"This is the beginning of Taijiquan, this is the wild horse's mane, this is the white crane's wings..." Li Zhenwu explained to the old urchin while playing Taijiquan.

The old urchin lives up to his reputation as a martial arts idiot. Following Li Zhenwu's demonstration, the old urchin was also practicing there. When Li Zhenwu finished his work, the old urchin began to practice the Tai Chi that Li Zhenwu had done just now. One punch.

Li Zhenwu looked at the old urchin's version of Taijiquan, and found that he had integrated his own Kongmingquan into it. The whole boxing technique was softer, softer and deeper, unlike Li Zhenwu, whose Taijiquan was stronger. That is, softness is less than rigidity.

Chapter 25 Ouyang

After teaching Tai Chi to the old urchin, Li Zhenwu returned to the place just now and sat down on the plate, ignoring the old urchin who was still gesturing there, closed his eyes and rested.

In the early morning of the next day, there was a sound of rustling, and there was a strange noise. Li Zhenwu came out of the cave and stood at a high place to see the peach forest in the distance, densely packed with green snakes, lined up in a long line Winding forward, there is a man with a long pole to drive away.

Li Zhenwu thought to himself, he didn't expect Ouyang Feng to still come, and Ouyang Ke has never seen @黄荣's women's clothes, why is Ouyang Feng still here?

Although Li Zhenwu didn't know why Ouyang Feng came, he still had to stop him. No matter what Ouyang Feng wanted to do, Li Zhenwu swung his long gown on his body and followed behind the snake repellants. What the hell is Ouyang Feng doing?

Ouyang Feng was actually attracted by Jiuyin Zhenjing. After Ouyang Ke was injured by Li Zhenwu, Ouyang Feng rushed to Wanyan Honglie's mansion. Wanyan Honglie heard that Yang Kang was behind bars, so he begged Ouyang Feng to rescue him.

After returning to Yang Kang, I heard that Huang Yaoshi has the Jiuyin Sutra, thinking that he and Huang Yaoshi are not much different in martial arts, and it is impossible to grab it, so Ouyang Feng proposes a marriage to Ouyang Ke, hoping that he can learn from Huang Yaoshi. The pharmacist got the Nine Yin Manual.

The speed of the snakes was not slow, and they walked in twists and turns for a few miles. After turning around a hill, a large grassland appeared in front of them. To the north of the grassland was a bamboo forest. They were all on the ground, their heads raised.

Li Zhenwu saw that there was a bamboo forest in the north, thinking that in the original book, Huang Yaoshi was there to welcome guests, and he was sure that since he had seen Ouyang Feng, the snake repelling people in front of them would be useless, and they were all Ouyang Feng. The minions, the scourge left behind, rushed out violently, and without saying a word, cut down the dozen or so snake repellents first.

And those snakes lost control and dispersed for a moment, and the dumb servant who led the way was knocked unconscious by his wave and placed on the hillside.

Passing through the bamboo forest, I saw a pavilion made of bamboo branches. The banners on the pavilion were dazzling in the sunlight. The words "Jicui Pavilion" were written on it. Sword, Bihai Chaosheng presses the jade flute." Those two sentences.

In the pavilion, there are bamboo chairs and bamboo chairs, all of which have been used for many years. They have been polished for a long time and have some reflections in the sunlight. On the side of the embroidered pavilion, there are two large pine trees with long branches, which are probably hundreds of years old. Ancient trees, green pines and green bamboos, very quiet.

At this moment, another squeaking sound came through, Li Zhenwu raised his head and looked out, but saw that the larger snake team was still coming in row after row. It was a giant snake with long tail and shiny golden scales. After the golden snake left, the black snake swarmed in.On the big lawn, the snakes shook their heads and the flames danced wildly.The snake exorcists divided the snake team into east@west, leaving a passage in the middle, and dozens of women in white, graceful and graceful, came slowly.

A few feet apart, there were two people walking slowly from the back and the front, the one in front, wearing a robe embroidered with white satin and gold thread, holding a folding fan, it was Ouyang Ke.The man in the back @face is tall, holding a steel rod and dressed in white. Who else would it be if it wasn't Ouyang Feng?

When Li Zhenwu saw the two of them, he sneered and didn't rush out to kill them. Because Li Zhenwu was going to play with the two of them, he saw that Li Zhenwu tapped his toes and stood behind the bamboo forest. @面,Ouyang Ke can't see it, and Ouyang Feng can't hear it either.

Li Zhenwu saw Ouyang Ke take a few steps forward and approach the bamboo forest. He folded his hands and wanted to speak, so his subordinate grabbed a thin bamboo strip, and with a flick of his wrist, he saw that Ouyang Ke suddenly sighed. , covered his left face with his hand and stepped back again and again, and when Ouyang Feng stepped forward to watch, he realized that it was actually a thin bamboo stick nailed to his face@.

Then Ouyang Feng thought it was Huang Yaoshi's shot, and he deliberately made it difficult, so he stepped forward and said, "Brother Yao, is this how you treat guests?" Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong were indeed in the bamboo forest at this time, but did he make a move? , he always knew, just after a little thought, he had already guessed that Li Zhenwu was the one who could have this cultivation. At this time, Huang Rong also guessed who shot, and she was instantly happy and looked at Huang Yaoshi. , tacitly, they chose not to appear for the time being, to see what tricks Li Zhenwu can play...

Then Ouyang Feng was annoyed when he saw that Huang Yaoshi didn't answer, but because he came here to ask for his "nephew", it was inconvenient, so he said solemnly, "A few days ago, I sent a letter to help me My nephew begged for a kiss, but Brother Yao didn’t answer, so if I came here in person, is it that Brother Yao wanted to avoid seeing him?”

Li Zhenwu listened in earnestly. It turned out that Ouyang Feng really came to propose marriage, and it seemed that he wanted to play with them.

So when he was about to speak again, he snapped a thin bamboo and popped it out and took his eyes. When Ouyang Feng came out to speak, he was fully alert. Shot from his left eye, he hurriedly waved his palm sideways, and slapped the thin bamboo away.

At this time, Ouyang Feng still thought it was what Huang Yaoshi said, and then he stuck the steel stick on the ground and said with a smile, "Since Brother Yao has such a leisurely and elegant way to test his younger brother's martial arts, then I don't want to hurt Brother Yao. I’m only interested in a few tricks to accompany me.” After saying that, he waved his hand abruptly, and quickly threw out a hidden weapon in the direction of the bamboo stick, and looking at the blue light rising from the sun, one could guess that it must be quenched on it. poisonous.

Huang Rong watched 4.3 worriedly, her foot was wrong, she was about to step forward, Huang Yaoshi hurriedly grabbed her, but unfortunately she still made a sound, when Ouyang Feng heard it, he turned his hand and threw another hidden weapon in Huang Yaoshi's direction. come over.

Li Zhenwu didn't care about the hidden weapon at all, not to mention how much he was blocked by the bamboo, and the rest was not close.And Huang Yaoshi also used the iron flute to connect the dots, and the hidden weapon was knocked into the air several times.

All of a sudden, Ouyang Feng was dizzy and puzzled. Why was there the sound of iron weapons hitting his hidden weapons in both directions? Could it be that Huang Yaoshi had the ability to clone himself?

"Brother Yao, please come out for a continuation?" Ouyang Feng said while protecting Ouyang Ke at the back of his body and looking at those two directions with a nervous expression.

Chapter 26 Defeated

Seeing that Huang Yaoshi was about to take Huang Rong out, Li Zhenwu immediately sighed and flew to Ouyang Feng to be fooled, and slapped Ouyang Feng's head with a palm.

"Could it be that Brother Yao still has to test his younger brother's kung fu, then don't blame the younger brother for his heavy hand." Ouyang Feng felt the force of the palms coming from above, pushed away Ouyang Ke who was behind him, and said with a hint of gloomy coldness arrive.

The palm prints in the sky bombarded down, and the field was filled with flying sand and rocks. Li Zhenwu, who was in full force, shot mercilessly, and the violent real power exploded, instantly smashing the area to smithereens.

Ouyang Feng's figure was completely submerged in the smoke and dust. Of the three people watching the battle outside, only Huang Yaoshi could clearly see the two people in the smoke and dust.

Seeing this scene, Huang Rong couldn't help but feel tight in her heart, "Dad, brother Li, is he all right?"

"Uncle." Ouyang Ke also shouted at this time.

The smoke and dust fell, Li Zhenwu stood tall and straight in the field, and Ouyang Feng, who was only three feet away from Li Zhenwu, clutched his chest at this time, a trace of blood appeared on his face @上流@, and stared at 14 hatred, jealousy, and murderous intent in his eyes. Li Zhenwu said, "Good kung fu, good inner strength, good scheming."

Li Zhenwu just reached the top of Ouyang Feng's head, the softness of Taijiquan blocked Ouyang Feng, and then it became a competition between the two of them. Li Zhenwu's internal strength suddenly surged, knocking Ouyang Feng back a few steps, so Li Zhenwu beat him hard. Luo@水dog, a punch was printed on Ouyang Feng's chest.

"Brother Yao, who is this young master? Could it be Brother Yao, your new apprentice?" Ouyang Feng asked when he saw Huang Yaoshi coming out.

"Let's go to Li Zhenwu, see Senior Ouyang." Li Zhenwu stood there upright with a playful expression on his face @.

"He's not Huang's apprentice!" After seeing Li Zhenwu, Huang Yaoshi remembered that he was stealing his daughter from himself, so he said something bad.

"Dad." Ever since Huang Rong came out to see Li Zhenwu, she wanted to go over to see if Li Zhenwu was okay, but was held back by Huang Yaoshi. Now that she heard Huang Yaoshi's words, Huang Rong pulled her back. Huang Yaoshi's hand coquettishly said.

"Since it's not..." Ouyang Feng was talking when he suddenly pulled out the snake stick that was stuck on the ground just now and swung it towards Li Zhenwu's head.

"Brother Li, be careful." Huang Rong was about to run over after seeing it, but was stopped by Huang Yaoshi, so she immediately shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, your big brother Li is fine." Huang Yaoshi said, looking at his daughter's reproachful eyes.

"Senior Ouyang is really... a scumbag. It would be too much for a junior like me to sneak attack." Li Zhenwu's right middle finger and index finger were put together and placed on Ouyang Feng's snake stick, blocking the way of the snake stick. .

"Pick up my Spirit Snake Fist." Ouyang Feng saw that Li Zhenwu was blocking his snake stick, so he just held the snake stick in his right hand and clenched his fist in his left hand towards Li Zhenwu's chest.

"Senior Ouyang really likes sneak attacks!" Li Zhenwu held Ouyang Feng's fist in his left hand, and said with a hint of threat in his eyes.

"Humph! I'm picking up the old man's toad power." Ouyang Feng saw that he didn't hurt Li Zhenwu in these two sneak attacks, and Huang Rong was still shouting, "Don't @want @face sneak attack, don't @want @face Sneak attack!" So, Ouyang Feng used @jin to break free of Li Zhenwu's left hand, threw the snake stick aside, and said lying on the ground.

"Then I'll see if the rumored western poison in the rivers and lakes is the title of sneak attack." Although Li Zhenwu said it easily, but in the dark, Li Zhenwu mobilized all of his @physical skills and concentrated on his arm. , guarding against Ouyang Feng.

Toad kung fu is an extremely powerful kung fu. When performing the kung fu, you squat on the ground, your hands are bent at your shoulders, and your mouth @ is giggling, like a big toad wrestling sumo.

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