"go to hell!"

Suddenly Yang Xuyan saw the opportunity and used the ability to press the bottom of the box, and the magic sword vibrated, giving birth to three sword flowers in the shape of a zigzag, forcing Hou Xibai's horizontal fan to take a hard move.

Since the battle, the two of them have attacked quickly and violently with fantastic and subtle techniques. They are so compact that there is no air gap. The magic tricks are endless, but you advance and I retreat. I attack you and dodge. Yang Xuyan finally waited for Hou Xi. Bai's flaws, this is the danger of the army, disregarding his own safety and perishing together, forcing Hou Xibai to fight recklessly.

Hou Xibai was mentally prepared for the fact that the world-renowned assassin must have extremely tough hands. Seeing this deadly style of play, he couldn't help being startled and hurriedly faced the sharp sword with his fan.


When the swords and fans clashed, Hou Xibai shouted badly, because she found that Yang Xuyan's sword did not have much strength at all, so she immediately pulled back, rushed back, and stayed with Shi Qingxuan.

Chapter 149 Appear!

At this time, the sound of Xibai's jacket on the right side was heard, and Yang Xuyan was surprised to find that Yang Xuyan was chasing him preemptively with the sword energy soaring to the sky.

In an instant, he calculated that no matter which direction he was dodging in, it was the attack range of the phantom sword. At that time, he would be in a completely passive disadvantaged situation. Maybe he would not find a counterattack until he was buried under the sword of Yang Xuyan. Opportunity.

At this time, the concubine Xuan saw that Hou Xibai was being suppressed by this sword, so he was busy with luck, and a strong wind blew from his right hand at the same time, ready to force Yang Yanxu to withdraw the sword.

Although Shi Feixuan sent a palm with her right hand, most of her attention is still focused on Li Zhenwu, because the enemy hiding in the dark is the most deadly.

Yang Xuyan really dodged, looking at the palms facing him, he crossed his feet on another glaring Arhat statue and changed direction.

Yang Xuyan stood condescendingly above the Buddha statue, looking at Hou Xibai, who he was about to kill just now, he took a pose as if he was about to kill him. .

It turned out that Hou Xibai felt that he couldn't escape, so he put down his elegant posture and did ridiculous actions, hoping that Yang Yanxu's mind would be moved, so that he would have a chance to fight back.

583 "Hee hee hee, I didn't expect the world-famous Hou Xibai to do such a move." At this moment, an exotic woman was standing in the voice, grinning.

Hou Xibai blushed when he heard this, Shan Shanran was speechless, just unfolded the beauty fan, and fanned it there embarrassedly.

"Yunshuai, his daughter, and 婠婠, I didn't expect that all the time would come." Li Zhenwu said in his heart, just when Yang Yanxu was designing Hou Xibai, Li Zhenwu felt three breaths, among them One is the aura of the scorpion that Li Zhenwu is familiar with, and the other two are even stronger than the scorpion at this time. When he saw this foreign woman, Li Zhenwu knew their identities.

"Hehe, it's really lively here!" The silver bell-like laughter came from the group of Arhat statues.

"Is Senior Sister Huan there? Please come out and see me." Shi Feixuan heard the voice of Xiu at once, and stood outside the Arhat statue as she moved and shouted.

"Hee hee, the nun didn't expect you to be here. You have to come and participate in the affairs of our holy gate." She jumped up like a night elf, and the Arhat in front of the concubine Xuan looked at the concubine. He seemed surprised.

The wind roared suddenly. It turned out that Li Zhenwu watched the battle on the field stop, and immediately sent a voice transmission to Yang Yanxu, "Continue!"

Yang Xuyan looked at Hou Xibai, and then his luck moved sideways, and the sword shadows all over the sky rushed away. Hou Xibai was still in embarrassment at this time. Looking at Yang Yanxu's sword, he could only retreat in embarrassment. After a while, the white shirt on Hou Xibai's body turned into strips of cloth.

"Won't the teacher and nun go to the rescue?" She pointedly said.

"Concubine believes..."

However, before Shi Feixuan's words were finished, she smiled coquettishly, and a demon ribbon in her left hand flew from Shi Feixuan's right, ready to tie Shi Feixuan.

The Sekong Sword in Shi Feixuan's hand flashed and wrapped around the Demon Ribbon. At this time, it seemed that the two of them were like a tug-of-war. One was pulling the Heavenly Demon Ribbon and the other was pulling the Sekong Sword, all thinking of pulling the other over.

I don't know what material the Tianmo Ribbon is made of. Not only was it unscathed under the pulling of the two, but even the Sekong Sword did not cut it off, so at the beginning Shi Feixuan just wrapped the ribbon with Sekong.

"Also ask Miss Shi to hand over the printing roll!" I don't know when Yun Shuai appeared with his daughter Lian Rou, except for Shi Qingxuan, who had been quietly waiting there for the first time.

"Since you all want it, then Qingxuan will give it to you." Shi Qingxuan divided the printed scroll into two parts in his arms, and threw one to the left and the other to the right.

At this time, Yang Yanxu saw the printed scroll that flew out, and regardless of Hou Xibai, he flew directly towards one, and shouted, "Master, the other flew over there."

Everyone on the field was stunned for a moment, only the scorpion muttered, "Master? Isn't Butian and Huajian both the same line? Why did Yang Yanxu have more masters?"

Hearing Yang Yanxu's cry, Li Zhenwu knew that it was time for him to appear, so he immediately lifted his breath and flew to another printing roll. He brought it back to where Shi Qingxuan stood.

"Give me the other half." Li Zhenwu returned, looking at Yang Yanxu who was holding the other half.

It was also Yang Yanxu's good luck, Yun Shuai went directly to chase the other side, while Wei Wei was firmly entangled by the concubine Xuan, so this half naturally fell into Yang Yanxu's hands.

"Yu Shuihan!" Shi Fei Xuan said with a hint of coldness. Although her state of mind has been completed, the He's jade was stolen and Li Kong was seriously injured, so Shi Fei Xuan still had some grudges.

"Senior Yu, the Yinkui faction has seen the uncle." At this time, she was also a little uneasy, because in the information, she knew that her uncle was an abandoned disciple of the holy disciple, and his martial arts was strong, although She saw Li Zhenwu's face clearly just now and wanted to run away, but the immortal seal attracted her.

"Haha, three stunning beauties, one exotic beauty, it seems that today's wealth and beauty are doubled." Li Zhenwu took the immortal seal to his chest and stopped Yun Shuai on the way to run, looking at everyone on the field, Said pretending to be a thief.

"Concubine, Miss Qingxuan, hurry up, I'll block him." Hou Xibai also knew about Yu Shuihan, and knew that his martial arts was strong and not weaker than his master Shi Zhixuan, so he immediately blocked Li Zhenwu from facing Shi Feixuan and Shi Qingxuan. said.

"Lianrou, go first, Dad will catch up in a while." Although Yun Shuai was kicked by Li Zhenwu, he was only slightly injured. He was blocked by Li Zhenwu, and when he heard Li Zhenwu's words, he immediately put his daughter behind him and whispered.

"The descendant of Huajian, it doesn't look very good. The descendant chosen by the junior brother is really bad." Li Zhenwu looked at Hou Xibai who was standing in front of him, shook his head, and said as if disappointed.

Chapter 150 Shi Zhixuan is here!

"Master, you can't afford to be a stunning beauty, so let's go first." After hearing Li Zhenwu's words, she knew that not only would she not get the immortal seal, but she might also be compensated for it. , so prepare to leave without hesitation.

Li Zhenwu just dodged and stood in front of her. Before she could respond, she held her chin with her right hand and said, "You are not a stunning beauty, so who else is there? Calculate."

She was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Li Zhenwu to be so quick. When she heard Li Zhenwu's evaluation, she smiled shyly, "Master, how can you say it is so good."

Suddenly, the Heavenly Demon Slash in the right hand appeared in the hand of Wei Wu at an unknown time, and then stabbed Li Zhenwu in the chest from a tricky angle.

From Li Zhenwu's speed, she knew that Li Zhenwu was invincible, so she prepared to tempt Li Zhenwu, take advantage of him not to be caught, and then attack him.

"Cui'er is still a little bad." Li Zhenwu held the slash with his left hand, and patted the head with his right hand, as if he was really scolding like an elder.

Everyone on the field saw that Li Zhenwu stopped Wei so easily, and immediately spread out, either east, west, or south, but no one fled to the north where Li Zhenwu was.

"Haha, can you run away?" Li Zhenwu sealed the acupuncture point of the acupuncture point, then carried the acupoint and chased after them.

"Let's go." Hou Xibai watched Li Zhenwu use the demon ribbon to tie Wei and Yun Shuai's father and daughter into a string, chased after them, and immediately stopped and shouted, ready to stop Li Zhenwu.

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