"Hehe, the concubine Shixuan who came to the door today will definitely not be able to hide from the eyes of the various forces. It is estimated that people will come to ask He Shibi one after another in the afternoon and tomorrow at the latest. If you leave now, doesn't it mean that there is a ghost in your heart? So? When the concubine Xuan is here, we can't leave." Li Zhenwu explained.

"We don't have He's jade, what's the use of them coming?" Song Yuzhi said without caring after listening to Li Zhenwu's explanation.

"No? The major forces won't listen. As long as they have the slightest possibility that He's jade is here, they will never let it go. Just wait." Li Zhenwu held his head in his hands and leaned against the wall. on.

"Then what should we do, Brother Li?" Xu Ziling asked after listening to Li Zhenwu's words.

"Keep it." Then he pushed open the door and went out.

Sure enough, Shi Fei Xuan is worthy of being the center of the Heshibi incident. I just found these three families at noon today. In the afternoon, many spokespersons of the forces visited these three families one by one, but these three families are not small families. , Wang Shichong, and Rong Fengxiang denied it, and many forces were all defeated.

"It's really troublesome." Song Yuzhi said angrily as she watched Song Zhi send the family away again.

"This is not bad. If it weren't for the great wealth of your Song clan, it is estimated that they would never have come to ask so politely now." Li Zhenwu looked at the meaning of reminiscing the past, and came over to check whether the Song clan got it. He's jade, thinking about how Kou Xu and Ba Fenghan in the original book were beaten directly after they got the He's jade, and couldn't help but sigh that the Song clan was really famous.

"Wait until you watch it at night, I guess you may not have a good night's sleep to sleep tonight." Li Zhenwu continued.

"Night?" Song Yuzhi called out.

"Of course, you think they believe it." Li Zhenwu looked at Song Yuzhi and cried, so he explained it to her.

"Come here this afternoon just for a short walk, and they will send someone over tonight to confirm whether He Shibi is really not there."

"It's really annoying, I'll go back to my room first." Song Yuzhi stood up angrily and said something to Li Zhenwu, then got up and left.

"Hehe, it's really neat, almost all of them are here, but there seems to be no one from Li Shimin, what's going on?" Li Zhenwu and Song Yuzhi have been sitting here and watching since he first came to visit in the afternoon, but basically Luoyang is big and small now. All the forces of Li Shimin have come, but it is strange that half of Li Shimin's people have not come to the door.


"King Qin, aren't we going?" asked one of Li Shimin's staff.

Li Shimin picked up the teacup and took a sip, "What's the use of going, these three families won't admit it at all, it's better to sell them a good deal to prove that Li Clan believes in them." Jingzhai is enough, why should I come to the door?

"However, will King Qin's actions cause..." The staff pointed to the top.

"No, the father and the emperor are not very willing to offend these three families. Luoyang Wang Shichong has hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers, Rong Fengxiang has countless wealth, not to mention the Song clan, which of these three families is easy to deal with. In the north, Dou Jiande is now I'm at war with the father, and I think the father is not willing to offend them." Li Shimin explained the reason, and the staff nodded in agreement.

"But we can't go there on the bright side, but we can follow Dou Jiande and the others to see if they can find the whereabouts of He's Bi. If they don't, wait until they are ordered." Li Shimin wiped his neck. Talk to the staff.

"As ordered." After listening to Li Shimin's plan, the staff went straight to make arrangements.

"Brother Zhenwu is really interesting. After talking with me that afternoon, the He Shibi was gone, and it's a coincidence that he happens to be in the Song clan now." Li Shimin muttered.

"Someone." Li Shimin thought for a while, then called out the door.

"King Qin, this subordinate is here."

"Is Wuji back?" Li Shimin asked the visitor.

"If you go back to King Qin, you haven't come back yet."

"Wait for Wuji to come back, let him come over as soon as possible." Li Shimin ordered.


Zhangsun Wuji was sitting in front of a woman now, and said to the woman, "I don't know about the He Clan jade? The son asked Wuji to come over and ask."

The woman said directly, "Please rest assured, King Qin, since I, Cihang Jingzhai, have chosen King Qin, the He Shibi will definitely be handed over to King Qin." It turned out that this woman was sent by Cihang Jingzhai to contact Li Shimin. people.

"Then don't worry, but if this fairy has anything to do, she will never refuse." The eldest grandson Wuji came here to confirm the situation of Cihang Jingzhai. After hearing the guarantee, he immediately felt relieved.

"No." The woman shook her head and spat these two words out of her mouth.

Changsun Wuji heard that he didn't need his help, so he got up and said, "Fairy, I will leave first. If the fairy needs help, just look for it." Then he left.

Chapter 101 The second meeting with Li Shimin

"Wuji is back, what did Cihang Jingzhai say?" Li Shimin looked at the eldest grandson Wuji in front of him and said.

"Don't worry, He's jade will definitely be handed over to the King of Qin." Zhangsun Wuji repeated the words and reported it to Li Shimin.

"Well." Li Shimin nodded to indicate that he knew.

"Then, are we still looking for He Shibi?" Zhangsun Wuji saw that Li Shimin didn't speak for a long time, so he opened his mouth to speak.

"I've arranged it. Wuji, have you checked the details of Li Zhenwu that I asked you to check?" Since Li Shimin met with Li Zhenwu, he instructed the eldest grandson Wuji to check the details of Li Zhenwu, because Li Zhenwu appeared. The time in front of the world was too short, he killed Yu Wenhuaji, defeated the Jianghuai Army, defeated Du Fuwei in one move, and then there was no more information.Li Shimin also knew that Li Zhenwu was still friends with Pegasus Ranch, so he didn't know anything else.

"I found it." Then he handed over a few pages.

"Li Zhenwu, whose ancestry is unknown, first appeared when he was rescued by Wei's Zhenzhen in Yangzhou, and then defeated the third master of the Zhulian Gang, triggering a war between the Zhulian Gang and the Zhuhua Gang. Then he was attacked by Yu Yu because of the longevity tactic. Culture and pursuit (Wuji thinks that the longevity formula may fall into the hands of this person), met a Rakshasa girl on the road, crossed with the Song clan, and later killed Yu Wenhua and later, was wanted by Yang Guang and the Yuwen clan."

"Afterwards, it disappeared for a while, and the night of Yang Guang's death reappeared, the Yuwen clan attacked Yuwen without success, then left to rescue Pegasus Ranch, killed the four major soldiers, and repulsed the Jianghuai Army (and then there was Du Fu. Rumors spread that Wei was defeated by one move), and is now the master of Jingling." Li Shimin slowly read out the information on Li Zhenwu.

"The Lord of Jingling, it seems that he is unwilling to be subordinated to others, but the sneak attack on Yuwen was unsuccessful, so the skill is not right, isn't he the one who did it." Li Shimin looked at the paper in his hand and muttered, thinking about that day and Li Zhenwu When they separated, He Shibi lost the matter. The more Li Shimin thought about it, the more he felt that Li Zhenwu did it, but martial arts...

"King Qin, you suspect that this Li Zhenwu robbed the Heshi jade." Zhangsun Wuji said after hearing Li Shimin's remarks.

"Well." So Li Shimin told Zhangsun Wuji of his inference.

"Yu Wenshang's martial arts is estimated to be that he is only in the middle with Master Kong. Since he even attacked Yuwenshang without success, how could he injure Master Kong and steal He's jade?" Li Zhenwu's sword was also injured, otherwise he would not have avenged Yu Wenhua and revenge. Li Shimin didn't know about this, which led to some uncertainty now.

"Since this Li Zhenwu is separated from King Qin, and the He Shibi has been lost, should we investigate secretly?" Zhangsun Wuji suggested.

"No, no." Li Shimin shook his head.

"why not?"

Li Shimin didn't answer, just pointed to Li Zhenwu's information.

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