"General Shan, led [-] horses to ambush Wang Shichong here." Li Zhenwu pointed to a canyon and said to Shan Xiongxin.

"General Qin and General Cheng each led [-] troops to occupy Luocang and Wuyang." Finally, Li Zhenwu directly pressed Luocang and Wuyang on the map to Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong saw that Li Zhenwu believed in himself and gave himself such an important task when he had just surrendered, so they hurriedly knelt down and said excitedly, "I will live up to the entrustment of the lord."

The other two hurriedly knelt down and said, "I will live up to the Lord's entrustment."

"Get up quickly." Li Zhenwu said as he helped them up.

"However, there are two places to pay attention to. The first is the pharmacist's place. I was afraid that Wang Shichong would grab the grass and beat the rabbits, so he wanted to swallow us too, so the pharmacist must pay attention." Li Zhenwu looked at Li Jing Speaking of.

"The second one is where General Qin and General Cheng are. You must move fast, otherwise Wang Shichong may find out, and he may bypass this place. Also, if you occupy this place, you must seal the city gate, and no one is allowed. In and out." Li Zhenwu pointed to the map and said to Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong.

The two of them looked embarrassed at this time, and they were okay to attack the city quickly, but it seemed that Li Zhenwu asked them to hide the news, so their faces were a little ugly.

"Two generals, when the time comes, I will send someone over to help the two generals block the news." Li Zhenwu immediately knew why the two were in a dilemma, so he said.

"Next, all generals, prepare well. When you destroy Wang Shichong and occupy Luoyang, you will celebrate the four in Luoyang." After Li Zhenwu finished speaking just now, he saw that the four of them were all eager to try. So the case is said.

"My lord, then I'll retire after waiting." The four of them cupped their hands together.

"No, no, I should go. This is General Shan's tent, but mine." Li Zhenwu stood up and shook his hand.

"Hahaha." Li Zhenwu laughed when he finished speaking. At this time, Shan Xiongxin smiled awkwardly, and the other three laughed when they looked at Shan Xiongxin, but they didn't know whether they were happy for the next action, or whether Seeing Shan Xiongxin's appearance, he was happy. Anyway, they all laughed along with Li Zhenwu.

The soldiers guarding the camp outside the door felt very strange, and they didn't know why they were laughing inside.

Chapter 166 Destroy the Great Ming Reverend

Luoyang, Li Zhenwu came directly to Luoyang after sending Li Jing away.

Although Wang Shichong is the Lord of Luoyang, Luoyang City is not his family's dominance. The power of the various clans combined is not weaker than Wang Shichong. Li Zhenwu went to Luoyang alone this time to persuade, no, it is accurate to submit to the Dugu clan. submission.

But it was also when Wuyang and Luo Cang were in their hands, because although Li Zhenwu had some prestige in the arena, but on the road to hegemony in the world, everyone just thought that they were just a small force, so they wanted to If the Dugu Clan surrenders, then he must also show the corresponding strength.

Li Zhenwu came to Luoyang, in fact, not only to let the Dugu clan to submit, but also to eradicate the Zoroastrianism, because Li Zhenwu's other identity - Yu Shuihan, got news from Yang Yanxu that the Zoroastrianism is now all in Luoyang Wang Shichong mansion.

That night, when Li Zhenwu entered Wang Shichong's mansion, Hanyue turned into a silver light flying shot and easily penetrated the arm of "Poisonous Water" Xin Naya. With a move in Li Zhenwu's hand, Hanyue cut off Duan Yucheng before everyone could react. an arm.

Really vaporized silk!

Li Zhenwu was commanding Hanyue outside the house, and the spinning light flew up and screamed constantly. With a "chi", Mingzi Liexia's head shot up into the sky, and hot blood splattered on the faces of the people next to him.

Suddenly Li Zhenwu heard two voices breaking through the air, looked at the person who came, and said with a slight smile, "Presumably the two are the Ming Zun Senior Xu Kaishan and the good mother Sha Fang, who are Venerable Da Ming!"

Li Zhenwu came in and found Wumingzi of Daming Zunjiao, and then isolated the room with the source, so that their voices could not spread, but after all, there was no sound in a good place, so Xu Kaishan, who noticed the strangeness, immediately called up Sha Fang came together.

"Jingling Li Zhenwu, I don't know why you came here?" Xu Kaishan looked at Li Zhenwu coldly.

"call out."

Li Zhenwu was calm and calm at this time, and with the index finger of his right hand, the cold moon in the room burst out of the window, and the cold light flickered, and flew to Li Zhenwu's hand.

"Master, Lie Xia is dead." At this time, Xin Naya, who had only one arm left, saw that the sword that had been preventing them from going out was gone, and hurriedly ran out, and when she came out, she saw Xu Kaishan saying sadly.

"Yes, I killed it." Li Zhenwu looked at Xu Kaishan and looked at himself, so he shrugged and said casually.

Seeing Li Zhenwu like this, Xu Kaishan suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, and the road paved with stones under his feet collapsed because of his anger, and his figure flashed towards Li Zhenwu.

Xu Kaishan's figure jumped to a height of seven feet, and gliding down from the sky with the momentum of an eagle fighting a rabbit.

He didn't expect that under his own eyes, someone would kill Mingzi, so he hated Li Zhenwu to the bone, and this time, he used the high to beat the low, and instantly captured his mind, and integrated all negative emotions such as anger, hatred and so on. under attack.

The air was rolling, and there was a sharp whistling sound, and Xu Kaishan's sharp finger attacked.

At the same time, Li Zhenwu's right palm was pointed towards the cold moon, and suddenly the sound of gold and iron was clanging like a drum. Xu Kaishan's attack.

At the moment when Li Zhenwu touched the cold moon, the good mother on the side moved, and the speed was so fast that people felt that this was just the shadow of a person, but it seemed to be integrated into the boundless night, becoming a ghost of shadow and darkness. .

Its figure shrank to the extreme, as if it was only the size of the tip of a needle and moved with lightning, jumping and walking in countless chaotic shadows, there was a strange feeling of being separated by different interfaces.

However, suddenly, a cold light pierced out of the darkness, and the figure also merged into the cold light, as if jumping out of the void and stabbing Li Zhenwu's eyebrows.

There was only an inch between Han Guang and Li Zhenwu's brows. Seeing that Li Zhenwu was about to die here, Li Zhenwu's fingers suddenly intercepted the ice blade in the hands of the good mother, which looked like a sword but not a sword.

"I didn't expect that the good mother taught by Daming Zun would even attack!" Li Zhenwu said in a playful tone.

"Master." At this time, Xu Kaishan was knocked out by Li Zhenwu's blow, and the other Mingzi who came out of the room with injuries shouted when they saw Xu Kaishan flying out.

After Li Zhenwu fought against Song Que and Shi Zhixuan, Yuan had already touched Dacheng's shadow, so Li Zhenwu was able to knock Xu Kaishan out with one blow...

Li Zhenwu continued to tap Hanyue, swooping through the air, attacking the bright sons who had just come out like arrows, but he smiled and said, "Senior Shanmu has a good weapon, I accept it, your big one. Respect is there, and Senior Good Mother also come to accompany him!"

After Li Zhenwu finished speaking, the hand that held Han Yue directly waved, cut off the arm of the good mother Sha Fang, and kicked her next to Xu Kaishan.

The good mother, Sha Fang, was very confident about her careful attack just now, but seeing that Li Zhenwu had cracked it so easily, she was stunned. Not only did she not notice everything around her, but she even forgot to run for her life.

She suddenly heard what Li Zhenwu was saying in her ear. Just as she was about to let go of her weapon to escape, she felt a pain in her shoulder and was flown to Xu Kaishan's side.

"I didn't expect Li Gongzi's kung fu to be so good. I don't know where my Daming Zunjiao offended the son. Xu Kaishan is here to make amends for the son." Xu Kaishan looked at Shafang, the kind mother who had a broken arm, and then looked at him just because of a sound wave. Another Mingzi died, so he said in an apologetic tone.

At this time, Li Zhenwu floated up like a waterfall with his head full of silk, and his body transformed into thousands of dazzling golden lights. It was as if a golden ocean had been paved in the night sky. .

"You Daming Zunjiao didn't offend me, it's just that you took my path, so you must die 5.3!" Li Zhenwu shot Hanyue directly after speaking.

This sword came so fast, it was struck like a very subtle arc of light in the air, even like blinking an eye, not revealing the slightest sword intent, but also restrained all murderous aura, not letting out a single trace of it. , this sword is the real killer move.

The sword's halo changed, and suddenly, it had reached Xu Kaishan's chest.

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