"What is castration?" Huang Rong still asked.

"Honey, close your eyes, and you'll be fine." Li Zhenwu directly covered Huang Rong's eyes and said.

Li Zhenwu's inner strength was stimulated, and a sword energy appeared in his index finger, which went directly to the middle of Ouyang Ke's thighs, and then saw a small earthworm falling to the ground. Li Zhenwu waved his hand at 5.6 and shook the small earthworm into powder.

Wanyan Honglie and the others, who were watching from the side, had not woken up from the fact that Ouyang Feng had gone mad, but they saw Ouyang Ke's thighs were blood red, so they shuddered, their legs were only clamped, and they watched in horror. Li Zhenwu.

"Okay, Rong'er." Li Zhenwu let go of his hand.

"Husband, you are... necrotic." Huang Rong opened her eyes and immediately saw what happened to Ouyang Ke. Seeing the blood on Ouyang Ke's place, she gently slapped Li Zhenwu and said angrily.

"You guys." Li Zhenwu pointed at Wanyan Honglie and the others, but before they spoke, Sha Tongtian and the Four Ghosts of the Yellow River immediately pointed at Ouyang Ke and said, "Kill or cut whatever you want, but if you want us to be like him, We will fight with you."

"Leave the box, you all get out." Li Zhenwu pointed at the box and said.

Chapter 36 Iron Palm

After Li Zhenwu said those words, Wanyan Honglie and the others immediately put down the box and ran out in a hurry.

"Come back." Li Zhenwu said.

When the group heard Li Zhenwu's words, their faces turned ashen, and they felt that their crotch was a little cold now, and they turned their heads stiffly and looked at Li Zhenwu.

"Take him too." Li Zhenwu pointed at Ouyang Ke and said.

When several people heard this, they were immediately relieved, dragged Ouyang Ke in a hurry, and then disappeared in front of Li Zhenwu.

"Husband, open it and take a look." Huang Rong said to Li Zhenwu when she saw that everyone had left.

"Rong'er, there is nothing inside." Li Zhenwu said without opening the box.

"No, could it be they took it away?" Huang Rong said after listening to Li Zhenwu's words, but she didn't care that Li Zhenwu didn't open the box, and pointed in the direction of the cave's exit.

"No, 14 is because of this box, there is nothing at all." Li Zhenwu explained.

"What about Wu Mu's suicide note?" Huang Rong asked.


Pulling back the curtains of the carriage, looking at the Wuzhi Mountains surrounded by clouds and mist in the distance, Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and said, "Rong'er, we are here."

Li Zhenwu told Huang Rong the whereabouts of Wu Mu's suicide note, and Huang Rong was clamoring to come over. Originally, Li Zhenwu was going to find Guo Jing, and he was absorbing a wave of Guo Jing's luck, because Li Zhenwu destroyed Wanyan Honglie and the others in the palace. Therefore, as long as Li Zhenwu stands in front of Guo Jing, he will be able to absorb his luck again.

In the end, he thought about it, Guo Jing can become a hero, in addition to martial arts, there is also the role of Wu Mu's suicide note, so Li Zhenwu brought Huang Rong directly to Iron Palm Peak.

"It's finally here." Huang Rong said. Working on a horse-drawn carriage made Huang Rong exhausted every day. Now that she finally arrived at her destination, she immediately said happily.

So Li Zhenwu took Huang Rong out of the car and walked towards Iron Palm Peak on foot.

From a distance, Tie Palm Peak is not very big, but when we walked in, it was still very big, and there were many trees. Li Zhenwu took Huang Rong and walked all the way to the base camp of the Iron Palm Gang.

The rules of the gang are very strict, and the Iron Palm Gang is no exception, so when the guard at the gate of the Iron Palm Gang asked Li Zhenwu for a greeting card, Li Zhenwu ignored the guard at all.

"Rong'er, do you think we should fight or fight?" Li Zhenwu asked.

"Fight up. Last time, because my father took me away, I didn't teach Qiu Qianzhang a lesson. This time I must teach Qiu Qianzhang a good lesson." Huang Rong said through gritted teeth.

"Husband, that's not right, your two options were the same just now." Huang Rong recalled Li Zhenwu's question at this moment, and immediately asked back.

"Don't worry about those details, let's go up the mountain." Li Zhenwu brushed the guard down a few times and waved to Huang Rong.

"What kind of blind thing dares to come to my iron palm to help trouble?"

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

"Hmph! You dare to call the gang leader's name directly, it seems that you are tired of living! You killed the man, and the woman brought me alive."


Li Zhenwu knocked down the guards just now, and he didn't hide his figure at all. When the dark post not far away saw it, he immediately performed light work, ran towards the mountain gate, and shouted loudly.

"Rong'er, someone's here." Li Zhenwu said as he looked at the dozen people who rushed over.

"Husband, I'm here, I'm going to beat them to the ground." Some people just said foul language, completely annoyed Huang Rong, Huang Rong gritted her teeth.

Afterwards, the sword shadow flickered on Huang Rong's hand, and after a while, more than a dozen people were covered in color. Huang Rong saw that they were so weak, and snorted coldly, "Who said to catch this woman just now, and..."

"Come on, Rong'er, you still rarely see blood on your hands." Li Zhenwu held Huang Rong's hand and broke the dantian of those few people with one palm.

The rest of the people looked at Li Zhenwu, who had never made a move, and so ruthlessly abolished the martial arts of a few people. They didn't care that they were still bleeding, and fled up the mountain with both hands and feet.


Inside Qiu Qianren's stone house of the Iron Palm Gang, two black-clothed children were surrounding a large boiler. A charcoal fire was burning under the boiler. A child was pushing and pulling the bellows with all his strength. The iron sand, another child kept stirring with a shovel, and the iron sand was steaming hot, accompanied by a rustling sound.

Qiu Qianren sat cross-legged with his eyes closed beside the boiler, exhaling and inhaling slowly towards the hot air rising from the boiler. Every time Qiu Qianren took a breath, steam would rise from the top of his head, which was different from the smoke from Qiu Qianzhang's mouth before. real Kong Fu.After a while, Qiu Qianren raised her hands high, only to see that her ten fingers were red, exuding bursts of heat, Qiu Qianren felt the temperature of her fingers, opened her eyes suddenly, stood up, and inserted her hands into the iron sand in the boiler.

Qiu Qianren seemed to feel that the 620 iron sand was still not hot enough, and ordered the children to increase the firepower.

After a while, the iron sand became hotter and hotter. Qiu Qianren resisted the burning sensation in his hands, and his face showed no change. Let the iron sand be tempered, a quarter of an hour passed. Qiu Qianren pulled out his palms, waved his palms and hit the suspension A small cloth bag in mid-air, this palm moved quite a bit, but the small cloth bag didn't move at all, and it didn't shake at all.

"Report." A disciple ran over at this time and knelt on the ground.


At this time, Qiu Qianren from inside the stone house quickly came out and slapped the disciple on the chest with his palm. He saw the disciple fly upside down. Qiu Qianren opened his mouth and said, "You must not trespass when you are practicing. Have you forgotten the rules of the gang?"

"Cough cough... Back to the gang leader someone... broke in." The disciple said with difficulty.

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