"Jing'er, come here." Ke Zhen'e heard from Guo Jing about Li Zhenwu's stay in Zhao Wang's mansion. The crutches hit the ground hard.

Seeing Ke Zhen'e like this, Huang Rong wanted to teach him a lesson, but Li Zhenwu stopped her and pointed at Qiu Qianzhang to divert Huang Rong's gaze, "Rong'er saw it just now!"

"Of course I can see it." Huang Rong said proudly.

"Rong'er, just tell them!" Li Zhenwu said.

Huang Rong smiled and ran to Qiu Qianzhang. Before Qiu Qianzhang could react, she took out the ring on Qiu Qianzhang's hand and the bricks hidden in her arms.

"It turned out to be flour and diamonds!" Huang Rong said, looking at Qiu Qianzhang's path.

Hearing Huang Rong's words, Lu Guanying called out, "What?" Then she ran over, looked at the two roads, understood the "Kung Fu" that Qiu Qianzhang just performed, and looked at him fiercely.

"Mei Chaofeng, as long as you can block them, the old man will tell you a piece of news about Huang Yaoshi." Qiu Qianzhang saw that Lu Guanying and Lu Chengfeng's faces were extremely ugly, so he said.

"What news?" Lu Chengfeng and Mei Chaofeng said together, and Huang Rong on the side was listening with anticipation. After all, Huang Rong hadn't seen Huang Yaoshi for a long time.

"Huang Yaoshi was besieged to death by the Seven Masters of Quanzhen." Qiu Qianzhang saw that Mei Chaofeng and Lu Chengfeng were both looking forward to it, so he was ready to disturb their minds.

When Mei Chaofeng, Lu Chengfeng and Huang Rong heard the news, tears from the corners of their eyes ran down their cheeks, and they murmured, "Impossible, impossible."

Seeing Huang Rong crying, Li Zhenwu hurriedly hugged her and explained, "Rong'er, he's a liar, everything he says is a lie, don't worry, your father is all right, all right."

Huang Rong looked at Li Zhenwu tearfully and said, "Really? Daddy is really okay?"

"Of course it's true, if you don't believe Rong'er, look." Qiu Qianzhang looked at the crowd because of the news, so he was going to sneak away, but just as he arrived at the gate, Li Zhenwu pointed at him and said.

"You old liar." Huang Rong immediately reacted when she saw Qiu Qianzhang at the door, and called out Qiu Qianzhang, who vomited blood with one palm.

"Islander Huang still not coming out yet?" Li Zhenwu felt a strong aura outside the door when Huang Rong went to beat Qiu Qianzhang, he knew that Huang Yaoshi was here, so he said.

"call out."

When everyone heard Li Zhenwu's words, they looked in the direction of Li Zhenwu's words, and they saw a small stone and flew towards Li Zhenwu.

Chapter 18

"Finger-fighting supernatural powers, Big Brother Li be careful!" Huang Rong was overjoyed when she saw the flying stone, then she shouted loudly when she saw that the stone's target was Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu looked at the stone flying towards him, stretched out his right hand, a tiny Tai Chi in his palm, flashed past, and the stone turned a few times in front of Li Zhenwu's hand, and then was caught by Li Zhenwu.

"Master Huangdao, please show up!" Li Zhenwu stretched out his hand, the stone lay in the palm of his hand, and said with his palm pointing in the direction of Huang Yaoshi.

As soon as Li Zhenwu finished speaking, a man came in silently at the gate. The man was tall and thin, wearing a blue cloth robe, his face was extremely strange, and his eyes seemed to be able to move slightly. The nose is as stiff as wood and stone, and the head of a dead person is placed on the body of a living person. At first sight, a cold air immediately cools down from the back, and everyone's eyes touch this face. , he didn't dare to look anymore, and immediately turned his head away.

When Huang Rong saw the person coming, she yelled, "Daddy?"

Then, he rushed directly into the arms of the Qingpao man and cried, "Father, your face, how did your face become like this?"

The Qingpao man stretched out his left hand to catch Huang Rong, and then his right hand reached his face, gently took a human skin mask, and then revealed his true colors. 620

Li Zhenwu carefully looked at Huang Yaoshi at this time. Compared with the one he saw [-] years ago, his mental temperament had not changed much, but his temples were a little gray. I think he was sad for his wife's death these years. Cause it. !

Huang Rong saw that Huang Yaoshi took off the mask and her face returned to its original state. She also smiled and hugged Huang Yaoshi and asked, "Dad, why are you here?"

Huang Yaoshi's face sank, and he said solemnly, "Why am I here? Didn't I come to you?"

Huang Rong vomited shetou, as if I was a good girl, and quickly said, "That old Qiu was cursing you just now, why haven't you taught him a good lesson now?" Huang Yaoshi knew that this was his daughter's transfer. topic, but he still let her go with a snort.

The father and daughter have already said a few words here. Except for Li Zhenwu, everyone in the hall is still facing their enemies. The Six Monsters of Jiangnan led Guo Jing and glared at Mei Chaofeng. Qiu Qianzhang.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of "Putong" and "Putong" two consecutive heavy objects falling to the ground. When I looked again, I found that Lu Chengfeng and Mei Chaofeng had both fallen to the ground at this time.

It turned out that when the two of them heard Huang Rong's shouting, they knew that the person who came was Huang Yaoshi, and they were already pleasantly surprised. When they saw Huang Yaoshi's true face, they were so moved and frightened that Lu Chengfeng directly got out of his chair. It fell, but Mei Chaofeng was soft to the ground.Both fell to the ground and trembled, "The disciple has seen the master.

Huang Yaoshi raised his head and glanced at the two of them, then said, "Forget it, both of you get up." Lu Guanying hurriedly stepped forward to help Lu Chengfeng, then helped Huang Yaoshi to worship again, but Mei Chaofeng was Soft enough to start the whole body on the ground, but can't get up.

Although it was the first time they met Huang Yaoshi, the Six Eccentrics of Jiangnan and others on the side, but his prestige had long been known to the ears.And now seeing that Mei Chaofeng was still preparing to fight with people just now, and now that Huang Yaoshi came, she was frightened like this just by standing there, and everyone's fear of Huang Yaoshi couldn't help but increase a bit.

Lu Chengfeng kowtowed a few times to Huang Yaoshi, and greeted with a trembling voice, "Master, have you always been well?"

Huang Yaoshi snorted, "Finally, I didn't get killed by popularity."

Huang Rong blushed again behind him. Knowing that she was talking about her, she quickly changed the subject and said, "Father, I will always listen to you from now on."

When Huang Yaoshi heard this, his face also showed joy. He just gave Li Zhenwu a slight glance and said, "Well, what else do you need to clean up here? Hurry up and let's go."

Huang Rong shook her head, looked down at Li Zhenwu, and said, "There's nothing to clean up, but now my daughter can't go back to Peach Blossom Island."

Just now, Huang Yaoshi saw that Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong were very close, and knew that Huang Rong had a crush on Li Zhenwu, so he was about to force Huang Rong to leave, when he heard Lu Chengfeng also say, "Teacher, your old man finally went to Peach Blossom Island once. Now that you are at the disciple's house, the disciple can't help but be overjoyed, if you can stay at the disciple's house for a few more days, the disciple is even more..."

Huang Yaoshi ignored him, glanced at Li Zhenwu, then pointed at Lu Guanying and said, "Is this your son?"

Lu Chengfeng said, "Yes."

Lu Guanying was also well-behaved, and hurried up to pray to meet him, but Huang Yaoshi suddenly grabbed him and slapped him on the shoulder. .But when he stood up, he found that he was not injured at all, and was stunned for a while.

Huang Yaoshi said to Lu Chengfeng, "You are very good, no, let's pass the martial arts to him. From tomorrow, you can teach him martial arts yourself. This child's martial arts is too bad." The Lu family father and son were overjoyed and quickly Thank you.

Huang Yaoshi took out two more pieces of paper from his arms and threw them into Lu Chengfeng's hands across the distance, and then said, "Practice the martial arts on this yourself, your feet will not be cured. But if you focus on these two martial arts, you will be able to walk like a normal person in a few years." Lu Chengfeng couldn't say what he was moved, he just nodded.

; Huang Yaoshi said again, "Go get the three junior brothers and let them practice this exercise too."

Lu Chengfeng agreed and said, "Junior Brother Qu and Junior Brother Feng have never been able to find out the whereabouts of the disciples, but Junior Brother Wu has been dead for many years." Huang Yaoshi's face darkened, and his eyes turned to Mei Chaofeng. A bit colder.

Huang Yaoshi said coldly, "Chaofeng, you have done a great evil and suffered a lot. That old Qiu cursed me to death just now, but you finally cried a few tears and wanted to take revenge for me. For these few tears, let you live for a few more years."

Mei Chaofeng was overjoyed, she thought that Huang Yaoshi would just let her go, but Huang Yaoshi gave her a tarsus acupuncture immediately, and she was limited to send all the brothers and sisters to this Guiyun Village within a year. Then he killed all the people who had read the Jiuyin Mantra, and finally gave up his martial arts. After that, he went to Taohua Island, and Huang Yaoshi relieved her from the pain of tarsal needles.

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