"The reason why we can't go is because we don't have enough strength in our hands. No matter whether he is someone who stole He's jade or not, we can't do anything with him, so why waste our manpower?" Li Shimin explained.

"But we can borrow knives." Li Shimin continued.

"Borrowing a knife? Yes, we can borrow a knife." After listening to Li Shimin's words, Zhangsun Wuji said with a clear expression on his chest.

"Wuji, arrange to see which knives can be borrowed, and if confirmed, send someone to inform Shi Xianzi and ask her to recover He's jade." Li Shimin finally said.

"Wuji understands." Then the eldest grandson Wuji withdrew.

Li Shimin had a heroic look on his face at this time, and whispered, "But Shimin is still willing to see Brother Zhenwu again." Thinking about the night Yang Guang died, the sneak attack on Yuwen was unsuccessful.


"The drunkard is gone, let's go eat." In the inn at night, Song Yuzhi came out of the room and saw that Song Zhi and Song Shidao were still meeting with various forces, so he said to Li Zhenwu.

"Hmm, dinner." Li Zhenwu was still thinking about why Li Shimin didn't come when he suddenly heard Song Yuzhi's voice and casually agreed...

"Let's go then." Song Yuzhi looked at Li Zhenwu and just agreed, but didn't get up, and then said while pulling on his clothes.

"Where are you going?" Li Zhenwu only reacted at this time and asked suspiciously.

"If you don't go, just stay in a daze, I'm leaving." Song Yuzhi looked at Li Zhenwu's appearance, and knew that he didn't listen to his words, so he said angrily.

"Don't go, you know you're going to eat, I heard, wait for me." Li Zhenwu was about to stand up and hold Song Yuzhi, when he suddenly felt that Li Shimin was coming to this inn, so he immediately said, "Why don't you go first? , I still have something to do later, okay?"

Song Yuzhi was no longer angry when he heard Li Zhenwu's previous sentence, but suddenly he heard that he was asked to go first, and the fire came up immediately. As soon as he stepped on Li Zhenwu's foot, he said in his mouth, "Damn drunkard, I don't Eat." Then he went straight back to his room.

Li Zhenwu continued to observe here, and found that Li Shimin just said hello to Song Zhi, and came directly to him. He couldn't help thinking, he found it, but it didn't look like he found it.

"Tuk, Tuk, Tuk"

"The door is not closed, please come in." Li Zhenwu said on 4.2 that Li Shimin really came over.

"Brother Zhenwu, Shimin came to disturb you." Li Shimin said directly after entering the door.

"Where is Brother Shimin, please take a seat." Li Zhenwu asked Li Shimin to sit down and continued, "Little Er has a good pot of wine and a few good dishes." Because Li Zhenwu was sitting here in the afternoon, he just called Two snacks and a pot of wine were ordered. When Li Shimin came over, there was almost nothing on the table.

When the wine came, Li Zhenwu poured a glass for each of them, and said, "I wonder what happened to Brother Shimin?"

"Shimin just didn't have a good time talking with Brother Zhenwu that day, so I came to disturb him today." Li Shimin raised his glass and said.

Chapter 102 Conversation

"What Brother Zhenwu talked about that day benefited Shimin a lot, but it's a pity that Brother Zhenwu left in a hurry, so Shimin came forward." Li Shimin looked at Li Zhenwu to see how he would react that day when he left, but I didn't see anything for a long time.

"Brother Shimin is on a high stage, and what I said below is just some stupid opinion." Li Zhenwu couldn't figure out why Li Shimin came, whether he found himself or for other purposes, so he played Tai Chi with him.

"Brother Zhenwu is very polite. Based on what Brother Zhenwu said that day, we can see that Brother Zhenwu is really a talented person. How can it be called a foolish opinion?" Li Shimin touted Li Zhenwu.

"Since Brother Shimin looks down on him, then he wants to know what Shimin wants to talk about." Li Zhenwu smiled and said to Li Shimin.

"Shimin wants to ask Brother Zhenwu, Yang Guang's death." Li Shimin said with a special emphasis on the word "death".

"Yang Guang's death, I don't know what to say about this matter. Could it be that Brother Shimin found out that Yang Guang's death had other secrets?" When Li Zhenwu heard the word "death", he intensified his tone and understood the 14 things he did that day. , Li Shimin may have known, so he pretended to be stupid and said.

"Brother Zhenwu, don't know?" Li Shimin asked after drinking a glass of wine, staring at Li Zhenwu.

"How do you know?" Li Zhenwu didn't flinch, and stared at Li Shimin.

"Since Brother Zhenwu doesn't know, then forget it." Li Shimin seemed to see nothing, so he said with a smile.

Li Shimin added a glass of wine to Li Zhenwu and continued, "Then I don't know Brother Zhenwu, have you ever thought of setting up a career in such troubled times?"

"The next person who wanders around in the rivers and lakes has no idea about the court." Li Zhenwu drank the wine that Li Shimin added to himself, and said in his mouth.

"Not really, since Brother Zhenwu didn't have that idea, why did he treat the He's Jade Bi as Shimin did?" Li Shimin finally didn't finish his words, leaving half of it to see how Li Zhenwu answered.

"He's Jade, Brother Shimin, you're thinking wrong. I just heard that He's Jade has a different kind of power, which can make people improve their skills. So the people who come to Luoyang to see and see are different from you, Brother Shimin." Li Zhenwu explained.

"It's not necessarily different from Shimin, I heard that Brother Zhenwu seems to be the master of Jingling." Li Shimin said meaningfully.

"Brother Shimin is really smart. Brother Shimin can find out what happened in just one or two months, and he admires him. But this Jingling Lord is not what he wants, it's just the request of the army and the people in Jingling. I am ashamed to have just taken over the position of the Lord of Jingling." Li Zhenwu said.

At this time, neither of them spoke, and they drank the wine quietly. Suddenly, Li Shimin picked up the jug and found that there was no wine in it, so he said, "Little Er, I'm serving a good jug of wine."

"Shimin, what is Brother Zhenwu's ambition?" Xiao Er brought the wine, Li Shimin poured another glass for Li Zhenwu and asked, knowing that He Shibi couldn't ask anything, so he changed the subject.

"At the peak of martial arts, I don't know what Brother Shimin is about yours?"

"The world is at peace, and the people live and work in peace and contentment." Li Shimin looked at Li Zhenwu with bright eyes.

"I don't know Brother Zhenwu..."

Before Li Shimin finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, and Li Zhenwu said, "The door is open, come in." Li Zhenwu sensed that Song Yuzhi was outside the door, so he let her in directly.

"Dead drunkard, you. I've seen Brother Li Shi." Song Yuzhi pointed at Li Zhenwu who was about to say something, and suddenly saw Li Shimin, so he put away his fingers and greeted Li Shimin respectfully.

"I have seen Yuzhi's cousin." Li Shimin also said to Song Yuzhi.

"Miss Song, didn't you eat just now? Don't mind sitting down to eat." Li Zhenwu really didn't want to talk to Li Shimin anymore. It was all hypocritical diplomatic rhetoric. Li Zhenwu really felt annoyed. It just so happened that Song Yuzhi came in, so he invited her.

"Brother Shimin, don't you mind." Li Zhenwu turned to look at Li Shimin again and said.

"Why would Shimin mind, Yuzhi's cousin, please." Li Shimin made a gesture of invitation and let Song Yuzhi sit down.

"Little Er, go and fry some good dishes and bring them up." Li Zhenwu ordered.

Then, the three of them said some nutritious nonsense, and Li Shimin left.

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