Li Zhenwu suddenly discovered that since he knew Shen Luoyan, he never found that she had the cleverness and high spirits in the original book.

In fact, it wasn't because Shen Luoyan was caught by Li Zhenwu at the beginning, or it was a coincidence that Shen Luoyan's depressed mood could be imagined. The second time Li Zhenwu saw Shen Luoyan, it was when Shen Luoyan was detained for a period of time. Yes, she still had energy at that time. The third time is now, she still had certain confidence in Li Mi, but after yesterday, she knew that the secret master she was loyal to no longer believed her.

"How is Master Shen?" Li Zhenwu asked knowingly.

"Fortunately, thank you for your concern." After Shen Luoyan heard it, she just glanced at Li Zhenwu, and then continued to look out the window and said casually.

"Master Shen, is it okay to look like this? Could it be that Master Shen has forgotten his ambition? Are you willing?" Li Zhenwu walked to the window and stood beside Shen Luoyan.

"What can you do if you are not reconciled, the young master let Luoyan take over the three cities of the secret master, and deliberately let a few people go. This whereabouts of Luoyan is absolutely impossible to explain." Shen Luoyan sighed.

"So is Sergeant Shen willing to join me in Jingling?" Li Zhenwu said directly.

At this time, Shen Luoyan was not as decisive as last time, but was thinking there, thinking that since he was caught, the secret master has not sent anyone to rescue him, and only because he saw himself and the Jingling people together. , considers himself a betrayal.

In fact, Li Mi also sent people to rescue him, but the masters followed Zu Junyan to snatch He's jade.

"How about Sergeant Shen, you must know that if the world's major events are certain, Sergeant Shen will not have a stage to play, do you still want to waste your time?" Li Zhenwu looked at Shen Luoyan without directly rejecting it, and continued to tempt.

"I...I want to think about it." After Shen Luoyan heard Li Zhenwu's words, she still felt a little reluctant to betray Li Mi, but when she remembered why she followed Li Mi in the first place, she had the urge to agree, so she was very contradiction.

"Okay, then I'll wait for Sergeant Shen to figure it out. The gate of my Jingling is open for Sergeant Shen at any time." Li Zhenwu also knew Shen Luoyan's contradiction, thinking that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he left after saying that.

Next, Li Zhenwu went to Li Jing's camp, because if he wanted Yin Wang Shichong, he had to have a lot of troops.

"Pharmacist, how many troops have we lost? How many troops are there now?" Li Zhenwu asked directly when he saw Li Jing.

"We lost [-], but there are about [-] horses that can be used." Li Jing replied.

"Fifty thousand horses? That's enough." Li Zhenwu thought about it and muttered.

"Well, there are more than [-] horses that can move, of which [-] were recruited just now, but they can be trusted, so these soldiers can use it with confidence." Li Jing confirmed.

"Why can they use it with confidence?" Li Zhenwu asked back.

"My lord, I will take you to General Shan's place, and you will know." Li Jing said to Li Zhenwu with a gesture of invitation.

The two came to Shan Xiongxin's tent, and Li Zhenwu heard such a conversation inside.

"Second brother, you said that your lord is really as good as you said?" said a rough voice.

"Two worthy brothers, please rest assured, the lord is definitely an immortal monarch, and you will know when you see him." Shan Xiongxin replied.

"Someone from Wagang came over, and they also brought [-] soldiers and horses?" After Li Zhenwu heard it, he knew where these soldiers and horses came from, so he said to Li Jing.

"Master Dacai, two generals Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin of Wagang, who were persuaded to surrender ten days ago by General Shan, and brought [-] troops to surrender together." Li Jing replied.

"Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin." Li Zhenwu muttered for a while, and went directly into Shan Xiongxin's tent.

Chapter 165 Hesitation

"See your lord." Shan Xiongxin said politely when he saw Li Zhenwu who came in suddenly.

"General Shan doesn't need to be too polite." Li Zhenwu walked up to Shan Xiongxin and said.

You turned his head and said, "These two are General Qin and General Cheng, in Xia Jingling ~ Li Zhenwu."

"Cheng Yaojin (Qin Qiong) pays a visit to the city lord." When the two heard Li Zhenwu's greeting, they could kneel down on one knee.

"You two, please get up." Li Zhenwu said as he helped them up.

At this time, Qin Qiong seemed to be a little nervous because of Li Zhenwu's sudden arrival, and said in her mouth, "We...we..."

"Old Qin and I came to join the city lord. I don't know how the city lord arranges it." Cheng Yaojin said bluntly.

"Xia Xia welcomes the two generals to join Jingling. Xia Xia does not have the identity of a prince, so there is no way to give rewards to the two generals, but Xia Xia promised that the two generals' status in the army is only under the pharmacist, just like General Shan, I wonder how the two generals feel?" Li Zhenwu immediately promised.

"Meet the lord, Cheng Yaojin (Qin Qiong) is willing to serve in the future." The two looked at each other and said.

After the two received Shan Xiongxin's letter of persuasion to surrender, they thought that they were not taken seriously by Li Mi because they were officials, so they led their troops over directly.

They had not seen Li Zhenwu for more than ten days, so they were a little flustered, thinking that Li Zhenwu thought they were unfaithful because of their rebellion, so they felt a little uneasy, so after hearing Li Zhenwu's promise, the two People look at each other.

"The two generals are invited. There are two generals to join us today, and the big event can be expected." Li Zhenwu looked at the two and said.

Then Li Zhenwu was in Shan Xiongxin's tent, and he discussed the strategy he and Xu Xingzhi had negotiated with the four of them.

"I don't know if you think this strategy is feasible?" Li Zhenwu asked the four people after he finished talking about the strategy.

"My lord's plan is very promising, but I don't know when and where the lord is going to sneak attack on Wang Shichong." Li Jing nodded in agreement, and then asked.

"Wuyang and Luocang, when we and Wang Shichong besieged Xingyang." Li Zhenwu walked to the front of the map and pointed to two places on the map.

"Wuyang and Luocang, as long as we occupy this place, plus Jiangzhou, what Wang Shichong promised, we can be connected." Shan Xiongxin said.

"Not only that, we have occupied these two cities, especially this one. It will be very convenient for us to attack Luoyang in the future." Li Jing also pointed to Luo Cang on the map and added this sentence.

"No, I'm not just trying to contemplate Wang Shichong's site, my main purpose is here?" Li Zhenwu shook his finger, pressed a point on the map, and said loudly.

"Luoyang?" The four looked at the place where Li Zhenwu pointed, and said in surprise.

"Yes, it's Luoyang. The reason why I occupied these two cities was to separate Wang Shichong from Luoyang and make him a loner. Look at these three cities." Li Zhenwu nodded and scribbled on the map.

The four of them looked at the line Li Zhenwu had drawn, and suddenly seemed to wake up, looking at the three cities, directly across Xingyang and Luoyang.

"But my lord, [-] soldiers and horses shouldn't be enough!" Li Jing asked suspiciously when he remembered that he only had [-] horses now.

"Enough, pharmacist, bring [-] horses and [-] captives to join Wang Shichong. In the next battle, just protect the [-] horses." Li Zhenwu looked at Li Jing while surrounding Xing Yang.

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