The door slowly opened, and Li Zhenwu came out, "Okay, then I'll go to Dashi Temple at night."

This day, Li Zhenwu not only practiced in it, but also thought about how he arranged Yang Yanxu. After all, Yang Yanxu didn't use a sharp knife. It would be a pity if he killed him.

At night, Yang Yanxu walked ahead and led the way, climbed the stone steps in front of him, and pointed to the road ahead, "That's the Dashi Temple."

Li Zhenwu instructed him to look forward, and saw towering ancient cypresses, bamboo trees, verdant greenery, moonlight covering, red walls surrounding the inner Buddhist pagoda in the sky, and the temple towers tall and majestic.

"These bald guys are rich, and there are such temples in such a place." Li Zhenwu said in the tone of the people in the devil's sect who hated the people in the Buddhist sect.

"What the uncle said is." Yang Yanxu followed Li Zhenwu's words and continued to lead the way.

Li Zhenwu looked at this famous temple and found that the scale is not small. It starts from the Shanmen Hall, followed by the Tianwang Hall, the Seven Buddha Hall, the Daxiong Hall, and the Tibetan Scripture Building. , but also magnificent.

Beside the main hall group in rows and arrays, a towering tower rises among thousands of bamboo trees, which is extraordinarily imposing.

It is a pity that there is no one in the temple now. It must be known that the ancient temples of the famous temples all have the responsibility of guarding the temple with high-level martial arts, and the monks in the temple also have people who know martial arts. If there is a relationship, he will never sit idly by, so Li Zhenwu knows that Xi Ying is here in the current situation.

In the original book, Xi Ying came, and the entire Dashi Temple would be empty. The current situation just shows that Xi Ying has come.

"I wonder if Junior Nephew Yang knows that Xi Ying is here?" Li Zhenwu asked in a playful tone.

"Master, I don't know. I have been paying attention to the immortality seal for the past two days, and I don't know about Xi Ying." Yang Yanxu said with a sincere face. After all, the immortality seal is related to himself, so these two Tian Yang Yanxu has been investigating Shi Qingxuan's whereabouts.

When he found out that Shi Qingxuan was going to seal the immortality and hand over his junior brother Hou Xibai here, Yang Yanxu quickly returned to Li Zhenwu.

In fact, this was An Long's intentional concealment, because Shi Zhixuan wrote that he would arrive in two days, so An Long concealed the news of Xi Ying's arrival.

Li Zhenwu thought for a while and waited for himself to go back to An Long to ask, so he felt the place where the concubine Xuan's immortal fetus was.

Walking along the way, you can see the structure of the entire famous temple at a glance, and you can feel the zeal and spirit of the temple builders under the call of religion. The doors, windows, eaves, and arches are all carved with feathers, flowers, etc. All kinds of decorations, and strange birds and animals are placed on the temple ridges, which are lifelike. 567

There is a long corridor running through the halls, and the large stone pillars on the left and right are symmetrical. After a while, he was in the Arhat Hall where the lights had appeared before.

The statues in the main hall are listed and divided into two groups. In the center are dozens of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The thousand-handed Avalokitesvara in the center of the hall is the most eye-catching. Life is full of supernatural powers and boundless mana.

The five hundred arhats are arranged around the central statue, forming a vertical and horizontal alleyway, which makes people feel like they are in another world of gods and Buddhas that is different from reality. , The color is gorgeous, whether standing, leaning, sitting or lying, all postures are different, just like real people, lively, suspicious and real.

A moving voice sounded, "Master Hou, please light the lamp?"

At this time, Li Zhenwu saw that under a thousand-handed Guanyin Buddha statue, Hou Xibai, Shi Feixuan and Shi Qingxuan were standing there.


When Hou Xibai hadn't lit the light, the light in front of him turned on, so the three of them took a defensive posture, and Hou Xibai walked to the front and said, "I don't know where the master is coming, please come out and see."

Chapter 148 Pit Yang Xuyan

After Li Zhenwu heard Hou Xibai's voice, he gave Yang Yanxu a look and motioned him to stand in front of him. Yang Yanxu didn't know why, but he still found Li Zhenwu in front of him.

"Turn around, don't face me." Li Zhenwu was afraid of disturbing the other three people in the field, so he sent a voice transmission to Yang Yanxu.

Yang Yanxu was also at a loss, didn't he just grab the immortal seal and leave?What do you call yourself over and turn yourself around for?However, he still turned around as Li Zhenwu said and turned his back to Li Zhenwu.

"Let's go, you go out first!" Li Zhenwu kicked Yang Yanxu out of their hiding place with one kick.

"Who is it?" When Hou Xibai heard the voice, he fanned out his beauty and asked in the direction of Yang Yanxu.

Shi Qingxuan and Shi Fei Xuan also looked where they were together. The difference was that Shi Fei Xuan immediately saw the appearance of the person who came and said, "Yang Yanxu?"

Seeing that Yang Yanxu seemed to be flying out, Shi Feixuan said with a hint of uncertainty.

At this time, Yang Yanxu had the heart to scold his mother, who knew that he would be kicked out directly, but after hearing the words of Shi Fei Xuan and Hou Xibai, he said, "Since Miss Qing Xuan has the plan to choose a master for the immortal seal method , I don't know why you didn't notify me, Shi Shi's apprentice?"

"Yang Yanxu, don't think about immortal printing." Hou Xibai said.

"I don't know which expert is there, please come out and see." Shi Feixuan looked at Yang Yanxu who was flying out, calculated in her heart, and called to Li Zhenwu's hiding place.

"There are still people hiding there?" Hou Xi asked, looking at Shi Feixuan in confusion.

"Well." Shi Feixuan blocked Shi Qingxuan behind her, holding the sword in her hand, nodded lightly and said, but her eyes were still fixed there.

"Hiding there, it must be Anlong. Yang Yanxu in Chuanshu area is familiar with and will not be discovered by me. It is estimated that it is only Anlong." Hou Xibai thought about Yang Yanxu's relationship network to the teacher. Feixuan reminded.

"Hand over the immortal seal." Originally, Yang Yanxu was still a little false. When he learned that the immortal seal also had a share in Shi Qingxuan, he ran over to grab it, but he met Shi Feixuan and didn't expect her The martial arts had advanced to that point, and before he made thirty or fifty moves, he was crushed by the concubine Xuan with all his strength. If it wasn't for the phantom running fast, it is estimated that he would have to stay there. Now, because of Li Zhenwu, That's why I speak so boldly.

"The immortal seal, Miss Qingxuan has already decided to give it to me. If you want, come and get it." As soon as Hou Xibai finished speaking, the fan in his hand flew towards Yang Yanxu.

At this time, in Yang Yanxu's position, a bunch of gloomy and sinister energy, full of evil and sinister smell, went towards Hou Xibai's face. This was Yang Yanxu's signature phantom sword technique, attacking Hou Xibai.

However, Shi Qingxuan seemed to have predicted that Yang Xuyan would come out. At the moment when the sword light reached his body, he turned his body to face the firework-like sword dots, and stabbed to meet him with a curling flute.

Yang Yanxu looked at Shi Qingxuan who suddenly appeared under his sword, and was taken aback, and the strength in his hand could not help but decrease a bit, while Hou Xibai watched Yang Yanxu with a bit of strength, and the beauty fan Block the phantom sword.

The magic sword dissipated, Yang Xuyan retreated in embarrassment, showing a sturdy figure wrapped in a black hood and black clothes. Although he decided to betray Shi Zhixuan, he had a deep innate awe for Shi Zhixuan for a long time. He didn't dare to move Shi Qingxuan's half hair, so he took a little bit of strength, and was a little embarrassed by Hou Xibai.

Shi Feixuan looked at Yang Yanxu's attack and ignored it, because she didn't feel any breath at the place where Yang Yanxu was flown out, so she just tried her best to guard against Li Zhenwu's direction.

Besides, Shi Fei Xuan didn't think Hou Xibai couldn't deal with Yang Yanxu, which was the main reason why she didn't take action.

"My nephew fights hard, let my uncle see how your martial arts are? Also, let's see how the heirs from among the flowers chosen by the younger brother?" Li Zhenwu looked at Yang Yanxu's confusion, fearing that he would directly call out his hiding place. where, so I sent him a voice transmission.

Yang Yanxu's mouth twitched when he heard Li Zhenwu's voice transmission. He thought that as soon as he fought, his uncle would come out, but he didn't expect to let him go, and he was still injured. Yang Yanxu Touching his ribs and biting his teeth, he went straight up, because he knew that if he didn't go up right now, he would end up miserably. He looked at Shi Fei Xuan, who was indifferent, and made up his mind to attack Hou Xibai.

He abruptly spun his toes like a spinning top, and then the phantom sword in his hand spun out with a strange force, showing his mighty magic power to the fullest.

Unexpectedly, Hou Xibai's moves changed at this time, the beauty fan suddenly opened and closed, and the changes were endless, and the force was strange. No matter how he swiped or hit, the time angle was accurate and accurate, and there were countless wonderful tricks hidden in it. Yang Xuyan's ability, in the case of losing the initiative, can only see tricks and tricks, and it is difficult to counterattack for a while.

Li Zhenwu watched Hou Xibai use the beauty fan, and he had reached the realm of turning corruption into a magical state. It was full of creative meanings of imaginative and unpretentious, and he had a dashing style that was very different from Yang Yanxu's fierce swordsmanship. He thought of the martial arts of the Huajian School. Although it is fancy, the murderous intention it carries cannot be underestimated.

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