"Calculate, he can move only [-] horses at most, but these soldiers and horses have all gone through the war and are definitely elite soldiers, so it seems that we have the least [-] horses to defend the city." Li Zhenwu said in his heart.

"In addition to defending Du Fuwei, the lord, we still have [-] if we can move. It seems that the next news is the best news." Xu Xingzhi also said following Li Zhenwu's calculation.

"The next news, as I expected, this news should be related to Li Mi! And Mr. Xu just said that it is good news, so I guess Li Mi and Wang Shichong fought, right?" Li Zhenwu analyzed just now False words said.

"Master, why don't you guess it's something else? Could it be that the good news is that Li Mi and Wang Shichong are fighting?" A smile appeared on Xu Xingzhi's face, and he asked Li Zhenwu Dao.

Seeing Xu Xingzhi's smile, Li Zhenwu knew that he had guessed right, so he said, "It seems that I guessed right, but if Mr. Xu wants to test me, then I will tell Mr. why I am wrong. , I guessed it directly."

Li Zhenwu raised a finger and said, "First of all, Mr. Xu came in and said that there is good news and bad news. The one just now was bad news, and then naturally it will be good news."

He raised another finger and continued, "Secondly, the gentleman just said [-] soldiers and horses, and the next news is the best. We need soldiers and horses, but there are still so many soldiers and horses, and there is a big mountain to the south of Jingling. , I don’t think so many troops and horses are needed, Du Fuwei is in the north, and I said just now that [-] horses are used for defense, while the Pegasus Ranch is in the west, and there is no need for defense at all, so there is only Li Mi in the east.”

Then another finger was raised, "Finally, only Li Zitong in the south borders Li Mi, Wang Shichong and us in the north, and Li Zitong should still be dealing with the spoils of the battle with the Jianghuai Army at this time, where will there be time? , how about attacking Li Mi? After all this, I judged that Wang Shichong and Li Mi were definitely at war. Are you satisfied with this answer, Mr. Xu?”

"My lord is as careful as dust. Just through these two sentences of Xingzhi, I can analyze it. I really admire Xingzhi!" Xu Xingzhi said with admiration.

"By the way, Mr. Xu, the people from the Song clan that I sent to Jingling, have you arranged it?" Li Zhenwu suddenly remembered, and asked the people who supported him in the Song clan.

"It's arranged, but it is indeed a good thing that our lord, we are now allied with the Song clan, but there is one thing that may not be done properly." Xu Xingzhi stopped talking.

"Mr. Xu, but it doesn't matter." Li Zhenwu said, looking at Xu Xingzhi's tangled appearance.

"Then Xingzhi said it." Xu Xingzhi said this slowly, and put down the chopsticks in his hand.

"My lord, don't you think there are a lot of people from the Song clan? Now, one-third of the officials in Jingling are from the Song clan. I'm afraid... I'm afraid that the lord will become a puppet of the Song clan in the future. "Xu Xingzhi said solemnly.

"This matter, it's fine, as long as Song Que is still the head of the Song clan, the Song clan will never betray." Li Zhenwu thought for a while and said.

"My lord, Song Que..." Xu Xingzhi said with a gesture.

"I had a fight with Song Que and it was a draw, so Song Que formed an alliance with me." Li Zhenwu said casually.

Admired by Xu Xing, he looked at Li Zhenwu dully, and muttered, "It's a draw..."

Chapter 161 Offending

"Yes, it's a draw, Mr. Xu returned to his senses." Li Zhenwu shook his hand in front of Xu Xingzhi and said.

Li Zhenwu thought, fortunately he hadn't said that he could defeat Song Que, otherwise Mr. Xu would have fainted.

"Master, is this true?" Xu Xingzhi grabbed Li Zhenwu's arm and continued to ask.

Li Zhenwu just nodded with a smile, he didn't understand, Xu Xingzhi would be so excited.

The main reason is that Song Que's prestige is too high. After entering the Sharpening Hall, only the dead can go out. Li Zhenwu was able to draw a tie with Song Que. This made Xu Xingzhi very excited, and he couldn't believe it. .

"I didn't expect the lord's martial arts to be so powerful. It seems that in the entire Central Plains, as long as Ning Daoqi doesn't make a move, the lord is invincible. Then attacking Li Mi next, it seems that the lord needs to take action." Xu Xingzhi said with excitement on his face. .

"Ning Daoqi, hum! Can he beat me? I can be called the number one in the world now." Li Zhenwu said arrogantly when he heard the false claim that Ning Daoqi could defeat himself.

"My lord, can you defeat the scattered real person Ning Daoqi?" Xu Xingzhi asked in a questioning tone.Because Ning Daoqi is known as the three great masters, most people think that Ning Daoqi is the first person in the Central Plains martial arts, and he just said what he just said in vain.

"Mr. Xu, your estimate of Ning Daoqi is too high. If Song Que and Ning Daoqi fight to the death, it is estimated that the result will be that Ning Daoqi is dead and Song Que is seriously injured. Do you think Ning Daoqi can defeat me?" Li Zhenwu When you see Xu Xingzhi like this, you will know. Xu Xingzhi thinks that Ning Daoqi is the first in the world. When he was talking with Lu Miaozi, Lu Miaozi also ranked Ning Daoqi first, so he explained on.

"No way, Sanren Ning Daoqi is the three great masters, how can he beat Song Que?" Xu Xingzhi didn't believe it and continued to ask.

"Ning Daoqi is just famous, let alone Song Que, he can't even beat the current Shi Zhixuan." Li Zhenwu replied.

"Let's not discuss this, what did Mr. Xu mean when he said let me take action?" Li Zhenwu looked at Xu Xingzhi and wanted to ask, so he immediately asked first.

"It's such a lord, the undercover spy reported that Li Mi's food and grass are all in this place." Xu Xingzhi used his chopsticks and dipped a little vegetable juice to write on the table.

"Luo Cang, Li Mi's grain is here?" Li Zhenwu said while looking at the words on the table.

"Well, it is Luo Cang. Xingzhi also sent someone to investigate. Li Mi and Wang Shichong started fighting, and grain trucks entered Luo Cang one after another, so Luo Cang is definitely where Li Mi's grain is." Xu Xingzhi said confidently. on.

"What are your plans, Mr. Xu? There are several cities away from Qiong." Li Zhenwu asked.

Suddenly Li Zhenwu seemed to remember something, and continued to say, "Mr. Xu, won't you let me burn the grain and grass!"

"Well, I originally wanted to send someone else to go, but in the whole Jingling, I couldn't find any suitable person. Only the lord could break through the guards of Luo Cang and successfully burn Li Mi's food and grass." Xu Xingzhi picked it up again. A pair of chopsticks, while eating and talking.

"Originally, I was afraid that there would be an accident for the lord, but the lord can even draw with Song Que, so I guess Luo Cang will never be able to keep the lord."

"Okay, since Mr. Xu has arranged it, I will make this trip too! But when will I leave?" Li Zhenwu thought that since Xu Xingzhi had arranged it like this, it seemed that he had a surefire way to deal with Li Mi, so he agreed.

"My lord, don't worry, let's wait until the battle between Li Mi and Wang Shichong begins, and then go to burn the food and grass. Otherwise, even if Wagang runs out of food and grass, the army will be in chaos, but after all, there are so many of them, I'm afraid they will be desperate, then we can do it for Wang Shichong. Dowry." Xu Xingzhi said of his plan.

"It seems that everything has been arranged, and the pharmacist also notified it?" Li Zhenwu said in a playful tone.

"Please forgive my lord, these are also arranged by Senior Lu, I just listen to it." Xu Xingzhi immediately pleaded guilty...

"Senior Lu, it turns out to be Senior Lu." Li Zhenwu said in an indifferent tone as soon as he heard that it was Lu Miaozi.

"It's Senior Lu." One of Xu Xing knew that it was all right after hearing Li Zhenwu's tone.

When Xu Xingzhi got the news, he wanted to send someone to notify Li Zhenwu immediately, but Lu Miaozi saw it. Because Li Zhenwu always ran outside and didn't accompany Shang Xiu to inquire, he was a senior, so he took this matter into account. It was Lu Miaozi's idea to suppress it and send Li Zhenwu to burn the food and grass, otherwise he would never do it in vain, and he would not dare to let Li Zhenwu go deep into the enemy camp.

"It seems that it should be Senior Lu's idea to let me burn the food and grass!" Li Zhenwu said.

"Well, these are also the ideas of Senior Lu." Xu Xingzhi thought about what Lu Miaozi said, "If this kid comes back and asks, you can directly say that I asked you to do these things, and let him come over if you have any questions. Find me." He said.

"It seems to have offended Senior Lu." Li Zhenwu said with a wry smile, Xu Xingzhi did not speak, just sat quietly, and even stopped the chopsticks in his hands.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, let's continue eating, and ask the pharmacist to come over to discuss matters later." Li Zhenwu saw that Xu Xingzhi was just sitting there, so he said.


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