The old urchin was talking when he suddenly saw a young man showing his body, and knowing that Li Zhenwu was the person Huang Rong called just now, he felt happy, so he laughed and put on a grimace, his expression was very funny, just like a child and someone Just kidding, he said, "Who are you? How did you come to Peach Blossom Island?"

Li Zhenwu knew that talking to the old urchin could not be treated with common sense, so he sat down carelessly and said lazily, "Who cares about me? I don't know you, why should I answer your words?"

"Ahaha... Yes, yes, my name is the old urchin Zhou Botong. Now that you know me, tell me what your name is?" The old urchin looked strange, like annoyed and smiling, and repeatedly asked Li Zhenwu, as if he was saying , I already told my name, if you don't tell me what your name is, I will suffer!

Li Zhenwu knew that if he answered the old urchin like this, he would probably ignore him for a while, so he turned his eyes to an idea, and said, "I have a question that I don't understand, if you can answer it, I will tell you my name is what."

Chapter 22 Fighting

"No, no, I didn't even ask you to answer the question, so I told you what my name was. Why do I need to answer the question to know what your name is? You're shameful, it's not fair!" The old urchin shook his head like a rattle for a long time. His hair and beard fluttered about in a mess.

Li Zhenwu saw that the old urchin took the bait, so he smiled, "I just said that I don't know you, and I didn't ask your name. You told me by yourself. Of course, I don't need to answer the question. If you don't want to. If you know what my name is, that's fine."

The old urchin lived in the cave for a long time, and it was very boring. Today, I finally met someone who is willing to play with him. Of course, I couldn't let it go, so I said anxiously, "If you have any questions, just say it, I like it the most~ I will answer the questions."

So Li Zhenwu came up with a brain teaser and asked the old urchin, "There is a person who never walks without touching the ground, why is this?"

"..." The old urchin tugged at his long beard, pondered for a long time, and said, "He knows how to work lightly, so his feet don't touch the ground."

Li Zhenwu shook his head and said, "No, even if he knows light power, he will still land, guess!"

"I don't know, hurry up and tell me why?" The old urchin couldn't come up with a result after thinking for a long time, so he asked anxiously.

Li Zhenwu smiled and said, "If I told you, wouldn't you have no way of knowing my name?"

I just heard the old urchin reply without hesitation, "I don't want to know your name anymore, I just want to know why some people don't touch the ground, tell me why?"

When Li Zhenwu heard the old urchin's answer, he didn't speak for a long time. When he saw the old urchin jumping up and down in front of him, he stung his appetite and said, "Can't you keep your feet off the ground?"

"Me?" The old urchin stood on the ground and pointed to himself suspiciously.

"Yeah, aren't you wearing shoes and socks? How come your feet are on the ground?" Li Zhenwu explained to the old urchin.

"That's right! Ah ha ha... Why didn't I think of it? Is there such a problem? Let me say another one, it's fun." urged.

"No!" Li Zhenwu just wanted to attract the old urchin's attention, and seeing that the old urchin's attention was now on himself, he said, "It looks like you have been here for a long time, right? Why are you here in this peach blossom? island?"

The old urchin's attention was still there, but after hearing Li Zhenwu's question, he started scolding Huang Yaoshi in front of Li Zhenwu. His expression began to become cautious, and Li Zhenwu knew that Huang Yaoshi's Bihai Chaosheng song was coming.

Sure enough, after a few breaths of effort, there was a @ array of Xiao Yin wearing it.

The sound of the flute fluctuated high and low, before and after.Listening to the sound in the east, the sound of the xiao is suddenly in the west, and when the sound goes to the north, the sound of the xiao is coming out in the south. It seems that there are more than a dozen people lying around, blowing @ Xiao teasing @ others one after another.

After a while, the tone of the xiao tone changed, like a small smile, like a low voice, soft and mellow, and people's hearts swayed.

After a while, the sound of the xiao gradually became urgent, as if urging people to dance. The emotion was erratic and lingering. It was like a woman sighing for a while, moaning for a while, and then softly and softly calling.

Li Zhenwu was just standing there, under the operation of internal strength, there was no discomfort, but the old urchin was unbearable. At this time, his breath was getting worse. Hearing his breathing @breathing was painful @suffering, and he was trying his best to come Resist the temptation of the flute.

Huang Yaoshi came not only for the old urchin, but also for Li Zhenwu. Because Huang Rong was also present last time, Huang Yaoshi's Bihai Chaosheng was afraid of accidentally hurting Huang Rong, so he just used his fists to compete with Li Zhenwu.

So tonight, in addition to persecuting the old urchin, Huang Yaoshi had to recover from Li Zhenwu the face he lost in Guiyun Village that day.

That Huang Yaoshi saw that Li Zhenwu didn't react, and the old urchin didn't give in as before, so he was annoyed, the Xiao sound stopped abruptly, and he left with a heavy "hum".

Li Zhenwu heard Huang Yaoshi leave, so when he turned around, he saw Zhou Bofeng lying on the ground panting, laughing and crying for a while, looking very embarrassed.

"Old urchin Zhou Botong, do you want me to help you?" Li Zhenwu said with a smile.

"I didn't expect your little baby to be able to resist Huang Laoxie's xiao sound. Do you have any secret? Can you teach the old urchin?" The old urchin saw that Li Zhenwu was completely unaffected by the sound of the xiao, and he obeyed. He got up and asked.

"You just need to be strong enough!" Li Zhenwu spread his hands and said with a dick look.

"I don't believe that your little doll is better than mine, I want to try @Try!" The old urchin who was a martial arts idiot heard Li Zhenwu's answer and punched Li Zhenwu with his backhand.


As soon as the old urchin shot, he created the [-]-way Kongming Boxing carefully.According to the Tao Te Ching, he said, "If you think of it as a utensil, treat it as nothing, and use it as a utensil. If you cut a door and make it into a room, treat it as nothing, and use it as a room."

Li Zhenwu used Tai Chi to block the old urchin's fist. As soon as the old urchin's fist touched Li Zhenwu's palm, he felt that his own fist seemed to be smashed into a pool of ooze. He held his palm several times. He was led to the side, so he said "Huh" in his mouth, and continued to attack Li Zhenwu.

After a while, the two were fighting, and they saw the old urchin suddenly cheating, with both hands closed, and shouting, "No more fighting, no more fighting!"

Li Zhenwu saw the old urchin suddenly withdraw his hands, so he spread out @biantaiji, put his hands down and looked at the old urchin.

Seeing that Li Zhenwu had accepted the move, the old urchin immediately rushed in front of him, looked around him several times in amazement, and suddenly said with a drooling face, "What kind of martial arts are you using, little @brother? My Kong Mingquan is even softer, I worship you as my teacher, you teach me!"

"It's called Tai Chi." Li Zhenwu didn't even look at the old urchin, he just stood there proudly.

Chapter 23 Deception

"Wu Ji is Tai Chi, Tai Chi moves to give birth to Yang, moving extreme to stillness, stillness gives birth to Yin, and static extreme to move again, every movement and one stillness are the roots of each other, divide Yin and Yang, and the two ceremonies stand." At this time, the old urchin There was no longer the look of laughter and scolding just now, and he spoke in a serious manner.

"Teach me, I will worship you as a teacher." After a short while, the old urchin regained his urchin character and jumped up and down around Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu knew that the old urchin took the Jiuyin Sutra very seriously, and wanted to get suspicious, so he had to make plans to let him take it out willingly, so he must not be impatient.

"Apprenticeship? No, no." Li Zhenwu quickly waved his hand.

"Why not, look at how good my apprentice is!" The old urchin really didn't care about anything for the sake of martial arts, and said directly in front of Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu watched the old urchin play tricks around him, hoping to learn Taijiquan. After half an hour, Li Zhenwu had enough of the old urchin's appetite, and then he said, "You can learn my martial arts. But in exchange for your martial arts, I will teach you. Otherwise, I will not teach you."

After listening to Li Zhenwu's words, the old urchin nodded quickly and said, "Okay, the old urchin will exchange with you."

"Okay, show your martial arts first. I'll tell you what you're going to use in exchange after I read it." The old urchin was about to say something, but was interrupted by Li Zhenwu.

"Okay, old urchin, I'll show you." The old urchin originally wanted to tell Li Zhenwu how the Kongming Fist just now, but after hearing Li Zhenwu's words, he said in a hurry.After making a sound from time to time, he jumped directly to the open space in the hole and began to practice his various martial arts.

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