Later, perhaps seeing Li Zhenwu's smiling eyes, Huang Rong felt a little embarrassed, so every time Lu Chengfeng asked anything, she would first listen to Li Zhenwu's opinion.

Li Zhenwu has experienced many worlds, plus he has seen all kinds of strange things in later generations, and his knowledge is the number one at that time.

So Li Zhenwu quoted other people's commentary and added his own opinion to explain, so that Lu Chengfeng looked at Li Zhenwu with a hotter than Huang Rong's eyes.

Originally, Lu Chengfeng thought that what a little girl in Huang Rong said was quite similar to what he had heard from Master, but he didn't expect that some of Li Zhenwu's comments were more impressive than what Master said. People were amazed, and the novelty surprised Lu Chengfeng's eyes.

If Zun Shi sees this young man, he will definitely like it, but unfortunately, I don't know if there will be a chance to see Zun Shi again in this life.

Because he remembered the sad past, Lu Chengfeng suddenly lost the mood to continue the conversation. After he pleaded guilty, he let Li Zhenwu entertain the two of them and left, probably hiding away to cherish the memory.

Chapter 15 Super Wind

Li Feng and Huang Rong didn't take it to heart, and followed the servants around the manor.

Until the evening, Lu Chengfeng was not seen. Li Feng and the two were just curious and did not pursue it. After dinner, they rested.

The next day, Lu Chengfeng still did not appear, so Huang Rong proposed to go out to play, Li Zhenwu readily agreed, although he came to wait for Guo Jing, but after all, they hadn't come yet, so he told Lu Guanying and refused. After the suggestion of finding someone to lead the way, Li Zhenwu took Huang Rong out.

After walking around the market for a while, Huang Rong proposed to go to the lake. Yesterday, because of encountering Lu Chengfeng, the two of them were interrupted.

Huang Rong suggested that the two go fishing, and Li Zhenwu naturally had no objection.However, Huang Rong's temperament is out of touch, so how could she just wait and fish quietly!On the contrary, Li Zhenwu seemed more calm because of his training in multiple worlds.In addition, Li Zhenwu's fishing skills were good, and he caught a lot of fish, but Huang Rong was the only one looking at her empty fish bucket bulging.

"Okay, Rong'er, don't be angry! Fishing is all about being calm, you're too impatient." Li Zhenwu quickly comforted Huang Rong with a warm voice.The two were no longer interested in fishing, so they set up a wooden rack on the shore and began to grill the fish.

Because Huang Rong was still sulking, Li Zhenwu had to go out on his own.

After taking a lot of effort to handle the fish, it is roasted on a wooden rack, flipping from time to time, the vigorous flames bake the fish, and the bright red fish gradually turns milky white, accompanied by a fragrance.

Because the fish was ready to be grilled early in the morning, Li Zhenwu brought the ingredients and spread the spices evenly on the fish, which made the smell even more attractive.Even Huang Rong, who was still pouting and sulking, was attracted by the aroma and forgot what happened just now.

"I didn't expect Big Brother Li to cook, and it's so delicious. Rong'er is a little hungry. Big Brother Li, can you eat?" Huang Rong came to Li Zhenwu and leaned on Li Zhenwu, hugging Li Zhenwu's arm and acting like a spoiled child road.

"It's almost ready, wait a minute, little greedy cat." Li Zhenwu looked at Huang Rong with a funny face, scratched her little nose and said.

Soon, the fish was cooked. After Li Zhenwu tried it, he handed it to Huang Rong and said, "Okay, Rong'er, eat it!"

Huang Rong happily took the grilled fish from Li Zhenwu's hand, smiling like a flower, and said, "Thank you, Big Brother Li!"

Li Zhenwu smiled and shook his head, and continued to grill the fish.

Maybe the fish here is delicious, and Li Zhenwu tastes especially delicious.Maybe it's because of the fish, maybe it's in a good mood, or maybe it's because she's with her!

Looking at Huang Rong who was smiling so happily, Li Zhenwu secretly decided that he must make her happy in the future, and no one would want to hurt her.

After eating the grilled fish, the two went to a nearby market to play.It just happened to be the day when the common people went to the market. It was very lively, making Huang Rong like a butterfly wearing flowers, walking around in the crowd, buying some gadgets from time to time. Of course, Li Zhenwu paid for it all, and it was Li Zhen. Wudang coolies.

It didn't take long for Li Zhenwu to have all the things Huang Rong bought in his hands, which made Li Zhenwu feel that even women in ancient times liked to go shopping, even women heroes.

Huang Rong is already a little master in the arena because of her great internal strength. Her physical strength is naturally much better than before. Plus, the physical strength of women who go shopping has always been unlimited, not to mention Li Zhenwu. She has deep internal strength. It is the number one in the world, because Hong Qigong, one of the five musts, has far less internal strength than Li Zhenwu.

In the evening, Huang Rong finally had a good time and went back to Guiyun Village with Li Zhenwu who was carrying something.

That night, Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong heard noises in the village. Li Feng estimated that Yang Kang was about to be arrested. It should be tonight, so if Guo Jing was coming, it would be tomorrow, so he kept calm.

Since Huang Rong had already learned the origin of Guiyun Village from Li Zhenwu, her doubts were gone, her curiosity was greatly weakened, and she did not join in the fun.Instead, he stayed in the room to practice, with Li Zhenwu protecting the law.

Since Huang Rong drank the blood of the treasured snake, Li Zhenwu spent his inner strength to open up the meridians for Huang Rong, so Huang Rong practiced diligently during this time, and this is the reason why his inner strength has improved so much...

Thanks to her hard work, Huang Rong's progress has been rapid, and her power has gradually emerged after she has deep internal strength. Under the impetus of Huang Rong's previous practice of Taohua Island's martial arts, the power is several times greater than before, plus Huang Rong's wit and cleverness , the moves are not rigid, and often change moves when you don't expect them.

Sure enough, the next day, Li Zhenwu discovered that Guiyunzhuang had captured the envoy of the Jin Kingdom, including Yang Kang.

Yang Kang was also very surprised when he saw Li Zhenwu. First he saw that Huang Rong turned out to be a woman, and then Li Zhenwu was also here. He knew that his martial arts were far from being Li Zhenwu's opponent. If Li Zhenwu made a move, He had no chance at all to leave.

Fortunately, seeing Li Zhenwu was just watching the fun, and he was relieved that he didn't intend to take action.

In fact, Li Zhenwu didn't kill Yang Kang because his son Yang Guo, if Yang Kang is dead now, then what will Yang Guo do, the world of Condor Heroes will be gone, so he just stood by and watched.

Yang Kang used language to force Lu Guanying to compete, and he was about to escape successfully. Unfortunately, after he revealed the "nine yin and white bone claws", he was captured by Lu Chengfeng.

Lu Chengfeng has always been hiding his martial arts. Even his own son, Lu Guanying, didn't know that his father was a martial arts master, let alone a water thief in Taihu Lake. Everyone was amazed by 3.2 Lu Chengfeng's high martial arts skills. After being stunned, only Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong, who had known the inside story for a long time, looked as usual.

Yang Kang, who was locked up again, looked helpless. Li Zhenwu ignored him and saw that he had not come yet, so he dragged Huang Rong to continue to go out to see the scenery.

The next day, Lu Chengfeng and Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong sat and talked in the study, and Lu Guanying hurried in with a different expression.Behind him was a Zhuang Ding, holding a wooden plate in his hand, with something bulging in the plate and covering it with a blue cloth.

Lu Guanying said, "Father, someone sent this thing just now." Uncovering the blue cloth, it was a bone skull with five finger holes. Li Zhenwu knew at a glance that it was Mei Chaofeng's masterpiece, so In my mind, it's finally about to start.

Chapter 16

After seeing this, Huang Rong heard from Li Zhenwu the stories of several of her brothers and sisters, so she glanced at Li Zhenwu, as if asking for evidence, but Li Zhenwu nodded without a trace, affirming Huang Rong's decision. Guess, the two are in the same mind now, and a little gesture can know the other's mind.

Lu Chengfeng's expression changed greatly, and he asked in a trembling voice, "This... Who brought this?" He stood up as he spoke.

Lu Guanying had long known that this skull was weird, but he was a daring artist and the leader of the Taihu Lake Group. Unexpected.If it was before yesterday, he didn't know that his father knew martial arts, so he wouldn't care.But after fighting against Yang Kang yesterday, he knew that his father's martial arts were far superior to him, and he was not a scholar who didn't understand anything.It must not be an easy thing to make a master like his father panic so much.

Li Zhenwu listened to the conversation between 14 and Lu Chengfeng's father and son, and knew that it was time for him to speak, and finally asked solemnly, "Master Lu, I don't know why, you see the worried look on this skeleton's face, is it because What's going to happen? Why don't you tell me next?" Li Zhenwu said that his aura had changed completely. At this time, Li Zhenwu felt like a mountain, majestic and magnificent.

From Li Zhenwu's body, Lu Chengfeng saw the imposing manner of Huang Yaoshi, and he sighed slightly before saying, "Since Li Shaoxia asked, then this old man will tell you! In fact, this old man also practiced several martial arts when he was young , but at that time, he was young and vigorous, but he offended two powerful enemies, and now these two people hid somewhere and practiced a powerful martial arts, and they came to trouble the old man again."

Huang Rong looked at the martial arts that Lu Chengfeng showed against Yang Kang yesterday, coupled with the men of Guiyun Zhuang, so she curiously said, "I think Guizhuang's strength is not weak, even if Lu Zhuang's master is inconvenient to move now, Wouldn't they be afraid of two people? Did they invite helpers?"

Lu Chengfeng shook his head and said, "It's not very likely that the two of them are called helpers, but Miss Huang doesn't know something. These two people are not very famous now, but they were famous twenty years ago. People from all corners of the world are collectively known as Heifeng Shuangsha."

Li Zhenwu heard Lu Chengfeng's words at this time, and only said, "The next two are willing to help Lu Zhuangzhu."

Huang Rong heard the story of her brother and sister, and she felt very resentful towards Mei Chaofeng, so she hurriedly replied, "Yes, Lu Jianbuping should have drawn his sword to help. And the opponent is the murderous Heifeng Shuangsha? Lu Zhuang Don't worry, Lord, after they come, the two of us will definitely not stand by and let them know the power of our martial arts."

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