After walking for about half an hour, Shendiao brought Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong to a stone cave. There was a stone tomb outside the cave. Li Zhenwu guessed that it was the place where Dugu Qiuwei was buried, so he stepped forward. bowed.

The god sculpted two wings into hands, as if to thank Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu smiled and said, "Brother Diao, take me to the place where Senior Dugu buried his sword!"

Shendiao took Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong to the inside, only to see the green trees behind the cave and the clear mountain air. After walking for another mile or so, they came to a cliff.The cliff is like a huge screen, rising into the sky. The middle of the cliff is about [-] feet above the ground, and there is a big stone three to four feet square, which looks like a platform, and there are words faintly carved on the stone.Looking up, I could see clearly the two characters "Jianjia". When I approached the cliff, I saw that the stone wall was bare, and there was no room for siblings.

Huang Rong praised, "There really is a sword mound, but how do you get there?"

Li Zhenwu said with a smile, "Rong'er, it's fine if your husband takes you up there."

After he finished speaking, he held Huang Rong in one hand and took eight steps in the air with his feet in the air. After a while, he was able to get on the platform.Huang Rong exclaimed, "Ah, husband, what kind of kung fu you are, teach me!"

Li Zhenwu replied, "This is eight steps to the sky. You can practice to the depths, and you can climb high cliffs, but Rong'er, your skill is not at home yet, so you can't learn it..."

Huang Rong saw Li Zhenwu's hands spread out, as if you just couldn't learn, so she immediately hit Li Zhenwu angrily.

"Okay, Rong'er, let's go."

Li Zhenwu saw that Huang Rong had hit him, and he was still about to hit, so he held Huang Rong's hand and said.

After a while, the two of them got on the stage, only to see two lines of stone carvings in smaller fonts on the big stone next to the big characters "Sword Tomb", "Sword Demon Dugu Qiuqiu is invincible in the world, but buried the sword in this place. Woohoo! The heroes are tied, the long sword is empty, and it is not sad for the husband!"

Huang Rong saw this line of words and smiled, "Husband, you can easily defeat that toad, and you are now number one in the world. Do you want to learn from Senior Dugu to bury the sword and play?"

Li Zhenwu looked at the words engraved by Dugu Qiufeng and sighed, "Senior Dugu did not lose to others, but to himself. There is no limit to the way of martial arts. If Senior Dugu can jump out, he can definitely reach a new height. "

Li Zhenwu can see from the word Dugu Qiufeng that Dugu Qiubai is already congenitally consummated. As long as he can move forward 4.9 steps, he can appreciate the beauty of the master realm. Unfortunately, he still did not take this step.

While the two were talking, Shendiao stretched out his claws to grab the cave on the cliff and jumped up from the bottom.The divine eagle has extraordinary claws and can also glide, but in just a moment, he can get on the platform.The divine eagle looked at him for a while, then nodded to Li Zhenwu and called out a few times, with a very unique voice.

Li Zhenwu knew that Shendiao should take out the sword, so he said, "Brother Eagle, please!"

The divine eagle groaned a few more times, stretched out its steel claws, grabbed the stone on the sword mound, and moved it aside. Between the first and second swords, there is another long stone piece, three swords and stone pieces are juxtaposed on a large bluestone.

Chapter 31 God Sculpture

Li Zhenwu picked up the first sword on the right, and saw two lines of small characters engraved on the stone under the sword. A ruler, with a gleaming blue light, is a sharp weapon.Li Zhenwu gave the sword to Huang Rong and said with a smile, "Rong'er, let's use it for your self-defense. After you go out, your husband will make a scabbard for you personally."

Huang Rong took it and said sweetly, "Thank you husband, I like it very much!"

Li Zhenwu continued to pick up the long piece of stone, and saw two lines of small characters engraved on the bluestone under the piece of stone: "The soft sword of Ziwei, used before the age of [-]. It is ominous to accidentally injure a righteous person, and it is abandoned in a deep valley." Li Zhenwu knew this. , not surprised, and put the stone piece down.

The second sword was more than three feet long, with blunt edges on both sides of the sword, and the more rounded tip of the sword seemed to be a hemisphere.Li Zhenwu mentioned it lightly and felt that he only weighed 14 to [-] pounds. Although Li Zhenwu was reincarnated, this body is not so strong. [-] But Li Zhenwu is a master of the middle stage of the congenital after all. When you pick it up, you feel that this so-called black iron is heavy. The sword is also fluttering.When I looked at the stone carving under the sword, I saw two lines of small characters saying, "The epee has no sharp edge, and it is too clever to work. Before the age of forty, it was rampant in the world."

The third sword, Wang Jing, did not move, Huang Rong said strangely, "Husband, why don't you continue to take a look?"

Li Zhenwu said with a smile, "This is a wooden sword. If you leave it for too long, it will shatter when you touch it. Look at the stone carving."

Huang Rong carefully looked at the stone carvings below, and saw the stone carvings under the sword, "After the age of forty, you will not be stuck with things. All plants, trees, bamboos, and stones can be used as swords. Since then, you will gradually progress to the state where no sword is better than sword."

Huang Rong exclaimed, "Ah! Husband, your Tai Chi skills are also inexhaustible, but now husband, you are only [-] years old. In this way, your talent is even better than Senior Dugu."

Li Zhenwu smiled shamelessly at this time, and said, "You know how powerful your husband is!"

"Shameless." Seeing Li Zhenwu like this, Huang Rong turned her head and scolded with a smile.

"Where's the shame, I'm telling the truth, okay?" Li Zhenwu turned Huang Rong's head and looked at Huang Rong.

"Ang." This is the big eagle called out.

At this time, the big eagle placed the black iron epee beside Li Zhenwu and made a pose. Li Zhenwu smiled and said, "Brother Diao, but you want to learn from me!"

When Shendiao heard the words, he nodded, his left wing held the strong wind, and he rushed down on Li Zhenwu's head. Li Zhenwu only felt the pressure of an invisible innate force, and praised: "Brother Diao is so strong. "Li Zhenwu didn't dodge either. With a fist, the divine eagle's wings could no longer be flapped. The divine eagle was shocked. Unexpectedly, Li Zhenwu's strength was stronger than it, but he refused to believe it and continued to push down. Li Zhenwu didn't make any extra moves, he was still calm, and the divine eagle's wings still couldn't be flapped.

Shendiao gave up only then, retracted his wings, and stabbed Li Zhenwu's shoulder diagonally, and it was a sword move.

Li Zhenwu laughed, he pulled out his black iron sword and stabbed the underarm of Shendiao's left wing.

After all, the speed of Shendiao's wings was not as fast as Wang Jing's. Now that the black iron epee was about to pierce, Shendiao was helpless, and the other wing was in front of him.

I only heard a loud bang, and the sound of the black iron epee and the divine eagle's wings colliding came. Fortunately, the black iron epee didn't strike, otherwise the divine eagle's wings would have been injured. After all, Shendiao had two wings together, one for attack and one for protection, but Li Zhenwu did not use the other hand, but simply fought with swordsmanship.

Li Zhenwu took his sword and stood up, smiling, "Brother Diao, you are not my opponent, so let's do it!"

Hearing the words, the divine eagle groaned again, pulled Li Zhenwu, took the lead and flew off the platform, signaling Li Zhenwu to follow, Li Zhenwu hugged Huang Rong, jumped, and got off the platform.

The divine sculpture was below, and it violently fanned a stone. The stone quickly slammed into the cliff, slammed into pieces, and slammed into Li Zhenwu with its wings, which meant that it still had this trick that it didn't use.

Li Zhenwu smiled and said, "Brother Diao, I didn't expect you to be able to do this, please!"

Hearing what Li Zhenwu said, the divine eagle fluttered his two wings, only to see the stones on the ground keep flying up, incessantly, hitting Li Zhenwu. Li Zhenwu swung his black iron epee in a dashing and free manner. It was smashed with heavy force, and the small stone was split with light force.

If a swordsman master sees it, he will surely exclaim, "A good one who lifts a heavy weight as lightly as he is heavy!"

Seeing that Li Zhenwu couldn't do anything about it, the eagle screamed again, and saw that the eagle's two wings kept turning left and right, and the body also rotated. Bigger, like the eye of a storm.

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu praised, "Brother Diao, your stunt is really extraordinary!" After speaking, he held a black iron epee and pulled up a sword flower to form a sword circle. The divine carving kept turning, and Li Zhenwu kept going. After forming a sword circle, and after five or six swords, a Tai Chi sword circle has been formed.

The divine eagle made a few more turns, the cyclone was getting bigger and bigger, Huang Rong felt a strong 573 storm had formed from a distance, and the momentum was pressing. Li Zhenwu quickly shot out a dozen swords. Li Zhenwu almost swung his sword.

The divine carving succeeded, and violently attacked the cyclone towards Li Zhenwu. Li Zhenwu waved the Tai Chi sword circle and headed to meet him.Only a bang was heard, the cyclone and the Tai Chi sword circle collided, and the cyclone was scattered by the collision, but the Tai Chi sword circle was still heading towards the divine carving.

"Brother Diao, give up." Just when the sword circle was about to fall on Shendiao, Li Zhenwu immediately went over, smashed the sword circle with a sword, and said.

Seeing this, the divine eagle folded its wings, as if holding hands, and stopped moving. Its strongest stunt could not help Li Zhenwu, so he stopped trying. At this time, Li Zhenwu laughed again: "Brother Eagle's attack is really annoying. I'm eye-opening!"

"Anger." The eagle shouted proudly when Li Zhenwu praised it.

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