First there are all kinds of Quanzhen martial arts, and then there is Kongmingquan.After playing Kong Mingquan, I saw the old urchin stopped, a little embarrassed, and asked with a sullen face, "Little boy, what kind of martial arts do you think I can exchange for your Taijiquan?"

"Old urchin, tell me about your martial arts, can you exchange Taijiquan?" Li Zhenwu asked after watching the old urchin's demonstration.

Although the old urchin has a naughty personality, he is an out-and-out martial idiot. He knows the power of Taijiquan, so he scratched his head embarrassedly, and suddenly his eyes lit up and said, "The old urchin passed all this on to you, and The old urchin owes it first, are you optimistic?"

"No." Li Zhenwu firmly refused, and plunged the old urchin's heart into the abyss.

When the old urchin heard Li Zhenwu say no, his heart was like a hundred claws scratching his heart, and he turned around Li Zhenwu and said, "Teach me, teach me."

Before Li Zhenwu could speak, he saw the old urchin suddenly lying on the ground, rolling on the ground, and said while rolling, "Teach me, teach me, if you don't teach me, I won't get up."

Li Zhenwu just turned around and didn't look at the old urchin. The old urchin rolled on the ground for a while, and when he saw Li Zhenwu turned to the other side, the old urchin also rolled to the other side and continued to disturb Li Zhenwu.

"Stop rolling, if you can't show martial arts comparable to Taijiquan, I won't teach you." Wherever Li Zhenwu turned, the old urchin would roll. After changing a few directions, Li Zhenwu looked at the old urchin who had just rolled in front of him and said.

"However, the old urchin can't do other martial arts anymore, teach me, I don't care." After hearing Li Zhenwu's words, the old urchin thought that he really has no martial arts comparable to Taijiquan, so he continued to roll on the ground and play. With a rogue road.

"Who said there is none, don't you have another old urchin, can it be compared to Taijiquan?" Li Zhenwu watched the old urchin not mention the Jiuyin scripture, so Li Zhenwu guided.

"What martial arts, why doesn't the old urchin know about it?" The old urchin heard Li Zhenwu say this, and immediately got up from the ground and asked suspiciously.

"Think about it carefully, what other martial arts do you have?" Li Zhenwu couldn't say it directly, because Li Zhenwu said it directly, the old urchin would never take out the Jiuyin scripture.

"The old urchin is gone." The old urchin stood there thinking for a while.

"Are you thinking about it? Thinking about it, Taijiquan is yours." Li Zhenwu said hehe.

"No, the old urchin is gone." The old urchin still shook his head and said.

"Do you think about this secret book that your senior brother gave you? What?" Li Zhenwu asked when he saw that the old urchin never mentioned the Jiuyin scripture.

The old urchin thought about it for a while, then his face changed greatly, he shook his head and said, "No, no, my brother said that I can't give it to anyone, I won't exchange it for this."

"Old urchin, do you have something you can exchange?" Li Zhenwu pretended not to know that the old urchin had the truth of the nine yin.

"No, no, the old urchin has nothing to exchange." The old urchin quickly shook his head and said while hiding in the hole.

"Old urchin, don't you want to learn my Taijiquan?" Li Zhenwu looked at the old urchin when he mentioned the Jiuyin Sutra, and seemed to change his appearance, so Li Zhenwu continued to laugh.

You must know that the old urchin is completely a martial arts idiot. He can do anything for martial arts. At this time, it is only because of Wang Chongyang's influence that the old urchin is no longer arguing with Li Zhenwu. The urchin completely gave up on Tai Chi, so he continued to laugh.

"I won't learn, the old urchin won't learn anymore." Although the old urchin refused, the river net in his eyes betrayed him.

"Since you don't learn, old urchin, then I won't force it." Seeing the old urchin like this, Li Zhenwu said casually with his hands spread out. After he finished speaking, Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged and closed his eyes there. stand up.

"Little boy, little boy." After seeing Li Zhenwu close his eyes, the old urchin struggled there for a long time, and then he couldn't help walking to Li Zhenwu's side and called.

Li Zhenwu heard the old urchin's voice, his face raised slightly, knowing that the old urchin could not bear it anymore, so he smiled secretly in his heart, but he didn't open his eyes.

"Little boy, wake up, little boy, you can let the old urchin do anything except Jiuyin Mantra, as long as you teach me your Taijiquan just now." The old urchin saw that Li Zhenwu didn't open his eyes, so he pulled Li Zhenwu's clothes said.

Chapter 24 Nine Yin

"Old urchin, I still have the lower part of the Jiuyin Zhenjing here. As long as you show me this of yours, I will give you this of mine, plus Taijiquan." Li Zhenwu is like a strange uncle to deceive Xiaoluo. Li said the same.

I saw the old urchin seemed a little helpless, and seemed to be ecstatic, jumping back and forth in the open space pulling his beard, and finally suddenly grabbed in front of Li Zhenwu, hurriedly said, "Change! I'll change! Show me the next volume, ah Haha... I'm going crazy just looking at the second volume! I'll show you the first volume right now." Li Zhenwu didn't even give Li Zhenwu a chance to object, so he swooped and ran into the cave.

Li Zhenwu was stunned, his expression seemed annoyed and sad. He knew that he could get the first volume of the "Jiuyin Zhenjing" so easily, so why did he have to spend so much effort to perform calculations?It's really clever but being mistaken by cleverness!

Back then, when Wang Chongyang seized the "Jiuyin Zhenjing", he didn't have much selfish intentions, but he just didn't want people. Because of this, there were blood and bloody corpses all over the place. Therefore, he left the disciples of Quanzhen Sect not to study martial arts in the scriptures.

The person the old naughty boy respected the most in his life was Wang Chongyang. Since the senior brother had such a last word, he certainly did not dare to violate anything he said.But then I thought of what Huang Rong's mother said, "Just watching and not practicing 557 is not a violation of the last words."

Since then, he has been in the cave for [-] years, sitting bored and bored, and has already read the previous scriptures thoroughly.The scriptures in the first volume are all Taoist ways of practicing internal skills, as well as the principles of boxing and swordsmanship. They are not real skills to overcome the enemy and win. If you don't learn the practical methods in the second volume, you only know the tricks and essentials, but they are useless. , For the past ten years, the old urchin has been speculating day and night about what should be contained in the next volume of scriptures, but he has never been able to find it.

Therefore, when I suddenly heard Li Zhenwu say that he owns the second volume, the surprise and the river network in my heart reached the most intense one in my life.

At this time, the old urchin held a stone box in his hand, jumped out of the cave, and brought the stone box to Li Zhenwu as if offering a treasure. Li Zhenwu was still very excited. Right in front of you.So, he couldn't help but stretch out his hands to pick it up, but the old urchin suddenly retracted when his hand touched the stone box.

Li Zhenwu was stunned for a moment, when he saw the old urchin wrapping his arms around his arms and protecting the stone box on his abdomen, he laughed a little thiefly, "Little urchin, you want to deceive the old urchin, I almost fell for you, you say you If there is the second volume of "Jiuyin Zhenjing", you will have it? If I give you the first volume, and if you suddenly say that you don't have the second volume, will I suffer? Once the scriptures are in your hands, I will not let you go. Nonsense, I can't beat you anyway."

Li Zhenwu thought it was a big deal, and he immediately pulled the human skin that recorded the second volume of the Nine Yin Sutra out of his arms and threw it to the old urchin. He smiled and said, "Since the old urchin you are worried, Then I will give you the second volume first. You can check the authenticity and then decide whether to give me the upper volume, so you can rest assured?"

The mind of an old urchin child is like that of a child, and he treats the things that he attaches great importance to. It is absolutely impossible to see a rabbit and not a hawk. When he saw Li Zhenwu throw a piece of paper, he quickly grabbed it with one hand and started watching it on the spot.

For more than ten years, he has meticulously pondered, although he could not guess the gist of the second volume, but at this time he only read a few words, and compared with the first volume one by one, he has determined that this is indeed the second volume of the "Jiuyin Zhenjing". , Don't be fooled at the moment, he laughed, threw the stone box in his arms to Li Zhenwu, and continued to look at it again.

Li Zhenwu took the stone box and took out a booklet. He knew that the old urchin's mind was very simple, and he was very trustworthy. Remember silently in your heart.

After a while, he heard the old urchin suddenly sighing up to the sky, his expression contented but undecided, Li Zhenwu guessed that he must be feeling sorry for not being able to practice the Jiuyin Sutra as soon as he saw his pain and struggle. @To extremely difficult @ patience.

The old urchin loves martial arts like a madman. Seeing this scripture, which is regarded as a treasure by people who learn martial arts in the world, I really look forward to studying the martial arts in it. Going through the world with rambunctious @ is purely an uncontrollable curiosity and love of martial arts, eager to know what kind of powerful method is after practicing martial arts in the classics.

Seeing that the old naughty boy reluctantly handed out the next volume and took it back several times, but finally did not want to return it to himself, Li Zhenwu was really funny, and immediately took the next volume back.

The old urchin suddenly screamed, "I haven't decided whether to watch it again, why did you grab it back? Then you return the last volume to me."

Li Zhenwu ignored his clamor, touched the two volumes of Jiuyin Zhenjing in his hands, and sighed in his heart that the betrothal gifts were complete now, and the Jiuyin Zhenjing was still a thing of great luck, so Li Zhenwu took it slowly @slowly. Luck of Qi was introduced into his body, "The Qi Luck contained in the Jiuyin Sutra is really a lot." After a stick of incense, Li Zhenwu held the Jiuyin Sutra and said.

Of course, the Jiuyin Mantra is the most helpful to Guo Jing in the entire vulture shooting. Otherwise, even if Guo Jing learned the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, he would not become the famous Guo Daxia in the future. .

"Okay, old urchin, do you still want to learn my Taijiquan?" Li Zhenwu opened his eyes and looked at the old urchin who wanted to take the Jiuyin Sutra back but didn't.

After the old urchin gave Li Zhenwu the lower volume of the Nine Yin Manual, he wanted to get the upper volume back, but seeing that Li Zhenwu closed his eyes as if he was practicing, he just stood there and looked at the scroll with the upper volume. stone box.

"Yes, of course." The old urchin heard what Li Zhenwu said, so he forgot the stone box and looked straight at Li Zhenwu.

"Okay." Li Zhenwu stood up and jumped to the position in front of the old urchin.

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