Lu Chengfeng was overjoyed, sat in the wheelchair and bowed, "Then thank you young hero and girl." He thought to himself, that young hero aside, even that girl is not weaker than himself. , Now Guiyunzhuang is saved.

Seeing Li Zhenwu nodding towards her, Huang Rong said with a smile, "It's nothing, Master Lu, don't be polite."

"Guan Ying, go down and prepare the banquet. As a father, thank Li Shaoxia and Miss Huang." Lu Chengfeng was relieved at this time, and said to Lu Guanying who was beside him.

After a while, the banquet over there was ready. Lu Chengfeng invited Li Zhenwu and the two of them. After entering the table, Lu Chengfeng just opened his mouth to chat with Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong about elegant things such as poetry, calligraphy and painting, but Li Zhenwu I didn't like it very much, so I just watched Huang Rong and Lu Chengfeng talking.

After a while, Li Zhenwu was drowsy, but Lu Chengfeng and Huang Rong were more and more excited.

At this moment, Lu Guanying came in again with a face full of joy, and before he could wait to salute Lu Chengfeng, he said loudly, "Father, I have invited another expert."

Lu Chengfeng glared at him and said, "Look what you look like? Why are you so rude in front of guests?"

Only then did Lu Guanying think that with such a performance, where did he put the two people who had just welcomed him into the village?Thinking of Li Zhenwu's aura just now, he glanced at this side a little nervously.

Huang Rong also smiled and said, "Master Lu doesn't need to criticize the young master. I think he must have invited a senior with strong martial arts skills this time. We just happened to go to see it."

Seeing her, Lu Chengfeng didn't seem to be arguing, but he still asked, "How do you know that he is an expert?"

Lu Guanying hurriedly recounted what he had just seen about an old man with a big tank on his head, wading through the water, but the water was nowhere near his knees.Huang Rong was really curious now, because Li Zhenwu had never shown such a powerful Qinggong, so she asked Li Zhenwu, "Brother Li, does the legendary Dengping crossing the water really exist in this world?"

Li Zhenwu nodded, and Huang Rong asked again, "Then Li Da 410 brother, can you do it?"

Li Zhenwu looked at Huang Rong with hope and doubts and said, "Yes, your father can do it too."

Huang Rong said happily, "I knew Big Brother Li would definitely be able to do it. Could it be that the old man below has the same level of skill as Big Brother Li?"

Li Zhenwu didn't answer Huang Rong's question, he just said to Lu Chengfeng, "I wonder if Lu Zhuangzhu can come with me and take a look at this master?"

Lu Chengfeng couldn't see Li Zhenwu's expression, but he was also very interested in what his son said about the master, so he nodded to Li Zhenwu, and then called two servants to lift the bamboo chair he was sitting on. Follow behind Li Zhenwu and the others, and go to see that "skilled man".

"Brother Li?" Huang Rong looked at Li Zhenwu with puzzled eyes.

"Don't worry Rong'er, Brother Li will take you to see a good show." Li Zhenwu said mysteriously.

When they got to the front, a few people saw an old man with a white beard sitting on the main seat. When these people came in, he didn't even raise his head.

A few people looked at the old man carefully, and saw that he had kind eyebrows and kind eyes, white hair and beard, wearing a ge robe, and swinging a big fan on his right hand.

Chapter 17

Li Zhenwu and the two just watched, while Lu Chengfeng hurriedly bowed to the old man and said, "Xiao Ke doesn't know that the master is coming, it's a sin and a sin."

The old man bowed slightly, and did not return the salute, but said lightly, "Master Lu, you don't need to be too polite."

Lu Chengfeng asked, "Dare to ask Senior Gao's name?"

The old man said, "The old man's surname is Qiu and his name is Qian Ren."

Lu Chengfeng was taken aback and asked quickly, "Dare to ask, but that old senior Qiu floating on the water with iron palms?"

Qiu Qianren smiled slightly and said, "You still remember, you still remember this name, this old man has not walked around the rivers and lakes for [-] years." The words were old-fashioned.

At this time, Huang Rong was also frightened by him, so she asked in a low voice, "Big Brother Li, is this old man really that powerful?"

Li Zhenwu said with a smile, "Iron Palm Water Floating on the Water has someone else, and his martial arts skills are only lower than your father's. But this old man, he's just a fake, his name is Qiu Qianzhang, and he belongs to Qiu Qianren. The twin brothers, martial arts are common, but they often use Qiu Qianren's name to deceive."

Since Li Zhenwu said that the old man was not capable, Huang Rong didn't take him to heart. She had been skeptical of Lu Guanying's words just now, and now she began to think about how the old man cheated.But today's scene is getting better and better, and she is so happy, she never thought of exposing the old man.And when Lu Chengfeng introduced them to the two parties, she also made a respectful and admiring look.

"Is Rong'er going to play him?" Li Zhenwu saw Huang Rong like this, he immediately understood what she was thinking and said.

"Well, Rong'er wants to let this old man know that Rong'er is amazing!" Huang Rong said excitedly.

After Qiu Qianzhang saw clearly the ages of the two, he didn't take it seriously, and showed no respect for Huang Rong. He acted like a senior.After talking about the conversation, Qiu Qianren asked Lu Chengfeng to prepare a quiet room for him, saying that he was going to practice kung fu, and then he would discuss important matters later.Lu Chengfeng naturally agreed.

At this moment, a gust of wind came from outside the door, and Mei Chaofeng appeared outside the hall.

"Long time no see, Junior Brother Lu." Mei Chaofeng's ears moved slightly and she heard someone in the hall, so she said.

"Isn't this senior going to stop her?" Before Lu Chengfeng could speak, he heard Huang Rong speak to Qiu Qianzhang who was still sitting there.

Qiu Qianzhang saw that Mei Chaofeng's eyes were blind, and he couldn't see himself performing magic, so he pretended to be a senior without revealing any traces and said, "The two of them are from the same family, so it's not good for the old man to intervene."

"Is it bad, or seniors dare not." Huang Rong continued to speak without giving Qiu Qianzhang face.

Qiu Qianzhang saw Huang Rong questioning him, so he pretended to be very angry and said, "I didn't expect that this old man hasn't been in the world for [-] years, you little girl dares to question the old man in the film, it seems that the old man wants you to know, the old man Tiesha The palm is awesome."

Lu Chengfeng had a great time talking with Huang Rong, so he quickly said, "Senior, please calm down. Miss Huang is just young and ignorant, so please hold your hand high."

"Humph! The old man just went around this yellow-haired girl for your own sake, but if the old man didn't show you his hand, you really don't know how powerful the old man's iron palms are." Qiu Qianzhang said in a pretentious manner.

"Rong'er, don't worry, just watch." Li Zhenwu saw that Huang Rong was going to teach Qiu Qianzhang a lesson, so he took Huang Rong's hand and said in her ear.

Qiu Qianzhang took out a brick and pretended to perform for a while. Then, with all his strength, the brick turned into powder. He picked up another cup, turned it slightly in his hand, and saw that the cup was divided into two parts.

"Mei Chaofeng will take his life!" At this time, Lu Chengfeng and his son were deceived by Qiu Qianzhang, a magician. Just when they were about to compliment Qiu Qianzhang, such a voice came from outside the door, and then they saw that Jiangnan The six monsters broke in with Guo Jing and Mu Nianci.

"Brother Guo, Miss Mu." Li Zhenwu greeted Guo Jing.

"Brother Li." Guo Jing said happily after seeing Li Zhenwu.

"Hello, silly boy." When Huang Rong was about to break it down after watching Qiu Qianzhang's performance, Guo Jing and the others came in, so Huang Rong greeted Guo Jing.

"Who are you?" Guo Jing looked at Huang Rong blankly.

"Pfft." Mu Nianci smiled and walked gently to Guo Jing's side to explain, "Brother Guo, this is Mr. Huang from that day."

"Master Huang?" Guo Jing suddenly realized.

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