"You..." Shen Luoyan wiped the cold sweat on her forehead, pointed at Li Zhenwu and said angrily.

Li Zhenwu just shrugged, then said to Zhai Jiao, "Miss Zhai, Master Shen can't kill him." Then he continued to walk towards the big tent.

I thought to myself, fortunately, I handed in the 673 generation Xiu Inquiry at the beginning, so that Zhai Jiao would not see Shen Luoyan, otherwise, looking at the situation today, if Zhai Jiao really saw Shen Luoyan in the ranch, I guess today, no, it should be the last time. When he was in Jingling, Li Zhenwu would never see Shen Luoyan again.

"Mr. Xu, let me ask you how many people there are in Jingling since the beginning." Li Zhenwu asked immediately as soon as he entered the tent.

"Master." One of Xu Xing looked at Shen Luoyan and called Li Zhenwu, indicating that Shen Luoyan was still here.

"It's okay, let's talk, I don't believe that Military Master Shen can run in my hands." Li Zhenwu directly sealed Shen Luoyan's dantian with the source, and added another layer of seal.

"What about my internal strength?" Shen Luoyan asked in shock.Even if the acupoints are sealed, she can still feel the true qi in her dantian, but if she is blocked by the source, she will not feel any true qi.

Li Zhenwu gave Xu Xingzhi a look at Shen Luoyan, indicating that he can speak now, so Xu Xingzhi said directly, "Since the lord's policy, Jingling now has a population of [-]."

"So much, so is Jingling enough to live in?" Li Zhenwu asked.

"Jingling can only accommodate up to [-] people, but most of them are in the south and west of Jingling. They have opened up a lot of places for them to live, and they can live there temporarily." Xu Xingzhi pointed to the map, the south and the place to the west.

"It is also fortunate that the lord has enough money, otherwise there is really no way to accommodate so many people."

"Okay, Mr. Xu should be tired from coming here, why don't you go down and rest first!" Li Zhenwu asked what he wanted to ask, and said Li Zhenwu, who looked tired and tired.

"My lord, then you will retire first." Xing Xing bowed and walked out of the tent. At this time, only Li Zhenwu and Shen Luoyan were left in the tent.

"Could Master Shen want to chat with me?" Li Zhenwu asked.

"The little girl is just a prisoner. If you have any questions about whether you want to or not, you can just say whatever you want." Shen Luoyan said angrily. After the physical and psychological damage, Shen Luoyan was very unhappy. When Li Zhenwu and the other only talked about this, they were even more unhappy, so they were a little unhappy in their tone.

"Master Shen is joking, but isn't Master Shen curious about what I brought you here for?" Li Zhenwu first gave an apologetic look, and then asked. After all, Li Zhenwu wanted to recruit Shen Luoyan, so he tried his best to eliminate her feelings for him. repulsion.

"Young Master brought Luoyan here, but there are only two possibilities. One is to want to betray Gong Mi, and the other is to counteract and make Gong Mi think Luo Yan betrayed. Am I right, Master Li?" Shen Luoyan saw Li Zhenwu apologetically. His eyes were stunned for a moment, and he didn't understand. Then he thought of the conversation in Jingling and understood why Li Zhenwu was like this, so he answered Li Zhenwu's question.

"As expected of Master Shen, she is indeed a woman. That's right. I want Li Mi to see us together, and then... Then Master Shen also knows about Li Mi's conduct, so Master Shen will never be trusted by Li Mi anymore." Li Zhenwu applauded Looking at Shen Luoyan said.

"I didn't expect Young Master Li to detain Luoyan just to make Master Mi not trust me." Shen Luoyan sighed.

"I know Shen Junshi's character very well. If Li Mi doesn't abandon Shen Junshi first, it is estimated that Shen Junshi will stand by Li Mi until his death!" Li Zhenwu said.

"Luoyan is tired, let's say goodbye first." Shen Luoyan wrapped her hair around her fingers, thinking there, Duke Mi seems that Luoyan can't really work for you this time, thinking of this, Shen Luoyan feels very confused , so he stood up and said.

"Come here, prepare the best tent for Sergeant Shen, and we are calling for twenty elite soldiers to protect Sergeant Shen with all our strength. If there is anything, report it to me immediately." Li Zhenwu called in a soldier and said to him.

There are two reasons for sending [-] people. The first is naturally that she is afraid that she will run away. Although her skill has been blocked, Shen Luoyan's most powerful intelligence is her intelligence, so she still has to keep an eye on her.

The second one was because of Zhai Jiao, Li Zhenwu was afraid that Zhai Jiao would kill Shen Luoyan again, so he was also protective.

Li Zhenwu is really big on Zhai Jiao now. If he kills her directly, it will make his subordinates detached, but if she is left here, who knows what else she will do.

When she was here today, she drew her knife directly and wanted to cut at the person she brought. It seemed that it was time to deal with Zhai Jiao's problem, otherwise it would not be a solution to continue like this.

"Someone, bring General Li Jing and Li to me." Li Zhenwu shouted.

After a while, Li Jing came in in uniform, and asked directly, "My lord, I don't know what to do with the pharmacist?"

"Pharmacist, sit down first." Li Zhenwu pointed to the chair on the left, and when he saw Li Jing sitting down, Li Zhenwu asked, "Pharmacist, besides the three people who came with Zhai Jiao, is there any other people in Wa Gang? "

"Lord, in addition to the three, there are six other people. This is what Zhai Jiao found when he came to train." Li Jing answered honestly, because he also heard about Zhai Jiao's drawing of the knife. , so I didn't hide it, and I won't hide it. After all, he was found by Li Zhenwu himself, and Wa Gang had nothing to do with him. If he insisted that he had something to do with it, it was that he admired Ma Chang who came from Wa Gang and wanted to train him. .

"You know what happened just now. I want to determine whether the people in Wagang will have problems at the critical moment." Li Zhenwu said calmly.

Chapter 160 Gone

If you go back to the lord, none of the six people who came with them have the right to mobilize the army, so they are basically fine. "Li Jing said immediately.

"That's good, otherwise I'm really afraid that they will ignore the order and attack Li Mi directly." Li Zhenwu said.

"My lord, if it's all right, I'll go down first. General Shan's troops have just entered the camp, and there are still some issues that have not been resolved." Li Jing remembered that he was still making arrangements, and Shan Xiongxin brought [-] horses.

"Then the pharmacist will go first!" Li Zhenwu heard that Li Jing had something to do, so he waved him down.


"My lord." When Li Zhenwu was having breakfast, he came in.

"Mr. Xu didn't eat it, let's use it together." Li Zhenwu said, pointing to the food on the table.

"Then thank you lord." Xu Xingzhi sat down directly, picked up a pair of chopsticks and said.

"Mr. Xu, what's the matter with coming here early in the morning?" Li Zhenwu asked.

At this time, Xu Xingzhi was selling off, some happy and some unhappy, anyway, he said strangely, "My lord, I have two news here, one good and one bad, I don't know which one should the lord listen to first? "

Li Zhenwu smiled, and then pointed at Xu Xingzhi, "I didn't expect that Mr. Xu would also learn to sell the key. Which one should I listen to first? But one is good and the other is bad. ."

"Master, Du Fuwei and Li Zitong have formed an alliance, and now Fu Gongyou has been eliminated by them." Xu Xingzhi said with an ugly face.

"Fu Gongyou was destroyed, how could it be so fast? Didn't Fu Gongyou win over [-]% of the army, so they were all destroyed." Li Zhenwu said in surprise.

"Reporting to the lord, it was Du Fuwei who persuaded Li Zitong to use half of his current territory to help him eliminate Fu Gongyou, so this is over so quickly." Xu Xing said with a face ashamed.

Because he managed the intelligence system, but he didn't find out that Du Fuwei and Li Zitong had formed an alliance, so he felt that he had failed Li Zhenwu's trust.

In fact, this can't be blamed on vain action. This is because Du Fuwei doesn't trust anyone now because of Fu Gongyou's betrayal. The alliance with Li Zitong was also secretly carried out by him alone, so no matter how powerful your intelligence system is, It is impossible to obtain information from the human brain!

"How many soldiers and horses does Du Fuwei have now?" Li Zhenwu was surprised and immediately recovered. After all, unsatisfactory things often happen in life, as long as they are resolved, that's why he asked.

"According to the investigation, Fuwei should have [-] horses, as well as five cities including Mianzhu and Lingling." Xu Xingzhi replied.

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