"Brother Guo, I want Brother Guo's vellum to wrap the dagger, but I won't ask for Brother Guo's things in vain. I will exchange it with the news of Brother Guo's enemy Duan Tiande. I wonder if Brother Guo will agree?" Li Zhenwu thought of the best proposal for marriage. The gift was the Jiuyin Mantra, so he said to Guo Jing.

When Guo Jing heard Li Zhenwu's words, he wanted to say, since Brother Li needs it, I'll give it to you, but when he heard Duan Tiande's name, he immediately asked, "Where is Duan Tiande?"

"Master Lu, where is the person arrested last night now?" Li Zhenwu knew when he saw Guo Jing like this. Guo Jing agreed, so he asked Lu Guanying.

"Master Li, no, Master Li, all the people arrested last night were locked in the water prison behind Guiyun Village." Lu Guanying remembered that Li Zhenwu would be the son-in-law of his master, so he replied instead.

"Quick, bring everyone here." Seeing Li Zhenwu asking, Lu Chengfeng immediately ordered.

"Li Shaoxia, could it be that Duan Tiande, who framed his foster father and Uncle Guo, is locked up in Guiyun Village?" Mu Nianci heard Li Zhenwu say this, so he asked in a positive tone.

"Not bad." Li Zhenwu looked at Guo Jing and Mu Nianci and looked at Li Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu nodded.

Guo Jing took out the dagger, then handed the human skin that wrapped the dagger to Li Zhenwu, then knelt down and said, "Thank you Brother Li for helping me find the enemy, this kindness Guo Jing will always keep in my heart, if it is of use to Guo Jing in the future, Brother Li will just take care of it. speak."

Li Zhenwu helped Guo Jing up and said, "Brother Guo is serious, Brother Guo gave me the vellum, and I told Brother Guo the news, this is an equal transaction, why should it be so."

After a while, Yang Kang and his party were brought over. Li Zhenwu looked at a man in armor and asked, "Are you Duan Tiande?"

"Brother Kang." Guo Jing saw Yang Kang shout, but Yang Kang ignored Guo Jing, turned around and turned his back to Guo Jing.

The man in the armor was Duan Tiande. He was so frightened when he heard Li Zhenwu's question that he hurriedly crawled into the arena and cried, "The hero spares his life, the hero spares his life, the villain is forced to go with Jin Guo. The prince walks together, please spare your life, there are seventy old mothers and three-year-old children to be raised on the villain, I beg the hero to raise your hand and let the villain go."

Li Zhenwu looked at Duan Tiande, who was kneeling in front of him, and indicated that Guo Jing was this person, so Guo Jing was not looking at Yang Kang, and came over and asked, "Duan Tiande, do you still remember the tragedy of Guo Xiaotian and Yang Tiexin's family in Niujia Village, Lin'an eighteen years ago? ?" Duan Tiande suddenly heard such a sentence that he had been worried about for more than ten years, and looked up in horror to see the speaker, vaguely similar to Guo Xiaotian who died eighteen years ago...

So Duan Tiande suddenly fell down on the ground, the whole person hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed violently, shouting, "Master Guo Xiaotian, Uncle Guo is my fault, the villain should not be greedy for wealth to kill you, but the villain It was because he couldn't help himself. It was Wanyan Honglie, the sixth prince of the Jin Kingdom, who fell in love with Uncle Yang's wife, and ordered the villain to lead people to besieged and killed. Regardless of the villain's affairs, Uncle Guo spared his life, spared his life, spared his life. "

Guo Jing's eyes were splitting when he heard it, and he said to Lu Chengfeng, "I also ask the owner of the village to hand this person over to this kid.

"It's your honor!" Lu Chengfeng said when he saw that Li Zhenwu had just taken Guo Jing's things.

Guo Jing and Mu Nianci prepared the incense case and presented Guo Xiaotian's tablet. Guo Jing knelt on the ground and respectfully kowtowed three times. The child will take revenge for you, rest in peace below!"

After he finished speaking, he ignored Duan Tiande, who was crying for his father and mother, and slapped his palm on the top of his head. It was just that good and evil would be rewarded in the end, and we only wanted to come early and come late!

"Congratulations to Brother Guo for his great revenge!" Li Zhenwu said.

"Thank you, Brother Li." Guo Jing looked at the dead Duan Tiande and said gratefully.

Mu Nianci and the Six Monsters of Jiangnan also came to 3.8, congratulating and comforting Guo Jing, while Yang Kang, who was standing there, looked at the dead Duan Tiande with a gloomy expression on his face.

If it weren't for Duan Tiande, Yang Kang wouldn't be called Wanyankang now, and he wouldn't be the little prince. Although Yang Kang didn't want to recognize Yang Tiexin, Yang Tiexin was his father after all, so at this time he felt both happy and sad.

"Master Lu, the six seniors, Brother Guo, and Miss Mu, we are going to Peach Blossom Island, so I will leave now." Li Zhenwu wanted to leave when he got the Jiuyin Sutra, but watched Guo Jing and his party chatting there. As he spoke, he did not interrupt. Now that Guo Jing had recovered, Li Zhenwu walked away.

"Brother Li?" Guo Jing said suspiciously when he saw that Li Zhenwu was no longer there.

Chapter 21 Peach Blossom

After leaving Guiyunzhuang, Li Zhenwu spent several days, carefully arranged a lot of betrothal gifts, bought a big boat, arranged the big boat in a beaming manner, and headed to Peach Blossom Island.

The boatman originally heard that Li Zhenwu was going to Peach Blossom Island, so he didn't say anything, but under the pressure of Li Zhenwu's money attack and Li Zhenwu's force, the boatmen agreed.

As the boat approached the island, Li Zhenwu could smell the scent of flowers in the sea breeze. From a distance, the Peach Blossom Island was lush, green, red, yellow, purple and white, colorful, and the ground was full of flowers, which was fascinating.

Li Zhenwu was about to see Huang Rong, and he was moved. Before the boat docked, he jumped to the island, and only lightly tapped on the water before landing on the ground.

Li Zhenwu took a long breath and shouted loudly, "Rong'er, I'm here!" The voice was mixed with inner strength, and it almost spread to the entire island. If Huang Rong was on the island, he would definitely be able to hear it.But after waiting for a while, there was no response. Li Zhenwu guessed that Huang Yaoshi must be blocking him, so he asked the 14 boatmen to put down the dowry on the boat, and then walked towards the peach blossom forest.

However, he only walked into the Taolin more than ten feet away, and turned around according to the original orientation, but he lost his direction immediately. He saw that there were paths in the south, east, and northwest. It turned out that Huang Yaoshi could not help Li Zhenwu when he saw his martial arts, so he came back. Well arranged the big formation on Peach Blossom Island, to let Li Zhenwu know how powerful Huang Yaoshi is.

Although Li Zhenwu is not very proficient in formations, he is much more proficient than Huang Yaoshi, the so-called master of formations. After studying for a long time, he can see that the formation he is in is yin and yang open and closed, and the universe is reversed. Subtle and unusual, after a few calculations in my heart, I went to the left.

Huang Yaoshi saw that his carefully arranged great formation could not stop Li Zhenwu, so in anger, he flew the peach leaves towards Li Zhenwu's head with his magical powers.

Li Zhenwu took a step to the left, dodged the leaves that were attacking him, and realized that it was definitely Huang Yaoshi who had shot, thinking that it was definitely Huang Yaoshi who could not hold him back when he saw the Peach Blossom Island Great Array, so he attacked him.

It's better to pretend to be trapped, otherwise Huang Yaoshi is really annoyed, so Rong'er will probably be very difficult to do, plus Li Zhenwu is going to go to the old urchin to get the Jiuyin scripture, so Pretending to be trapped in the big formation, he shouted, "Senior Huang, this junior is here to visit and hope that the senior can unlock the formation."

When Huang Yaoshi heard Li Zhenwu's words, he thought that Li Zhenwu was trapped. It was just that the blind cat met the dead mouse, so he didn't make a sound and just looked at Li Zhenwu there.

After waiting for more than an hour, the sun was setting, the sky was getting more and more hazy, the surroundings were silent, and there was not even half a person. Li Zhenwu was still there pretending to find a way, but Huang Rong saw Huang Yaoshi and Li Zhenwu both at this time. There is no past.So Huang Rong walked in.

"Rong'er, go back with me first." Huang Yaoshi found out when Huang Rong walked in, so he went over and said.

"Dad, I'm going to find Big Brother Li." Huang Rong said.

"Let that kid hang around there, why would it be so cheap to marry my precious daughter?" Huang Yaoshi said proudly as he looked at Huang Rong.

"Father." Huang Rong said coquettishly, hugging Huang Yaoshi's arm.

"No, go with daddy. If he can't come out tomorrow, daddy will go to him in person." Huang Yaoshi said firmly, thinking in his heart, fortunately, this stinky boy is only good in martial arts, and there is still some lack of formation. Otherwise, I will become his father-in-law in the future, where will I put my face.

"Then can I give Big Brother Li something to eat?" Huang Rong asked when she saw Huang Yaoshi's determination and knew she couldn't go.

"No, eat less and he won't starve to death, go back with me." Huang Yaoshi dragged Huang Rong out, but still objected.

"Brother Li, Rong'er is coming to see you tomorrow." Although Huang Rong was dragged away by Huang Yaoshi, she suddenly called out to Taolin.

"Rong'er, I understand." Li Zhenwu said, when Huang Rong stepped into the peach forest, Li Zhenwu also sensed it, but now he was going to pretend to be trapped by the big formation, so he didn't go to Huang Rong, and now he heard Huang Rong's The voice, so Li Zhenwu also said.

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu heard a voice calling from the other side of the forest, "The little girl is looking for a man, Huang Laoxie is dying of anger! Just to be mad at Huang Laoxie, hum! Let him always bully me... "

The voice kept babbling, and Li Zhenwu thought, who could be so noisy and interesting, besides Zhou Botong?In addition, Huang Yaoshi has now left, so Li Zhenwu turned in the direction of the old urchin.

Li Zhenwu dodged and appeared outside a mountain wall, while the old urchin who was talking was standing arrogantly in a cave on the mountain wall.

Looking around, Li Zhenwu thought he was in a primitive tribe and saw a savage?I saw the old urchin with long hair, straight to the ground, long eyebrows and long beards, nose 597 and his mouth were covered. At this time, the setting sun was shining down from the flower tree, and his face was covered with flowers, but his hair was white. It's not completely white, but I don't know how many years I haven't shaved, it's as scary as wild velvet.

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