"That's right, big brother, if you treat your sister-in-law badly, I'll beat you up." Li Zhenwu's younger sister said, clenching her fists.

Seeing Huang Rong's provocative eyes, Li Zhenwu knew that his parents were completely bought by Huang Rong, so he said helplessly, "Yes, yes."

"Brother Li, have you heard it!" Huang Rong raised her head and said, followed by Li Zhenwu's mother and younger sister, and went to the back room again.

"Come here, Zhenwu." Just as Li Zhenwu looked in the direction Huang Rong was leaving, he heard Li Ge call.

"Bastard, learn more poetry and songs from your father-in-law in the future, don't only know how to practice martial arts every day, do you want to know both civil and military skills?" After Li Zhenwu passed, Li Ge taught him a lesson.

When nothing happened these few days, Li Ge followed Huang Yaoshi there, talking about poetry and painting, playing the qin and listening to music. Li Ge admired Huang Yaoshi more and more. When he thought of Li Zhenwu, who had been reluctant to study since he was a child, he came to teach him a lesson.

"Understood." Li Zhenwu continued to perfunctory, anyway, the matter of reading has been said many times, and Li Zhenwu already knew how to answer.

"Okay, you will study hard with your father-in-law these few days, and I will teach you in a few days. If you still don't know what to do, you can see how I teach you." Seeing Li Zhenwu like this, Li Ge knew that he He was still perfunctory, so he spoke sternly behind his hands.

"Dad, I know, I'll go first." Li Zhenwu looked like he was about to start Li Ge's daily tasks again, Li Zhenwu immediately ran out and said.

In the next few days, Huang Yaoshi would come over on time to teach Li Zhenwu poetry and songs, which made Li Zhenwu feel very depressed.

But Huang Yaoshi was very happy when he saw Li Zhenwu's appearance, because Li Zhenwu hit him in martial arts and also kidnapped his most precious daughter, so Li Zhenwu like this is what Huang Yaoshi likes to see.

"Ah, ah, life can't be over, why is Huang Yaoshi so black-bellied!" Li Zhenwu destroyed a forest with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms that day, and stood there shouting to the sky.

"No, I can't go on like this, I want to escape, I must escape." Li Zhenwu murmured after standing for a while.

That night, Li Zhenwu sneaked into Huang Rong's room, looking at Huang Rong who was already asleep, Li Zhenwu patted Huang Rong gently.

"Who?" Huang Rong was really smart, Li Zhenwu just patted it, Huang Rong immediately turned over and looked at Li Zhenwu defensively.

"Shh, keep your voice down, it's me, Rong'er." Li Zhenwu heard Huang Rong's cry, and immediately put his hand to his mouth and said to Huang Rong.

"Husband, who are you?" Huang Rong blushed when she heard Li Zhenwu's voice, and asked in a soft voice.

"Let's go out and talk." Li Zhenwu said in a low voice.

"What's the matter, you have to go out and talk?" Huang Rong thought that Li Zhenwu couldn't help but want to make out with her, but when she heard that Li Zhenwu didn't seem to mean that, she complained a little.

Huang Rong got dressed, Li Zhenwu dragged Huang Rong and galloped for a while, and came to the woods a few miles away from home, Li Zhenwu only then let go of Huang Rong.

When Li Zhenwu was pulling Huang Rong away, Huang Yaoshi in the next room heard the voice. He wanted to go there, but he heard Li Zhenwu's voice, so Huang Yaoshi did not show up, but fell to Li Zhenwu from a distance. Behind them, they saw the two standing still, so they perked up their ears and listened.

"Husband, what is La Rong'er doing here?" Before Huang Rong could react, she was dragged by Li Zhenwu and hurried all the way. When it stopped, Huang Rong asked immediately.

"Rong'er, I want to be with Rong'er for a while." Li Zhenwu replied.

"The world of two?" Huang Rong asked incomprehensibly.

"It's just the two of us, just like when we played around a while ago, Rong'er, do you like it?" Li Zhenwu looked at Huang Rong with bright eyes, and brought Huang Rong to the scene some time ago with a hint of intoxication. road.

"I... I also thought about the two-person world." Huang Rong whispered after listening to Li Zhenwu's explanation.

"Then let's go now." Li Zhenwu said eagerly when Huang Rong agreed.

"Hey, husband, we haven't told daddy yet, what about the father-in-law and the mother-in-law?" Huang Rong said after seeing Li Zhenwu finish speaking, and pulled him again.

"Don't worry, I left a note, they will know." Li Zhenwu turned back and said to Huang Rong.

When Huang Rong heard Li Zhenwu's words, her face seemed to understand something, so she smiled like a little fox and said, "Husband, you don't want to read, right?" Huang Rong thought about every time Li Zhenwu finished reading these days. , With that pale complexion, he knew the reason why Li Zhenwu was doing these things now.

"Of course not." Li Zhenwu saw that Huang Rong had guessed right, but still insisted.

"Hee hee, no, no!" Huang Rong said while holding Li Zhenwu in his arms.

"The stinky boy is running so fast, he will be gone so soon." After listening to the conversation between Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong, Huang Yaoshi was about to arrest Li Zhenwu, but just as he was about to jump out, Li Zhenwu realized it at this time. Huang Yaoshi immediately fled with Huang Rong in his arms, Huang Yaoshi kept chasing, but within three or four miles, the figures of Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong disappeared from Huang Yaoshi's sight, so Huang Yaoshi said fiercely.

Chapter 30 Sword Tomb

Outside the city of Xiangyang, where the mountains stand, Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong stood opposite each other. Huang Rong asked, "Husband, are there really sword tombs and eagles you said? How do you find them?"

After Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong played together for more than ten days, one day Li Zhenwu used Qinggong to scoff in front of Huang Rong a few times. Huang Rong asked Li Zhenwu to find a way to increase her skills, so Li Zhenwu thought of the snake gall of Jianzhong. So they came to Xiangyang.

Li Zhenwu said embarrassingly, "I didn't expect that there are so many mountains. It seems that I have to ask the locals."

The two had no choice but to find a village and asked the villagers if anyone had seen a kind of golden snake. An experienced hunter told Li Zhenwu that there was this kind of snake in the mountains in the northeast. catch.

Li Zhenwu was overjoyed, gave the hunter a piece of silver, and then went northeast with Huang Rong.The two searched in the mountains for two days, but saw no sign of the eagle.

Finally, on the morning of the third day, they suddenly heard three cuckoos from the top of the mountain. The two of them looked up and saw that the eagle was standing tall, standing on the top of the mountain. Although it was ugly and ugly, it had its own A stern power.

As soon as Li Zhenwu saw the big eagle, he said happily, "Rong'er, I finally found it!" Huang Rong saw the figure of the big eagle, and only then did she believe that when they first met, what Li Zhenwu said was true.

Li Zhenwu knew that the divine carving was quite human, so he shouted loudly, "Brother Carving, please come over for a while!"

The big eagle heard the sound, let out a long cry, and glide all the way down from the top of the mountain. At this time, the eagle was not as heavy as it was after more than ten years, so he could still glide.Seeing Li Zhenwu calling it, the divine statue stared at Li Zhenwu, as if wondering what Li Zhenwu was looking for.

Li Zhenwu broke a branch and used Tai Chi swordsmanship.When the divine statue saw it, it seemed to understand something, and flapped its wings, as if to compare with Li Zhenwu.

"Brother Diao wants to compare with me?" Li Zhenwu asked.

The divine eagle nodded again and again, and the right wing spread out, just like Li Zhenwu attacked, but it was only a flap, ready to try Li Zhenwu's skills first.

The branches in Li Zhenwu's hand flicked left and right, blocking the feathers on the wings of the divine carving. It turned out that the wings of the divine carving had dozens of sword techniques, and the feathers that stood up were Godly Sword.

"Anger." The eagle shouted.After seeing Li Zhenwu using a branch to demonstrate a sword technique, he immediately thought that Li Zhenwu wanted to learn swordsmanship, so the divine carving tested Li Zhenwu and saw that Li Zhenwu could take one of his own wings, so he shouted happily .

"Brother Diao, can I go to Senior Dugu's Sword Tomb?" Li Zhenwu asked when he heard the voice of the divine carving.

Shendiao waved his head and motioned for Li Zhenwu to follow, Huang Rong immediately said in surprise, "Husband, it can not only understand swordsmanship, but also understand you! It's amazing!" Shendiao heard Huang Rong say this, and called out a few more times. , seems very happy.

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