by now, Li Locke's own strength has improved to a state far beyond that before!

Li Locke's face was full of confident and flying figures, and the three figures rushed towards Gaara together.

He looked at Gaara who was covered by the sand armor, and thought to himself: "Zhenwu, I will never fail the special training in the past few weeks, and now defeating Gaara completely is the beginning!"

Li Locke is extremely confident, he has gained a lot these days, and Li Zhenwu even taught him a lot of magical 'moves'.

This is what constitutes Li Locke's confidence.


The three figures all came to Gaara's side in an instant. When Gaara didn't respond, the real Li Locke had already made a move!

"Langya... Fengfengquan!"

But this time, Li Luo did not use his Konoha fluid technique, but used another fast punching technique.

"Roar!" As if a hungry wolf roared, Li Locke had already rushed towards Gaara.

And Langfang Fengfengquan fell sarcastically, but the position where it fell was indeed... the same!

When Li Luo attacked, he thought of what Li Zhenwu had said to him.

"There is no absolute defense in the world, it is just that the attack is not strong enough. However, even if your own strength is not strong enough, you can use other places to make tricks, because any defense will have weaknesses."

"Langya Fengfengquan is a physical technique that is very different from Konoha-style. If Konoha-style is to seek formidable power, then Langya Fengfengquan is a boxing technique that can have great power and can be controlled delicately. !"

"Using Langfang Fengfengquan, you can achieve an attack effect...that is to break the face!"

The words of Li Zhenwu flashed in Li Luo's mind, while his fists were back and forth, and when Gaara couldn't react, it was like a hungry wolf constantly swooping!Fists are falling like rain!

Moreover, these fists fall all at one point!

"Langya Fengfengquan!" Naruto couldn't help exclaiming, and also recognized the move that Li Locke was using at the moment.

"I haven't seen this move before." Nara Shikamaru said in surprise, but he was surprised by Naruto's reaction:

"Naruto, do you know Xiao Li's trick?"

"Understood, this is also the trick of the Ninja Village." Naruto nodded heavily and said: "I have seen it with my own eyes, Lan Wan of the Ninja Village, use this trick!"

"Then how could Xiao Li do this trick now?" Nara Shikamaru raised a little doubt.

What's the relationship between Li Locke... and the Ninja Village?

"Is this your sand armor? It seems to be broken by me!"

Li Locke let out a low voice and punched down again. The layer of sand armor that was originally wrapped around Gaara's body has cracked layer by layer and fell off him!

Li Luo's voice completely fell, and Gaara's sand armor was completely broken.

In the last qualifier, Li Locke once shattered Gaara's sand armor, but at that time, he opened the first door of the eight Dunjia!

And now, it's just his normal state!

"The Konoha Whirlwind!"

Li Locke didn't stop for a moment, he just shattered Gaara's sand armor, and he kicked his legs from an incredible angle and the upper part!

This Konoha whirlwind directly kicked Gaara's body into the air.

Swish!Xiao Li stepped on his feet, and the whole person was already 747 into the sky.

"Shadow Dance Leaf!" Li Locke's feet are linked together, just like the shit he used in the previous qualifiers, but the power of his moves now is much stronger!


In the end, Gaara landed heavily, smashing a hole in the ground.

"Have you defeated Gaara? No, probably not!" Naruto watched intently, not thinking that Gaara was defeated at this moment.

Because in the qualifiers, Gaara's strength is not only this, or the tenacity of life, but it is very strong.

Li Luo fell to the ground, did not pursue the victory, but stood aside, quietly waiting for the gray fog to dissipate, and fought with Gaara for a few more rounds.

The dust and mist gradually dissipated, revealing Gaara who stood up again, but at this moment, Gaara was already embarrassed enough, but her face was distorted.

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