"Haha." Xu Ziling laughed while listening to the conversation between the two.


"I'm back." Song Yuzhi said with a cold face.

"What's wrong with Miss Song? You're so blunt, you don't welcome us?" Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling looked at Song Yuzhi's unpleasant expression and ran away, leaving Li Zhenwu alone, when they heard Song Yuzhi's words and asked.

"Since you know the news about that person, why didn't you tell me, are you afraid that I won't give you the money? Give it to you." Song Yuzhi put the gold in Li Zhenwu's hands after finishing speaking.

"You didn't read the letter I left with you?" Li Zhenwu knew that he would tell the news when he went out, so he wrote down the prepared lie and put it in Song Yuzhi's room.

"Little sister." Song Shi said it was time to hand Song Yuzhi a piece of paper.

After Song Yuzhi read it, he said to Song Shidao beside him, "Second brother, since you know, why didn't you tell me."

"Isn't this what you didn't read? You still blame me." Song Shidao immediately retorted.

Song Yuzhi remembered it. He heard that Li Zhenwu had sold the news without telling her.

Song Yuzhi blushed, looked at Li Zhenwu and Song Shidao looking at her, and shouted to Song Shidao loudly, "Then why don't you tell me what is written on this piece of paper."

Then he turned his head and stared at Li Zhenwudao, "And you, why didn't you hand it over to me, and now you have to watch my jokes."

Li Zhenwu said while avoiding Song Yuzhi's pink fist, "Isn't this afraid of you making a fuss."

Then the two of you chased after me and started fighting in the inn.

"Second brother, is the news true?" Song Lu asked Song Zhidao, looking at Li Zhenwu below.

"I don't know, but I still have a feeling that the He Shibi is in the hands of this Young Master Li." Song Zhi said.

"Is there no such person at all, but it has been confirmed that such a person did leave two days ago." Song Lu asked back.

"This young master Li is a grandmaster, think about his aura the night when the concubine Xuan came, and think about whether you would chase him out if you knew the news, and think about coming to Luoyang as his grandmaster just to meet him. See He's jade." Song Zhi made a beautiful three-point analysis, and Song Lu, who asked, was at a loss for words.

"Then...then..." Song Lu said a few times, but didn't say any complete words.

"But that's fine. Yuzhi and him seem to be getting along well now. When he comes to the door, He's jade will still belong to our Song clan." Song Zhi was playing the abacus of beauty, not only against Grandmaster Li Zhenwu of force, and his He Clan jade.

Chapter 109 Wanwan's Judgment

"Master, I feel that this news is not true." She said to Zhu Yuyan.

"What's not true?" Zhu Yuyan's whole mind was now drawn by the words Shi Zhixuan's senior brother written on the paper, and she just asked subconsciously.

"Cui'er has dealt with this Li Zhenwu, this person's martial arts is not weaker than Shizun, and he is as cunning as a fox, how could he release the news of He Shibi like this, so he feels that all the news is not true ." She replied.

If all the people who bought the news were like Wei, who knew Li Zhenwu to a certain extent, it was estimated that Li Zhenwu might not be able to sell it for a penny, and he was properly besieged by everyone.

"Then what do you think you should do?" Zhu Yuyan asked after listening to her analysis.

"Staring at him, or Master doing it himself." She said decisively.

Zhu Yuyan agreed. "Okay, keep an eye on him all the way, wait for him to return to Jingling and then personally take action for the master to find the He Shibi."

"However, I still need to check the information on this piece of paper. I want to see this Senior Brother Yushui Hanyu." Zhu Yuyan squeezed the paper in her hand into a ball, and said with hatred in her mouth. on.

"It's Master." Then she went down to make arrangements.

"450 Huajian Pai, Shi Zhixuan, I will definitely avenge the master's revenge." After Zhu Yuyan left, she unfolded the paper and looked at the three words Huajian Pai on it. Zhu Yuyan couldn't bear it any longer. The table in front of him and the piece of paper were shattered, and words popped out of his mouth one by one.


"Brother Li, we are leaving." Song Shidao said to Li Zhenwu in the afternoon.

"Let's go like this?" Li Zhenwu was very puzzled. Since Song Clan got the news, why did he leave now? Could it be that Song Zhi still doesn't believe it?

"Uncle Zhi said that this time, the competition with the Clan is too weak for the Song Clan, so I'd better go back and report to my father before making plans." Song Shidao explained.

Li Zhenwu pondered for a while, then smiled, "Since that's the case, Brother Song, I'll send you off." After speaking, the two of them prepared to go downstairs together, then went to Kou Xu's room and told them the news that they were leaving.

The four of them went downstairs together and saw Song Zhi, Song Lu, and Song Yuzhi were already standing beside the carriage.

"Brother Li, are you still leaving?" Song Shidao asked, seeing that Li Zhenwu did not intend to leave Luoyang.

After Li Zhenwu came back, he felt that someone was still watching him. He wanted to see who he was, so he decided to stay in Luoyang for a while, and after he found out who it was, he would return to Jingling.

Li Zhenwu used Kou and Xu as an excuse, "I'm leaving tomorrow or the day after, and Xiaozhong and Xiaoling's kung fu is still a bit poor. I'm going to guide them for a day or two before returning to Jingling."

"In this case, Shidao will leave first, and Brother Li is also welcome to come to the mountain city as a guest." Song Shidao said with a fist.

"Second Master Song, Third Master Song, Brother Song, Yu... Yuzhi has a smooth journey." Li Zhenwu said to them.

"Drinker, come to see me in Shancheng." Song Yuzhi heard Li Zhenwu call her Yuzhi, and then blurted out.

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed when they heard Song Yuzhi's words, and then Song Yuzhi got into the carriage with a blushing face.

"Take care." Everyone in the Song clan got into the carriage, and Li Zhenwu and Kou Xu said with their fists folded.

"Take care of yourself."

Song Zhi seemed to think of something again. He opened the curtain of the carriage and said to Li Zhenwu, "Luoyang is still a little uneasy. If there is nothing wrong, leave as soon as possible!"

Li Zhenwu glanced at the tailor shop behind him, and said, "Thanks for the reminder, Second Master Song."

"It's still called Second Master Song now, call me Second Uncle. Yuzhi is also called that." Song Zhi listened to Li Zhenwu's words and corrected his name.

"Second uncle." Song Yuzhi pulled Song Zhi in and said shyly.

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