Immediately, Wanyan Honglie and his party raised their weapons and formed a triangular formation to surround Huang Rong, while the rest formed a large circle around [-] feet, ready to capture Huang Rong and threaten Li Zhenwu.

Just like a conditioned reflex, Huang Rong immediately stabbed the person on the left with a sword.

This slanted slashing sword seems to be light and has no power, and there is no fixed direction, as if it was a sword stabbed by someone who is not skilled in martial arts.

The person on the left is Ouyang Ke, with a folding fan in his hand. Originally, he planned to capture Huang Rong and threaten Li Zhenwu and one of his relatives, Fang Ze, but this oblique stabbing sword made Ouyang Ke feel a little inexplicable.

"Miss Huang, I'm going to be close to you." Ouyang Ke said with a wicked smile when he saw this sword.

"Ke'er be careful." Ouyang Feng shouted at the side, Li Zhenwu just controlled Ouyang Feng casually, so that he could not disturb Huang Rong in the past, so he could have time to observe Ouyang Ke's movements.Ouyang Feng was worthy of being a great master of the generation, he immediately saw the murderous intent on Huang Rongjian and reminded him immediately.

"Om", Huang Rong's sword tip trembled and stabbed Ouyang Ke on Ouyang Ke's wrist at once, and the folding fan fell to the ground with a "pop".

However, Huang Rong's sword tip didn't stop, and immediately lifted it up, covering several key points in Ouyang Ke's abdomen in an instant.

"It's not that easy to leave." Huang Rong said in surprise, thinking about Ouyang Ke's expression just now, with a little anger on her face, holding a long sword in both hands, the sword moved with it, spinning and stabbing a sword.

A scream suddenly sounded, and Huang Rong's sword spun in the air immediately pierced Ouyang Ke's shoulder.

"Ke'er!" Ouyang Feng saw that Ouyang Ke was injured and attacked Li Zhenwu faster.

Li Zhenwu still blocked it so calmly, and praised Huang Rong who was still defending the enemy, "Rong'er's sword is really smooth, and she can go wherever she wants. It seems that Rong'er has completely mastered the Nine Swords of Dugu."

Chapter 35 Ouyang

Huang Rong was overjoyed when she heard Li Zhenwu's admiration, the sword in her hand was still waving non-stop, and she said, "Husband, Rong'er has a more powerful move, I'll take a look at it later. ."

Huang Rong's voice just fell, and in an instant, the movement and the sword stance merged, and the two were superimposed, and the air was pierced by the blade of the sword.

Wanyan Honglie and his party saw Huang Rong's abolition of Ouyang Ke at once, they knew Huang Rong's power, and they were a little timid, but at this time they heard Wanyan Honglie say, "Everyone, as long as anyone can catch this little girl, Xiao Wang will definitely serve him. For the guests."

When everyone heard it, they were immediately confused by greed, and they were no longer afraid of Huang Rong. After all, Huang Rong was just a little girl. They were just shocked by Huang Rong's swordsmanship, so Sha Tongtian, who was slapped in the face by Li Zhenwu, yelled. , and rushed towards Huang Rong.

Immediately afterwards, the others also moved towards Huang Rong, but Huang Rong just stabbed back with a few swords at will, forcing the people who had besieged her to quickly jump away.

After a few rounds, Huang Rong had already understood their martial arts skills, so Huang Rong's sword accelerated, leading the opponent to have to speed up his moves. Guang also immediately gathered, Wanyan Honglie's group saw such a scene, the weapons in their hands bombarded Huang Rong one after another, only to see Huang Rong dodging briskly, swinging a sword against her body.

"Chichi..." The sound of continuous eyeballs being pierced and scratched almost sounded in one breath. Huang Rong's series of moves could be said to be completed in one go.

"Ah, my eyes! My eyes are dripping!"

"You... what kind of swordsmanship is this?"


So far, all the people from all corners of the world recruited by Wanyan Honglie, except for Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew, have become blind.

"Rong'er is good at swordsmanship." Li Zhenwu said after seeing Huang Rong resolve the battle, he beat Ouyang Feng to the ground with all his strength, walked up to Huang Rong, and stroked her hair.

"Husband, what are they going to do?" Huang Rong put the sword back into the scabbard and said, pulling Li Zhenwu's hand.

After Wanyan Honglie heard Huang Rong's words, suddenly Wanyan Honglie took a step forward and said, "Li Daxia, as long as you are willing to let me and Kang Er, gold and silver jewelry, high officials and wealth, beautiful women, as long as Li Daxia can bring it up, I can do it for you. You can do it."

"Pa!" Huang Rong drew a scabbard against Wanyan Honglie and said viciously, "Beauty?"

"Miss Huang, Xiao Wang made a mistake, and Xiao Wang made a mistake." Wanyan Honglie said immediately when she saw Huang Rong, who had a bad face.

"Look here first." Li Zhenwu didn't answer Wanyan Honglie's words, walked over to Ouyang Feng who was still vomiting blood, and said this lightly.

"Cough, the old man fell into your hands today, the old man...cough...accepted." Ouyang Feng saw Li Zhenwu walking straight towards him, knowing that it was useless for him to beg for mercy, so he said stubbornly.

"Senior Ouyang has a lot of backbone, but I don't know if he has backbone." Li Zhenwu sucked Ouyang Ke, who was beside him, as soon as he absorbed his inner strength, and said while holding Ouyang Ke.

"Uncle, save me, save me." Ouyang Ke looked at Li Zhenwu in fear, not looking at the current form at all, just crying out for help.

"Let go of Ke'er, let go of Ke'er." Ouyang Feng stood up struggling, swayingly preparing to rescue Ouyang Ke from Li Zhenwu's hand.

Li Zhenwu was dodging back and forth, but now Ouyang Feng was full of thoughts. Ouyang Ke in Li Zhenwu's hands, gradually Ouyang Feng could no longer support it, as if he was about to fall in the next second.

"Husband, let's just kill him directly!" Huang Rong couldn't bear it any longer. Although Huang Rong was the kind of person who didn't care about herself, she couldn't bear to see this scene.

"Okay." At this time, he put down Ouyang Ke and looked directly into Ouyang Feng's eyes.

Li Zhenwu did that just to attack Ouyang Feng's mind and make Ouyang Feng become Ouyang mad.

Now Ouyang Feng has lost his mind because of Ouyang Ke. It happened that Li Zhenwu used the soul-moving method in the Nine Yin Sutra, and Li Zhenwu's eyes were emitting a strange light at this time.

After a while, Ouyang Feng was completely attracted by Li Zhenwu's eyes, and he looked like he was dementia.

"Moving the soul!" Huang Rong said in surprise. After Li Zhenwu got the Jiuyin scripture, in addition to the one for Huang Yaoshi, he also wrote a copy for Huang Rong, so Huang Rong could see that Li Zhenwu was using the method of moving the soul. .

After a cup of tea, I heard Ouyang Feng call out there, "Who am I? I am the number one in the world, I am the number one in the world, I practice the Jiuyin Zhenjing, all of your practice is fake, Fake!" Although Ouyang Feng is still injured, but because of his madness, he is in good spirits now...

"Husband is this?" Huang Rong asked.

"If you want to kill Ouyang Feng directly, I think it's hard for my father-in-law to explain it. It's fine now, how good is it that Ouyang Feng is not dead and there is no threat?" Li Zhenwu directly threw the pot on Huang Yaoshi's head.

"I see." Huang Rong nodded after listening.

"Uncle, uncle." Ouyang Ke was a little nervous when he was grabbed by Li Zhenwu, when he heard Ouyang Feng's words, he called out immediately.

"Who is your uncle, I'm not, I'm number one in the world, number one in the world." Ouyang Feng glanced at Ouyang Ke, then said frantically as he ran.

"Rong'er, close your eyes." After Li Zhenwu finished dealing with Ouyang Feng, he looked at Ouyang Ke and said.

"?" There seemed to be a greeting on Huang Rong's head, but she didn't say anything, just looked at Li Zhenwu with her big eyes.

"Hey, he actually dared to be rude to Rong'er. I want to castrate him. You are not suitable for watching the next scene, Rong'er." Li Zhenwu smiled at Ouyang Keyin, then turned to Huang Rong and said. .

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