"Xiaozhong Xiaoling, I'll leave it to you." Li Zhenwu slapped the shield away with a slap, and gestured to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling with a pouting.


"Reported to the military advisor and sent someone to inquire about it. Two days ago, someone dressed up like this and went out of the city. We also found this dress and a hat in the woods outside the North Gate of Luoyang."

Zu Junyan took the clothes, "Sure enough, there is such a person, let the person monitored by the inn come back immediately."


"Master Ancestor, I don't know what your subordinates got, can you share it with me?" Wang Shichong led several hundred elite soldiers and said to the crowd around Wagang.

"Since Wang Shangshu wants it, then I'll give it to you." Zu Junyan looked at Wang Shichong's army, and the countless eyes in the dark, and threw the clothes and hats out of his hands.

"Sure enough." Wang Shichong took it and said, and then rushed to the north gate with his troops.


"I didn't expect it to be this person, but the old man didn't recognize it." At this moment, Lakukong heard what Li Zhenwu and the others said, and whispered in his mouth.

"Master Liaokong, is this person really the former Huajian abandoned apprentice Yu Shuihan?" Shi Feixuan asked with some uncertainty.

"Well, who would have thought that his martial arts skills are so high now, and his temperament has changed so much. If someone hadn't said that this person is Yu Shuihan, I guess Lao Na would only think that he is a person similar to Yu Shuihan." Lu Kong sighed.

"Yu Shuihan was considered a leader in the arena back then, and he was extraordinary in the flower world. If it wasn't for Yang Jian's succession to the throne, he would not have given up his prestige soon, and the Huajian faction would not have given up on him, nor would Shi Zhixuan join the Huajian faction. already."

"Concubine Xuan, it can be seen from his sword, Lao Na, that even if he is not a master, he is still a half-step master. It seems that if you want to recover He's jade, you must rely on Brother Ning Dao's help."

"Concubine Xuan understands, thanks to Master Kong for his guidance." Shi Feixuan folded his hands together and thanked him.

"If that's the case, then Concubine Xuan, let's go, Lao Na also has lunch class." Liankong saw that Concubine Xuan's mind was already in He Shibi's place, so he told her.

"Concubine Xuan retire." Shi Fei Xuan bowed again, then turned and left.


Now Li Shimin and the others are hiding in a private house in Luoyang. The curtains are hung all around, and an oil lamp is lit in the room. In the dim room, there are only Li Shimin and Zhangsun Wuji.

"King Qin, people have been discovered." Zhangsun Wuji said to Li Shimin.

"If you find it, you will find it. If Brother Zhenwu can't find it, Shimin will feel strange. Wuji, if you are provoking people like that, you will definitely be found." Li Shimin said as if I knew him.

"However, I also found out about his martial arts. It's really good. I didn't expect that in the middle stage of Xiantian, he would be subdued with one move. It seems that it is basically impossible to assassinate this person in the future." Zhangsun Wuji said.

"Wuji, is there any whereabouts of He's jade? Today, I think Brother Zhenwu will come to me with great fanfare, so we must evacuate Luoyang quickly." Li Shimin asked again.

"Yes, the treasure thief is actually the abandoned disciple Yu Shuihan sent by Huajian. After leaving Luoyang two days ago, it seems to be heading north." Zhangsun Wuji replied.

"Abandoned apprentice Yu Shuihan in the flower room, went to the north in two days, and immediately ordered to find this person, but after finding it, don't panic, just stare at it." Li Shimin immediately ordered.

"Okay, let's go on, let Jian Xing secretly return to Chang'an." When Li Shimin heard what he wanted, he didn't want to stay for a quarter of an hour, and immediately ordered.

Chapter 108 Song Zhi's Calculation

"Xiao Zhong, Xiao Ling quickly solve it, otherwise I will help you solve it." Li Zhenwu and Liu Heida chatted there for a while, watching Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling who were slowly gaining the upper hand, said.

"Brother Li, don't need it." Kou Zhong said in his mouth, and the sword under his hand was a little faster, forcing Chang Shumou to take a few steps back.

"Junior brother and junior sister, let's go." Chang Shumou originally looked down on the martial arts of Kou and Xu, but after the fight, he realized that their martial arts were extraordinary, and there was a faint intention to retreat, but seeing that Li Zhenwu had no intention of doing anything, so he thought Hold on to take down Kou Xu and threaten Li Zhenwu.

However, his junior brother and junior sister really dragged him down. The two of them could only survive under Xu Ziling's hands. In order to protect them, Changshumou gradually fell behind. When he heard that Li Zhenwu was about to make a move, he immediately shouted to his junior brother and junior sister. arrive.

"I want to go, have you left?" Li Zhenwu turned the cup, and the wine in the cup turned into three sharp arrows, which were shot at the right legs of the three of them.


The three of them fell to the ground, Kou Zhong immediately put his sword across their necks, turned to Li Zhenwu and said, "Didn't Brother Li say no? Why did you still shoot?"

"Didn't you see they were about to run away?" Li Zhenwu said with a blank look at Kou Zhong.

"Your last stab at Uncle Chang will only hurt his arm, but he can still run away; and Xiaoling, why are you so pity on Xiangxiyu, you don't know that they are your enemies, is it because she is beautiful and has low martial arts, So I can't bear it anymore. It seems that your martial arts and Jianghu experience have to improve." Li Zhenwu taught them both.

"Kill Lao Tzu if you have the ability, and humiliate me here." Chang Shumou listened to Li Zhenwu's words to Kou and Xu, and felt that he had been humiliated, so he said stubbornly.

"Oh, if you want to die, then I'll send it to you." Li Zhenwu directly hit Kou Zhong's hand with energy, and then a red line appeared on Chang Shumou's neck.

"Senior brother." The younger brother and sister of Changshumou looked at Changshumou and fell to the ground. The blood on their necks slowly dyed the floor red, so they cried out in grief.

"Brother Liu, these two are for you." Li Zhenwu pointed to the other two and said to Liu Heida.

"Kill us if you can," the two called.

When Xu Ziling heard this, he immediately retracted his sword and shouted, "Big Brother Li."

"Okay, okay, don't kill them, don't be so nervous, they are my gifts, I won't kill them." Li Zhenwu waved his hands and said, the people present were slandering, just now Changshumou said such a sentence , now lying motionless on the ground, don't be nervous.

"Li Gongzi, it's useless for Liu to ask them, please take Li Gongzi away." Liu Heida waved his hands quickly, thinking to himself, with them, we probably won't be able to go back to King Xia, and we might be caught halfway. Qu Ao killed him, so let's hand over the two to this Young Master Li.

"Why is it useless, look at his strong body, a good coolie, and this one is beautiful, in good shape, and warms the bed very well." Li Zhenwu commented on the two of them.

"Brother Liu, you can keep it." Then Li Zhenwu collected the gold, pulled Kou and Xu by the waist, and flew away like a Dapeng spreading his wings, completely ignoring Liu Heida's refusal and the abuse of the remaining two. .

"Brother Li, you performed well today, you shouldn't reward me, just give me a move." Kou Zhonggang was taken out by Li Zhenwu, and he immediately asked for credit.

"Yes, if it weren't for you, would you have this scene today? Learn more from Xiaoling and see how calm he is." Li Zhenwu put Kou Zhong away, and immediately raised it in his hand again.

"Xiaoling?" Kou Zhong glanced at Xu Ziling.

"That's not right, Big Brother Li, Young Master Ling didn't read Senior Lu's document at all. He doesn't know him at all, so he's naturally calm." Kou Zhong suddenly noticed something was wrong, and immediately said.

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