Mei Chaofeng was almost envious of Chen Xuanfeng, who died early, but now that Huang Yaoshi said that she would forgive her as long as she had done these three things, she would have to do it even if she went through fire and water. Thinking of this, she I felt lucky again, but for a while it was really a surprise.

Chapter 19 Embarrassment

"Rong'er, let's go, follow me back to Peach Blossom Island." Huang Yaoshi arranged everything, then dragged Huang Rong and said.

"Rong'er, Rong'er... I want to be with Big Brother Li." Huang Rong blushed and lowered her head.

"Meet the Lord Huangdao!" Li Zhenwu watched Huang Yaoshi's arrangement of his apprentices since he entered the door. Li Zhenwu didn't bother. Now Huang Rong pointed at Li Zhenwu, so Li Zhenwu stood up and said.

"It's this kid! I'm not allowed!" Huang Yaoshi ignored Li Zhenwu and just said to Huang Rong.

"Well, Rong'er won't marry Big Brother Li in this life." Huang Rongang said stubbornly.

When Li Zhenwu heard Huang Rong's words, he was moved for a while, and he was still preparing to control Huang Yaoshi for his daughter, to ensure that he would treat Huang Rong well in the future, when he heard Huang Yaoshi say.

"Then I'll kill that kid, and now you can follow me back to Peach Blossom Island."

After hearing this, Huang Rong said quickly, "No, Daddy won't."

When Li Zhenwu heard what Huang Yaoshi said, he knew that it would be impossible not to fight against Huang Yaoshi today, so he said, "The junior will learn the senior's great tricks."

"Okay, I have a bit of backbone." Huang Yaoshi's eyes flashed with admiration, and then he said coldly.

"No!" Huang Rong saw that Huang Yaoshi had agreed to fight against Li Zhenwu, so she stood between the two and shouted loudly.

"Rong'er, rest assured, eldest brother and senior Huang are just discussing, nothing will happen." Li Zhenwu comforted Huang Rong.

"Then Big Brother Li promised me to be careful!" Huang Rong said to Li Zhenwu worriedly since she knew that Li Zhenwu had made a decision and knew that this fight was a must.

Huang Yaoshi saw that Huang Rong was only worried about Li Zhenwu, so he was a little bit interested, and said, "Boy, look at the trick." Then he deceived himself and took Li Zhenwu's chest directly with the housekeeping skill "Luoying Excalibur".

"Offended." Li Zhenwu raised his hand and gestured "Kang Long has regrets" to meet Huang Yaoshi's palm.

"Old Beggar's Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon!" Huang Yaoshi saw Li Zhenwu's eighteen palms for subduing the dragon, and immediately changed his move to greet him with "Splitting the Air".

The palms of the two collided, and the surrounding trees were all shaken by the palms of the two, Huang Yaoshi and Li Zhenwu each took a few steps back.

"Big Brother Li is really amazing!" When the palms of the two people dispersed, Huang Rong saw that Li Zhenwu and Huang Yaoshi were all right, so she called to Li Zhenwu.

Unexpectedly, this kid's skill is so strong, Huang Yaoshi thought, Huang Yaoshi knew that Huang Rong had already taken a fancy to Li Zhenwu, so it was only a tentative attack, but he did not expect Li Zhenwu to be able to repel him, so he was a little shocked.

Li Zhenwu knew that Huang Yaoshi's ability was similar to that of Hong Qigong, so he just used the same skill as Huang Yaoshi, because Li Zhenwu was afraid that Huang Yaoshi would become angry and directly objected, then Li Zhenwu was really sitting on wax.

Thinking of what Huang Rong had just said, Huang Yaoshi's face darkened. Since the boy in front of him had good skills, he would use his delicate orchid brushing hands to deal with him, so he rushed forward to get close to Li Zhenwu, and cut Guo Kun's face with his palm. The door, the shot is a move of Jiangcheng Feihua, the fingers are sharp, and the tricks are complicated and fantastic.The waving of his arms, whether virtual or real, is like a gust of wind in a peach forest, and it is as colorful and ethereal as thousands of flowers are falling.

"Brother Li, be careful, this is the Orchid Fu acupoint hand, specializing in attacking acupoints." Huang Rong saw that Huang Yaoshi was bullying her, so she mentioned Li Zhen's martial arts.

Li Zhenwu said, "Ronger, don't worry, I understand." Then, no matter how surprised he was with his moves, a dragon-shaped infuriating qi appeared next to his left hand, and he kicked his body hard and shot it out like a cannonball. With a move "dragon tail" to meet.

"Humph! It's the eighteen palms of the old beggar's subduing dragon again." Huang Laoxie immediately turned his Lingao step and stepped on the Jiugong gossip position. The rain is violent and the wind is mad, or the five imaginary and one real or the three forms are all empty, the virtual and the real are unrecognizable.

Li Zhenwu saw that Huang Laoxie made more false moves than real moves, but when the false move came to the enemy, it could be turned into reality in an instant.

So, he staggered, leaned the soles of his feet and tried his best to drag or kick on the ground, the whole figure staggered to and fro as if he was drunk, his body was already behind Huang Yaoshi, and he slapped Huang Yaoshi on the shoulder.

Huang Yaoshi has been famous for many years and has rich experience. How can Li Zhenwu easily succeed? He kicks quickly without moving his feet. However, he has recently developed a whirlwind sweeping leaf leg method. The dust rushed towards Li Zhenwu, but the kick in the dust quickly kicked out, sweeping the leaves with a whirlwind!

Li Zhenwu just bounced into the air, his whole body was as light as a feather in the air, his infuriating energy quickly changed, he took a breath, put his left foot on his right foot, and instantly turned a somersault to the side, dodging Huang Laoxie cyclone leaves legs.


Huang Yaoshi, who looked at Li Zhenwu's amazing movement, couldn't help but secretly applauded, but Huang Laoxie was a person who did not play cards according to common sense, and he was more face-saving!Seeing that he not only failed to take down Li Zhenwu, but also suffered a small loss, he was even more annoyed and didn't speak, and his follow-up must force Guo Kun to be unable to care for each other!

Li Zhenwu just raised his hand to parry. Taijiquan made countless circles around him, blocking Huang Yaoshi's hands and feet.

Huang Yaoshi saw Li Zhenwu's slow boxing technique and blocked all his attacks, so he became ruthless, Luoying Divine Sword Palm, Flick Finger Magical Power, Splitting Palm, etc. So Huang Yaoshi's unique skills were all on Li Zhenwu. call.

Li Zhenwu was disrupted a little by Huang Yaoshi's fast attack, but Tai Chi is a stunt that has been passed down through the ages. Li Zhenwu's boxing skills were only a stagnation, and he stabilized his body again, blocking all Huang Yaoshi's attacks in front of him. feet.

"I'll take Rong'er away first. If you want to see Rong'er again, come to my Peach Blossom Island!" Huang Yaoshi saw that Li Zhenwu's defense could not be broken, and he also agreed with Li Zhenwu in his heart, so he grabbed Huang Rong. shoulder said.

"Dad, I'm not going back." Huang Rong struggled to reach the hand of Huang Yaoshi and said.

"Hey, Rong'er, you..." Huang Yaoshi said in surprise when he saw Huang Rong break away his hand.

Chapter 20 Revenge

"Dad, hehe, Rong'er is amazing!" Huang Rong said proudly when she saw Huang Yaoshi's surprised eyes.

"Senior Huang, I will go to Peach Blossom Island to propose marriage in the next few days." Li Zhenwu said, seeing that Huang Yaoshi wanted to arrest Huang Rong, but Huang Rong broke him away, so he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

"Okay." Although Huang Yaoshi didn't capture Huang Rong, he was a little embarrassed, but when he heard Li Zhenwu's words, he said lightly.

"Rong'er, wait for Big Brother Li for a few days, and when I'm ready for the dowry, I'll go and pick you up, Rong'er." Li Zhenwu walked up to Huang Rong and said.

"Well, then Big Brother Li Rong'er will be waiting for you at Peach Blossom Island." Huang Rong blushed.The sound is like a thread.

"Rong'er, let's go." Although Huang Yaoshi agreed with Li Zhenwu, but seeing Huang Rong reluctant to part with Li Zhenwu there, he interrupted.

"Brother Li, you must come quickly." Huang Yaoshi took Huang Rong away, and Huang Rong turned to Li Zhenwu.

"Don't worry, Big Brother Li will be here in a few days." Li Zhenwu pointed at Huang Rong's back.

When Huang Yaoshi heard the conversation between Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong, he sighed and dragged Huang Rong away quickly.

"Mei Chaofeng, today we, the Seven Devils of Jiangnan, will let you go first, and when you complete those three things, we will fight to the death." Although Ke Zhen'e looked down on Huang Yaoshi and Mei Chaofeng, he also felt that Mei Chaofeng would fight Huang. Moved by the filial piety of the pharmacist, he spoke.

"Hmph! I will also avenge the revenge of the thief." Mei Chaofeng snorted coldly and left Guiyun Village.

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