"If that's the case, then let me see how your Huajianyou is?" Li Zhenwu said to Hou Xibai.

Just now, Li Zhenwu directly chased the Yunshuai father and daughter who were far away from him. After catching them, he sealed the acupoints. He was tying their hands together with demon ribbons, stringing them like candied haws, and continuing to the remaining three. people chase.

"Then I'll learn..." Before Hou Xibai could finish speaking, he felt a huge force coming, and then his body flew out, fell heavily to the ground, and fainted.

"You guys stay with me too!" Li Zhenwu said, covering Shi Feixuan and Shi Qingxuan with one palm.

Concubine Xuan knew that she could not escape, and the Cihang Sword Canon was running fast, the man and the sword were one, like a fairy in the sky, ready to behead Li Zhenwu.

"The man's arm is the car." Li Zhenwu glanced at it disdainfully, then grabbed the Sekong Sword with his palm, and sealed Shi Feixuan's acupuncture point.

"Do you still want to run?" Li Zhenwu looked at Shi Qingxuan and said.

"I heard that Senior Brother is here, Junior Brother came to see him." At this moment, Shi Zhixuan's voice came.

After receiving the notice from Anlong, Shi Zhixuan rushed to Chuanshu without stopping, preparing to intercept his senior brother.

When he got to Anlong's place, Shi Zhixuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked Li Zhenwu's whereabouts, but Anlong thought that Li Zhenwu would not be able to steal the seal this time, so he wanted to see if he could hide it.

Because Shi Zhixuan couldn't deal with Shi Qingxuan, Anlong hoped that Li Zhenwu could kill Shi Qingxuan this time, and he would not hesitate to use the immortality seal to fall into Li Zhenwu's hands, but also to make Shi Zhixuan happy.

But Shi Zhixuan is such a character, and Anlong is Shi Zhixuan's younger brother, so Shi Zhixuan saw through it all at once, and he learned about it under pressure, so he quickly came to Dashi Temple.

Following his breath, Shi Zhixuan quickly found this place. Looking at Li Zhenwu standing in front of his daughter Shi Qingxuan, Shi Zhixuan immediately shouted loudly.

"Junior and brother came really fast. It seems that Anlong's fat little brother did a good job." Li Zhenwu shook the Tianmo silk, and the hands of the three people on the Tianmo silk belt were instantly free. Li Zhenwu followed the direction of Shi Zhixuan. , threw out the demon ribbon and smashed the Buddha statue at the foot of Shi Zhixuan into pieces.

"Junior brother's daughter is really beautiful, I don't know how to be the cheap father-in-law of the senior brother, how do you like it, junior brother?" Li Zhenwu looked at Shi Zhixuan, who had flashed over another Buddha statue, and pulled Shi Qingxuan to his side with the magic ribbon.

As soon as Li Zhenwu's voice fell, Shi Zhixuan's temperament suddenly changed greatly. When he came here, Shi Zhixuan was as modest and personable as a scholar, but at this time, Li Zhenwu felt that Shi Zhixuan's temperament was as cold as a poisonous snake.

"Let go of Qingxuan, or I will kill you." Shi Zhixuan said coldly.

"Hey, junior brother, this is the cultivation method of the Heavenly Patching Pavilion, but suddenly junior brother has changed so much, junior brother, I really can't keep up." Li Zhenwu laughed first, and the last sentence was also cold, and then fluttered. To Shi Zhixuan.

A burst of icy sword energy emanated from Shi Zhixuan's body like a stormy sea, like a demon king in the dark night.

Li Zhenwu took a closer look and saw that the sword in Shi Zhixuan's hand was Yang Yanxu's phantom sword.

In the air, Li Zhenwu's clothes moved automatically with the wind, and his long black hair fluttered and danced like a gust of wind. The scene was extremely strange.

"Junior brother, also look at my way of repairing the sky?" Li Zhenwu watched Shi Zhixuan turn into an assassin, so he used the practice of the sky-repairing pavilion that he had only seen once.


At this time, the two fighting back each other took a few steps. Li Zhenwu thought that if he had not had a little insight when he was fighting against Song Que, he probably would have been at a disadvantage if he fought against Shi Zhixuan just now with the skills of Butian Pavilion.

"Mutian." Shi Zhixuan was very surprised. From An Long, he learned that his senior brother had obtained the secret method of the Heaven-Mending Pavilion, but who would have thought that he had practiced to such a degree, seeing Li Zhenwu softly say this two words.

This blow awakened Hou Xibai, who had fainted just now. Seeing Li Zhenwu confronting his master, he secretly said in his heart that he was saved.

Then he turned his head and saw Shi Feixuan standing there motionless, and Shi Qingxuan was also tied there by the demon ribbon, so he slowly crawled over there.

Although Li Zhenwu didn't kill Hou Xibai just now, it also caused his internal organs to shift, and he couldn't stand up because of the pain in his whole body, so he had to crawl over.

Chapter 151 Make up the sky with your body!

"Hey, I still want to go save people." Li Zhenwu casually attacked Hou Xibai and said.

Unexpectedly, Shi Zhixuan did not rescue him at this time, but threw down the sword in his hand, condensed a palm print with the immortal seal method, and attacked Li Zhenwu.

That seemingly simple slap was actually the accumulation of all Shi Zhixuan's skills. There was no implied change in the change, and it was incomparable. Li Zhenwu felt at this moment that the space he was in seemed to have sunk, and was enveloped by Shi Zhixuan's infuriating energy. Binding makes people feel powerful and unbearable.

However, Li Zhenwu didn't seem to be affected by anything, and made the fiercest counterattack against Shi Zhixuan's palm.

Li Zhenwu laughed at this moment, "Junior brother is still a little young!"

Contrary to Shi Zhixuan's expectations, Li Zhenwu, who took over his palm, not only did not fall down, but he still had the strength to do a somersault in the air. Above him, like Zhuoli Void, with high spirits.

Shi Zhixuan felt that Li Zhenwu was above him, and immediately turned his left hand into his claws and his right into his palms, his left hand went straight to Li Zhenwu's feet, and his right hand patted Li Zhenwu's head directly.

Li Zhenwu moved his legs, blocked Shi Zhixuan's two hands, and then punched Shi Zhixuan down, and then he fell on top of the Buddha statue.

"Junior brother, all of us in the Holy Sect are selfish. Brother, I don't know that you would never, because your apprentice was distracted, so it was just a false move and sold a flaw." Li Zhenwu stood at said above.

Although Li Zhenwu's blow hit Shi Zhixuan, when Li Zhenwu flew above Shi Zhixuan, Shi Zhixuan knew that he was in the game, so the immortal seal in the body had already prepared a defensive posture, and the last blow was only Just let him suffer a little skin trauma.

At this time, Shi Zhixuan regained the appearance of that elegant gentleman. Looking at Li Zhenwu on the Buddha statue, he immediately jumped to the Buddha statue opposite Li Zhenwu and looked directly at Li Zhenwu, "Senior brother is indeed the one who escaped Yang Jian's pursuit. , the younger brother has been taught."

Shi Zhixuan said this, but his body turned into a wisp of smoke like a ghost, the rabbits rose and falcons faltered left and right, and came to the Buddha statue where Li Zhenwu was standing, and his fists attacked Li Zhenwu violently.

Li Zhenwu's attack on Shi Zhixuan began to secure the half-foot area around him, and used his fists and feet to deal with the fists and palm prints attacking from all directions.

However, Li Zhenwu stood still, using pure and mysterious techniques to block, without showing the slightest sign of defeat.

At this time, Shi Zhixuan showed the kung fu of the first person in the Demon Sect. His true energy seemed to be endless. Hard to believe.

However, Li Zhenwu's origin was formed by combining the power of the four great treasures. He was invincible in the world.

Although this world was transformed by the Dao, Shi Zhixuan's kung fu only brought a trace of Dao's power, and the source of Xiaocheng was only suppressed.

Suddenly, Shi Zhixuan burst into a more powerful aura, and then his attack became more severe, covering the three-inch land with Li Zhenwu as the core.

At this time, Li Zhenwu was more attentive to the enemy, but he was thinking in his heart, I don't know what happened, Shi Zhixuan actually used this kind of secret method of self-mutilation, this secret method Li Zhenwu wrote to himself in Yang Yanxu's supplement It was mentioned in the Tiange exercises.

Using one's body to mend the sky can increase the skill by [-]%, but it can only last for a quarter of an hour. In the next three days, the skill is only [-]% of the original.

"Junior brother is so poor, he even used his body to mend the sky." Li Zhenwu didn't know what Shi Zhixuan was doing, and hoped that he could use words to deceive him.

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