Li Zhenwu nodded secretly, jumped lightly, tapped a few times on the city wall, and then jumped onto the city wall.

"Hey, did you see the silhouette just now?" A soldier in the patrol team pointed to the front and asked.The soldier had a good look just now, and he saw Li Zhenwu's silhouette flashing by in the dark, and immediately asked his companions.

"Hey, you're thinking too much! What kind of figure will there be in the middle of the night? Even if there is, it will be a ghost." Another soldier raised a torch and looked forward, and found that there was nothing, and sneered.

"Ah! Ghosts, there can't really be ghosts! I'm still holding a torch, no... no, I'm still standing here!" The soldier who just asked the question, after hearing the ghost, stood here and said, trembling for a long time. on.

"It's really useless!" Another soldier scolded with a smile, shrinking his neck, "Such an adult is still afraid of ghosts, besides, who will go there if you don't go there, the general will let you stand guard and patrol there, don't think about being lazy, hurry up past."

"Let's change and invite you to drink tomorrow." The soldier tempted.

"Okay, that's what you said, Cuiyu Building tomorrow!" Another soldier walked over immediately and said back.

Li Zhenwu was also lucky. When he came up, he found that there was only a hole in the city wall that was one zhang high and five feet wide. Li Zhenwu hid directly there.

There are three steps and one post, five steps and one post, and the lights are bright. As long as Li Zhenwu goes, he will definitely be discovered, so Li Zhenwu plans to wait until dawn, when everyone is the most sleepy, to leave the city wall.


At dawn, Li Zhenwu hid here for two hours. When he heard a rooster croak, he immediately turned around, jumped down quickly, and ran away from the city gate while they were still confused.

"Ghost, that ghost has appeared again." The soldier who was there last night saw Li Zhenwu's figure again and shouted.

"Ha, where is it?" said the soldier who had just changed shifts with him, yawning.

"It was behind you just now, but it disappeared all of a sudden." The soldier said in a panic.

The yawning soldier looked around and found that there was nothing, so he said, "There is nothing at all, I will continue to squint for a while, and after the change of guard, we will go to the Cuiyu Building."

"But I really saw it." Looking at the companion who was talking to him just now, leaning on the spear and closing his eyes, he whispered.


After Li Zhenwu entered, he directly found an inn.

"The boss opens an upper room." Li Zhenwu looked at the yawning boss and said.

"Hey, isn't the guest from Luo Cang?" the boss asked Li Zhenwu.

"Why do you see it?" Li Zhenwu asked rhetorically.

"Luocang has been blocked for seven or eight days, and now there are still customers who want to stay in the store." The boss replied.

"Yes, I came here to visit friends, but I had a falling out with my old friend, so I came to stay at the hotel." Li Zhenwu made up a set of lies and said.

The boss looked at the sky outside and said, "Hey, objectively your friend doesn't seem to be a good friend. Now that the weather is like this, I will drive you out."

"What the boss said is that I only see his face clearly now." Li Zhenwu replied casually.

"Follow me objectively!" Then the boss led Li Zhenwu upstairs.

Li Zhenwu lived here for nearly a month before he got the news of Xu Xingzhi.

"My lord, today's news comes that Wang Shichong has broken Wuyang."

"Looks like it's time to act." Li Zhenwu moved his body and said.

In addition to practicing martial arts this month, Li Zhenwu was investigating where Li Mi's food and grass were placed, so Li Zhenwu immediately went to the place where the food and grass were located as soon as he received the news of Xu Xingzhi.

Li Zhenwu sneaked in, and poured kerosene into one granary after another. Li Zhenwu looked at the more than [-] granaries full of them, and a fiery infuriating qi emanated from the palm of his hand.

This zhenqi, through the control of Li Zhenwu, turned into more than [-] filaments and entered the granary. In an instant, the more than [-] granaries turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Come on, it's on fire, put out the fire quickly." The soldiers on patrol found it shortly after, and immediately shouted loudly.

The guard who heard the sound soon rushed over, seeing such a big fire, and immediately went to fetch water to put out the fire, but it was a drop in the bucket.

Li Zhenwu saw that more than half of the food and grass were almost burned, so he didn't care that the soldier called someone to come to put out the fire, and turned his head and left, because even if they could save the fire, they would not be able to save much food.

Chapter 164 Biting Jin, Qin Qiong

When Li Zhenwu returned, he found that Li Jing had already captured three cities, Puyang, Jiangzhou, and Nanzheng, which were almost bordering Wang Shichong.

"My lord, this is the letter I just received from Wang Shichong to form an alliance." Li Zhenwu handed a letter to Li Zhenwu as soon as he returned to the vain.

"I won't watch it, what did Wang Shichong say?" Li Zhenwu took it and put it on the table.

"Wang Shichong said that he hoped the two of us would form an alliance to fight against Li Mi, and he also said that these places will be given to us after the completion of the matter." Xu Xingzhi pointed to a piece on the map and said.

"Humph! Wang Shichong's good idea. This place is close to his territory. We have it. As long as he occupies Jiangzhou, he will directly divide us into two halves. It's a good plan!" Li Zhenwu said while looking at the map.

"What does the lord mean by not agreeing to form an alliance?" Xu Xingzhi said directly.

"No, promise him, look at the tone of his letter, in addition to the temptation with such a large territory, there is also a threat in it, it seems that he does not take us seriously. It happened that he was careless, and also I would never have thought that 603 would attack him." Li Zhenwu shook his head and said.

"Just count?"

"Well, it's a plan." Li Zhenwu nodded.Suddenly remembering what happened to Shen Luoyan, he asked, "How is Shen Luoyan's condition?"

Xu Xingzhi smiled and replied, "Li Mi no longer believes in this military division Shen. During the war yesterday, the generals under Li Mi were insulting this military division Shen as a "traitor"!"

"It seems that even if we return to Wagang, our military division Shen will have no place to stay." Li Zhenwei said as if he was very concerned about Shen Luoyan.

Xu Xingzhi slandered aside, it wasn't your lord who did it, otherwise how could this happen, but he didn't show it on his face, and said in his mouth, "Shen Junshi joins us just around the corner!"

"Mr. Xu, go ahead and do your work first, I'll go see our military division Shen." Li Zhenwu said with a smile, and went straight.

When Li Zhenwu arrived at the yard where Shen Luoyan lived, he saw Shen Luoyan standing at the window, staring into the distance, in a daze, without a trace of the wisdom in the original book.

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