"I don't know what the city owner thinks of the grassland?" Shan Xiongxin looked at Li Zhenwu's bearing and appearance, and had the idea of ​​wanting to take refuge, but thinking of his own bottom line, he still said this sentence.

"Grassland, hum! It's not my race, weeds and roots are cut down." Li Zhenwu said with a cold snort.

"Meet the lord!" When Shan Xiongxin heard Li Zhenwu's words, he immediately knelt down on one knee with a smile on his face.Although Shan Xiongxin was originally a green forest hero in Taiyuan, they were not robbers or the like, but because the grassland aliens always invaded the border and gathered everyone to fight against the Turks.

"I'm overjoyed to have General Shan today. The pharmacist prepares to take care of General Shan." Li Zhenwu helped Shan Xiongxin up again and said to Li Jing.

"Congratulations, lord, General Shan is indeed a general. With General Shan, it is just around the corner to defeat Li Mi." Li Jing watched Shan Xiongxin surrender to Li Zhenwu, and immediately congratulated him.

Although Shan Xiongxin was contacted by Zhai Jiao, when Shan Xiongxin came to Li Jing, he did not choose to seek refuge immediately, but temporarily stationed outside his camp. Li Jing understood that in troubled times, the ruler also chooses his ministers, and his ministers also Choose Jun, so when Li Zhenwu came back just now, Li Jing immediately sent someone to invite Shan Xiongxin over.

Chapter 158

"General Shan, I'll give you a toast." Li Zhenwu raised his glass and said at the reception.

"Xiongxin, thank you lord." Shan Xiongxin also raised his glass and thanked Li Zhenwu.

"I don't know why General Shan joined me. You must know that I am much weaker than Li Mike." Li Zhenwu asked after drinking. Then his subordinates will also be disappointed with him. After all, following such a reckless lord, although it can be easier, it makes them unable to see the future.

Just like Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms, although Cao Cao's temperament is suspicious, Cao Cao's advisors and generals are indeed the most in the entire Three Kingdoms.

"Back to the lord, I left Li Mi for two reasons. The first is because he killed Dalongtou, and the second is because he actually cooperated with the Turks and slaughtered several villages together with the Turks." Shan Xiongxin heard Li Mi Zhenwu's question answered.

Shan Xiongxin drank a glass of wine and continued to say, "I took refuge with the lord. At the beginning, it was just because the eldest lady was here, so I was going to come and have a look, but I met Brother Yao here and admired his ability very much, so I thought about it. As for who can make Senior Brother Yao work, I saw the lord today and found that the lord is really extraordinary, so I decided to join the lord."

"Xiongxin is really extraordinary, loyal and thoughtful." Li Zhenwu immediately praised Shan Xiongxin's explanation.

"Pharmacist, I will honor you with this glass of wine, and help us leave such a smart and brave general Shan." After Li Zhenwu finished speaking, he turned to Li Jing and said.

"These are all due to the master's ability to gain the effectiveness of General Shan. I didn't do anything!" Li Jing declined, but he also took a glass of wine and drank it.

When the banquet was over, Shan Xiongxin went to bring the [-] soldiers outside the camp to join Li Jing's troops, Li Zhenwu said to Li Jing, "Pharmacist, how many soldiers are there now, we may win against Li Mi. ."

"Back to the lord, Qiongdu has [-] soldiers and horses, plus General Shan's [-], a total of [-], which is enough to deal with Wagang's troops, plus the internal officers I mentioned just now, although their positions are It's not high, but it can also provide us with some information." Li Jing replied.

"There are so many people, how come there are more than [-] people all of a sudden, can the combat effectiveness be guaranteed?" Li Zhenwu asked in surprise, because when Li Jing came to Qiongdu, Li Zhenwu only gave him less than [-], and now it's over. In such a short time, it became [-].

"My lord, there is no problem in terms of combat effectiveness. These soldiers were due to the battle between Du Fuwei, Fu Gongyou, and Li Zitong. Many soldiers escaped to Jingling. Mr. Xu selected them and sent them to me. " Li Jing replied.

"Destroyers, what about their loyalty?" Li Zhenwu asked immediately, thinking that he did not expect that most of the expanded soldiers would be deserters.

"No problem, because their family members are all in Jingling, although not all of them, but most of them." Li Jing continued to answer.

"[-] deserters, so many, I don't know how many people Jingling has now." Li Zhenwu calculated in his heart, and found that Jingling seemed to have a lot more people, so he sighed.

"I don't know that."

Li Zhenwu walked back and forth a few times and said, "Send someone to ask Mr. Xu to come, and also bring Shen Luoyan over."

As soon as Li Jing heard this, he immediately sent the messengers to Jingling.

"Okay, pharmacist, I have nothing to do here, you go down first."

"Then my lord, I will retire first."


Two days later, Li Zhenwu stayed in the camp for the past two days, handling the gold he brought back. After he was finished, watching the soldiers' training, he felt that there was finally an army that he could take out.

After Li Zhenwu occupied Jingling, the Jingling army only had about [-] men, and the old and weak accounted for [-]. When they attacked Qiongdu, they would not lose when there were only [-] men left at the North Gate. Dozens of people and horses.

Now that their combat power has really developed, just by looking at the [-] heavy-armored infantry and [-] skilled cavalrymen, you know that this unit can finally conquer the world for him.

"When will you avenge me?" Zhai Jiao ran over and said.

Since Shan Xiongxin brought [-] horses, Zhai Jiao went to Li Jing every day and asked when Li Mi would send troops, but Li Jing sent her away because Li Zhenwu was not there.

Now Li Zhenwu is back, but she couldn't find Li Zhenwu in the past two days, and now she saw it here, so she ran over to ask.

"Don't worry, it's not that simple to dispatch the army, but don't worry, Li Mi's head will definitely be handed over to you." Li Zhenwu looked at Zhai Jiao and said.

"But I..." Zhai Jiao said eagerly as she heard that she was still waiting.

"Mr. Xu is coming soon. When he comes, let's discuss how to send troops?" Li Zhenwu interrupted Zhai Jiao. He knew what Zhai Jiao wanted to say, so he gave her an accurate time.

"Okay, then wait for Mr. Xu to come over." After listening to Zhai Jiao, she left.

In the afternoon, Xu Xingzhi brought Shen Luoyan to the camp, and Li Zhenwu came over immediately and said, "Mr. Xu, you are finally here."

"Mr. Shen's face is a little ugly!" Li Zhenwu said to Shen Luoyan next to him.

"Don't worry about it." Shen Luoyan thought to himself, if it wasn't for that vain act, where would I have such a face.

It turned out that Xu Xingzhi received the letter and immediately ran all the way with Shen Luoyan, and rushed here, because he was afraid that she would run away, so he sealed her acupuncture point. would be so ugly.

"Let's advance to the big tent." Li Zhenwu touched a soft nail, and then invited them into the big tent.

"Shen Luoyan take your life!" When Zhai Jiao heard that Xu Xingzhi was coming, she rushed over immediately, ready to hear what they were doing, but after seeing Shen Luoyan, she immediately waved her big knife and slashed at Shen Luoyan , roared in his mouth.

Chapter 159 Zhai Jiao's Question

Li Zhenwu looked at the big knife that was slashing over, his middle finger pressed on his index finger, and looking at the big knife that was getting closer and closer, Li Zhenwu just popped out his index finger, and the index finger landed on the back of the knife, the big knife immediately made a buzzing sound, and Zhai Jiao's mouth shook. Got numb, and some can't hold it.

Since Shen Luoyan took her to see Li Zhenwu with Xu Xingzhi, she knew that Li Zhenwu was going to use troops against Li Mi, otherwise she would not have brought her here.

Hearing that Li Zhenwu invited her to the big tent at the door, she did not refute it, because she also wanted to know how Li Zhenwu dealt with Li Mi.

Hearing Zhai Jiao's voice, Shen Luoyan looked back conditionedly, and saw a big knife coming towards her, but she didn't dodge, because she knew that Li Zhenwu would definitely shoot, but the knife was getting closer and closer, Shen Luo Yan showed a look of fear, and only then did he see Li Zhenwu make a move.

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